because same-sex marriage is now legal in Idaho following a ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Defendant has privately told the Knapps and publicly stated that the Knapps must perform religious, same-sex marriage ceremonies or violate the Ordinance, which bans places of public accommodation from discriminating based on sexual orientation.
The Knapps cannot perform same-sex marriage ceremonies and publicly bless same-sex marriages without violating their personal religious belief that marriage is a sacred union established by God between man and woman, their church’s doctrine, their ordination vows, and their consciences. When a prospective customer called and asked if The Hitching Post would perform a same-sex wedding ceremony on October 17, 2014, they accordingly declined that request. For this single act, the Ordinance subjects the Knapps to up to 6 months in jail and $1,000 in fines.