The Church neither states nor suggests that there is a permanence to the experience of SSA. The Church makes no remark or observation on that point. The Church’s teachings as they pertain to same sex sexual relations are no different according to the permanence or otherwise of the experience of SSA.…In this section of the Catechism 2357 I believe the Magisterium defines “homosexuality”:
“Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive (or predominant) sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex.”
I leave out the words “or predominant”, for me they are not quantifiable, this just makes the
group size smaller and clarifies the definition. For me an “exclusive … sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex” precludes an attraction toward persons of the opposite sex. I understand that one can put a time constraint on an exclusivity the Church does not in this case. To the contrary the Church accepts a new type of person the “homosexual person”. My understanding is that until this “new” teaching the only type of persons that the Church has recognized are male and female created by the Lord for the gift of procreation.
The fact that the Church does not address permanence/impermance does not imply a position in favour of permanence! Your reference to a “new type of person” (to be compared with male and female) does however assume a permanence is being implied or asserted. You have no basis for that. But even if permanence (in the sense that I understand my opposite sex attraction is permanent) is the reality for some individuals (despite perhaps their ardent desire to the contrary) - so what? The behaviour - chastity - that one is called to each day remains the same.
The Church recognises “male and female” sexes, fertile and infertile, impotent and potent; those of ambiguous sex, and possibly other variants of the human condition. And it also recognises men and women who experience sexual attractions to the same sex. And it may well recognise those who seem to experience no sexual attraction at all (asexual). Again - so what?