Why won’t USCCB state it’s a sin to vote for ProChoice candidate?

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Good point. Was there anything the Republicans did in these areas? Remember, they had 2 full years of controlling the House, Senate, and Presidency to accomplish this sort of thing.
Its not just those 2 years. The GOP has controlled the House, Senate and Presidency (all 3 at once) for 8 of the last 20 years (compared to 2 for the Dems). The Supreme Court has been majority-GOP appointees for 30 years.
This round of elections has a new party that is in my opinion a direct answer to what Catholics have been praying for, in the American Solidarity Party. A party in every way aligned to Catholic Social Teaching and led by genuine pro life candidate. They will have the option for write ins in nearly every state. That’ll be the litmus test of whether Catholic voters are really interested in a prolife party or really just pretending, to hide their secular political agendas.
They’re expecting a decent number of those states to not just be write-ins, but to have direct ballot access (i.e. Brian Carroll being listed as the candidate on the ballot itself)
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USCCB tries to stay out of politics. Which is probably the way it should be.
No it doesn’t, nor has it ever.

Politics affects human lives, human welfare, human rights, human dignity, social justice, as well as religious liberties. The often-repeated untruth that “the Church is above politics” has never actually been said or endorsed by the Church. In addition to the obvious elitism and pride of such a statement, it is also uncharitable and neglectful.

But, since ecclesial leaders in the Church aren’t the competent authority for civil government, the USCCB tends to error on the side of caution and maintains some vagueness when speaking about political issues. That doesn’t mean they always stay silent.
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Um, you are the one who claimed Mr(?) Beto’s policy was:
I stated what he has said. you don’t believe him?

his policies are in-line with the DNC platform. you made the claim democrats didn’t support Beto’s policies. I see them as the same as Biden’s, how are they different?
Again, this seems to be from a book or an article, can you please link an article from a non-blog source?
google “Gruber and stupid Americans”. it is readily available.
Once again, I ask you, which specific Federal programs would you like to discuss. (FYI, there is no Federal Program named “welfare”.) OP EDs from a partisan think tank, I know that is another favorite internet debate tactic.
As for Mr Trump’s support for same sex marriage, that has nothing to do with Catholicism. You implied that support for same sex marriage was a “democrat” thing.
trump has a similar approach to LGBT as catholicism.

do you see a difference between the position of the democrats and republicans as it concerns LGBT? do you see the difference between the Democrat’s position and the catholic church? is the GOP or Dems closer to the church?
his policies are in-line with the DNC platform. you made the claim democrats didn’t support Beto’s policies. I see them as the same as Biden’s, how are they different?

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) TheLittleLady:
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The proof of voter support is in the primary results.

You go back and forth, first defending Mr Trump’s position because he is not Catholic, then saying
trump has a similar approach to LGBT as catholicism.
It is very apparent that your will has been fixed wrt voting for Mr Trump. That is your right as an American citizen.

I support religious freedom, part of which is that I can follow the guidance of the USCCB and my bishop and my pastor and my associate pastor and my deacon to vote for someone other than Mr Trump.

Edit to add: The link to a CPA’s personal website is good for him, seems to generate income by selling the books he self publishes.

The tone is very much the core “boot strapping” doctrine.

Here is one paragraph:

Cash is more valuable to the poor than are in-kind benefits such as a voucher for housing, food or pre-school. Today a low-income single mom could qualify her family for [SNAP], [TANF], [Housing Assistance], [Lifeline], [LIHEAP] …

SNAP: Snap faces drastic cuts soon. According to this research group, in 2018 SNAP averaged 1.40 per meal for a recipient. Would you be willing to feed your family for a month on $1.40 per person per meal (no eating from the deepfreeze or pantry) Having worked with hundreds of people who receive SNAP, I can vouch that these numbers align with my experience.

TANF: This is temporary, it is not meant as a long term solution

Housing = HUD. The waitlist in my small town is 3 years, it works for those who can weather the wait list. Could you show me from the HUD website where people lose HUD for marriage?

Lifeline Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers | Federal Communications Commission I’m really okay with making sure folks have a basic phone line.Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers | Federal Communications Commission

LIHEAP helps pay one utility bill (electricity or gas) once each year.

Space will not allow me to explain the other assistance, but, some reading may help folks understand that there is far more to assistance than the “welfare mom” trope.

This line from the website you referenced: “The poor are scrappy and hardy and many times can stretch a dollar a long way. But they can’t use that skill with the bulk of the welfare system.” reflects a certain sort of privilege and snobbery. That tone is reflected all over the website, I hope the author comes to know Jesus and the Social Doctrine of the Church, beginning with the preferential option for the poor.
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The proof of voter support is in the primary results.
you don’t seem to want to discuss the policies of the democrats. the candidates are all pushing the DNC party line. the policies are all the same and unless you can point out how they are different we are going in circles. I don’t follow people, the democrat elected will push the party line. even the GOP candidate generally would,
I support religious freedom, part of which is that I can follow the guidance of the USCCB and my bishop and my pastor and my associate pastor and my deacon to vote for someone other than Mr Trump.
nobody says you have to vote for Trump, the question is can you vote for a pro-abortion candidate that will expand abortion.

the bishops, in agreement with the pope, prioritized abortion this past fall, abortion isn’t one sin among many. the democrats are voting to expand access, time-frame and now death after birth, infanticide. vote how you will.
The tone is very much the core “boot strapping” doctrine
you asked for an example of the marriage penalty, his example is a clear example of the problem with the work and marriage penalties.

I understand the programs and I also understand how they are anti-family, you didn’t address the data so we are at an impasse.
I hope the author comes to know Jesus and the Social Doctrine of the Church, beginning with the preferential option for the poor.
there are many solutions on how to help the poor. one thing is certain, you need to be alive to be helped.

what is the fate of unbaptized babies killed by their mothers/fathers/etc? are they ensured heaven? 60,000,000 babies are in this limbo because we really don’t know their fate. however, if they are allowed to live, they will have the chance to accept Jesus.

good day, God Bless the children killed by abortion.
1261 As regards children who have died without Baptism, the Church can only entrust them to the mercy of God, as she does in her funeral rites for them. Indeed, the great mercy of God who desires that all men should be saved, and Jesus’ tenderness toward children which caused him to say: "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them,"63 allow us to hope that there is a way of salvation for children who have died without Baptism. All the more urgent is the Church’s call not to prevent little children coming to Christ through the gift of holy Baptism. (CCC)
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the policies are all the same
Then why wasn’t the vote evenly split? If everyone in the field had exactly the same positions on every question, why did different people get different levels of support?
Then why wasn’t the vote evenly split? If everyone in the field had exactly the same positions on every question, why did different people get different levels of support?
personal characteristics, (likability, style, etc). the core message is the same.

I may be wrong, please explain the differences in their policies and the DNC platform if you see major differences
Differences don’t have to be major to be significant, and individual candidates can follow the basic platform and still have differences with other candidates. And no, I am not going to go through each of the multitude of Democratic candidates and compare their individual nuances of implementation plans to the national DNC platform. Because I don’t care.
the bishops, in agreement with the pope, prioritized abortion this past fall, abortion isn’t one sin among many.
No kidding…

Abortion and LGBQism should be shouted from the rooftops from every pulpit in the world…

Yet? Americans Still Vote for Pro-Abortion Candidates…

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