What do you make of it that many (actually one can make the argument that it is a majority in the west) Catholics have this view (i.e., the one that I am tabling)?
A Priest told me “It is an ‘earthly fact’ that there are homosexual people” I believe that this Priest is
correct; unfortunately he also believes this to be true. The Magisterium at one time agree to the
“earthly fact” that the sun circled the earth in time they corrected this error. I know that in the Lord’s
time He will have this error corrected by the Magisterium. I believe the Magisterium encouraging
confused individuals to believe they are something that doesn’t exist a much more harmful error.
The first thing one must discern is God real; if someone believes there is no God then is anyone’s
morality better that anyone else’s? I would say no.
If one accepts the Truth of God then one must decide if they follow the Lord’s Morality or set up a
morality of their own. I believe following the Lord’s Morality is the better path.
How do we know God’s Morality? Jesus established the Holy Apostolic Catholic Church to be the
keeper of the Sacred Deposit of Faith this Faith is eternal and unchangeable.
Is exclusive same sex attraction(SSA) in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith?
I believe exclusive same sex attraction is not in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith.
I believe the Church should be in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith based on CCC 84:
The apostles entrusted the “Sacred deposit” of the faith (the depositum fidei),45 contained in Sacred Scripture
and Tradition, to the whole of the Church. “By adhering to [this heritage] the entire holy people, united to its
pastors, remains always faithful to the teaching of the apostles, to the brotherhood, to the breaking of bread and
the prayers. So, in maintaining, practising and professing the faith that has been handed on, there should be a
remarkable harmony between the bishops and the faithful.”
Does the Sacred Deposit of Faith reference an exclusive SSA? No
Does the Sacred Deposit of Faith reference SSA and SS behavior? Yes
See Genesis 18; 19. While the SSA and SS behavior are offensive to the Lord, it is the lack of righteousness that
brought the men of Sodom to SSA and SS behavior; which is the reason the Lord destroyed Sodom. No exclusive
See Romans 1:18-32. Here St. Paul explains how rejection of the Lord allows people to fall into SSA and SS
behavior and other sinful behavior. No exclusive SSA.
See the book of Jude. Here St. Jude talks directly about preserving the Sacred Deposit of Faith which is already
being attacked at the birth of the Church and references Sodom as to what can happen when we turn from the
Lord and the Sacred Deposit of Faith. No exclusive SSA.
See 2 Peter 2. Like St. Jude St. Peter warns against separation from the Lord and the Sacred Deposit of Faith and
reference to Sodom as a consequence. No exclusive SSA.
I have been told by numerous people that this mythical “homosexual person” is a proven scientific fact. Most
refuse to present this scientific “evidence”. When pushed to supply substance I am told of a study based on
brainwaves of people watching SS pornography and another looking at brain structure that the author admits is
not conclusive. I believe these studies are neither substantive nor conclusive.
This “new” teaching by the Magisterium replaces separation from the Lord with some amorphic “psychological
2358(CCC) originally said:
“They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial”
The present version says:
“This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial”
Clearly the Magisterium recognized the error of the overt statement but left the obvious sentiment that is
in 2357-2359 of the CCC.
I believe The Lord calls us to Faith and Truth not to a blind faith. Hiding behind “Church teaching” if the
Magisterium is blinded by political correctness, or whatever the case here, only serves the evil one not the Lord.
The Magisterium refuses to address my concern. People can rationalize their view however they want to ease
their conscience Satan will give more help than we need even if we don’t ask, Satan is a convincing liar.
Does the Church’s new “exclusive homosexual person” exist?
I don’t think so. I believe the Magisterium should correct this error for the Lord and refrain from encouraging
confused individuals to believe they are a mythical “homosexual person” with an exclusive SSA. I believe the
Magisterium is not serving the Lord or His Church in this instance.
In the Gospel of Lk 18:8 Jesus asks a question:
“But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”
Before now I would have never thought the Lord was referring to the Magisterium.
In all sincerity I ask; who does this Magisterium serve?
God bless