no matter how much neurologists tell us and show us how very connected the mind and the brain truly are… they always feel disconnected
You are taking analogies that are useful in describing the structure of reality as being reality itself.
The brain and the mind are one in the person.
If I say, there is a pressure on your backside you will feel the chair pressing on you. Areas of the brain that involve the directing of attention have unblocked the sensory (name removed by moderator)ut from that area to the cortex. It was unnecessary data for your functioning until the idea entered your mind, which being one with the body opened the connection. If every sensation were active, we wouldn’t be able to function. As the brain does what it does, we as a whole person, feel, perceive and do stuff.
Understanding the person as body and mind can get us stuck trying to imagine how they relate. They do so in the reality of the person, sitting here at the monitor.
Thinking about matter as chunks of stuff helps in understanding the building blocks of the world. When thinking about constructing things, fixing a car or operating on someone’s brain, the idea of processes is more important. When we try to understand what it does, matter can be better understood as information.
What is informed is being. The existence of things is not as a quality they posses, but is their fundamental reality. The particular qualities that matter has can be thought of as information coming into being. Such stuff as quarks, bosons and leptons would be like basic information given to the entity that is an atom, which exists as a whole in itself and can be organized into larger units. Proteins are organic molecules whose configuration, the orientation of electrochemical forces, provides for the structure or physiology of the cell. So they inform the cell, which is a higher level of being, whole in itself, doing what it does. We as collections of cells are informed by their processes to be what we are, beings who are whole as persons. Matter in this light is like the data for the spirit as computer.
The matter in our bodies does different things in reality, a lot of it is silent doing (hormones, muscles, bones, digestive system and so on) reflecting our existence within the physical world of time and space. These processes allow us to interact with the world in such a manner that we incorporate matter that is outside to develop, grow and maintain our bodies. The nervous system may be though of as the processing of sensory, emotional, word and thought data.
We are relational beings, playing out the drama that is our lives as a self. There exists a psychological structure to our lives in addition to the physical.
What we have are two dimensions of one thing - the person.
All this is subsumed by the over-arching spiritual dimension, the being-ness of the moment, our capacity to connect to what is other. The knower-knowing-the-known, grounded in the Ground that is the Triune Godhead.
The mind does not move the body as the body does not move the mind. Each is an aspect of the person, whom they affect and consequently impact on one another.