Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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the ToE to make predictions
The theory of evolution is not what leads to predictions, it is the underlying science which has been distorted to fit the story.

Put diverse colonies of bacteria into a Petrie dish. Eventually, you come up with a resistant strain, not because of some random chemical alterations of the genetic code under the selective pressure of evolution but because they share genetic material that was already present in some members of that population. It is all a variation of that, stuff that is pre-exiting and works either stops working or gets triggered.
Yes buffalo. But there are many different categories of bacteria.

That is like claiming all animals are the same.

Sorry not sure how to quote.
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Preprogrammed? Can you send a link?

I’ve never heard of this. Not sure how it could/would work. Even it our alleles were programmed to switch on/off (which does happen) and create new amino acid sequences we would still pass the original DNA on. Considering that DNA goes through meiosis from diploid cells with their original sequences.

Can you explain further?
But don’t ask me to cite one specific from any one of them to back my claim.
“I have also said that you can take these examples IN ORDER and discuss them if you want to show that they do not.”

In order. That means start with the first one. The very existence of the paper (plus all the others) is the evidence. But show us how it is NOT using tbe ToE to make predictions. Short of saying that they don’t exist I’m not sure how you’re going to do it, but start whenever you are ready.
Schools are only allowed to teach our children “partial” truths.
Schools are only allowed to teach materialism and utilitarianism, under the guise of science.
‘A course in Religion is compulsory for students at Waverley College’.

My son’s alma mater.
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Yes buffalo. But there are many different categories of bacteria.

That is like claiming all animals are the same.

Sorry not sure how to quote.
“Dinosaurs evolved into birds? Well, they are still animals!”

I’m afraid that is the standard of scientific knowledge we are dealing with, ewohdrol. Although some of the IDers here would probably think that a bird isn’t an animal in the first place.
Everything exists as itself in its time and place.
It does what it does, and what that is can be considered information that we can know.
DNA and the associated cellular components and structures are information in action.
They are a living program to incorporate matter from the surroundings to maintain the cell and allow it to reproduce.
This occurs as various processes are turned on and off resulting in the specific changes that cause an embryo to become a baby.

We as persons, a unity which can be understood in terms of being, mind and matter, have a relational nature which unites us through these aspects of our nature to the cosmos, everything other than the self. That structure is who and what we are and gives us the capacity to know, act as causal agents and thereby to give ourselves becoming one with what is other.

This is all given and our humanity, which is the organizational principle that is expressed in each of us, had a beginning. I am suggesting that the program that makes us what we are, did not gradually accumulate itself from less complex versions. That program also includes that of matter itself, the information in action that are atoms and molecules, whose electrostatic shapes define what they do. Those are sub-programs within others are are the unity of single cell creatures. This would be the vegetative soul of the organism, making it what it is as itself, living, growing and reproducing. These attributes and codes are included in a more complex system that defines animal life, with its instinctive sensory perceptions, feelings and behaviour. We are an even more elaborate system, still utilizing all those components, but integrated in the unity of a new eternal form of being that has the capacity to know its Source.

Humanity had a beginning and it did not happen in a haphazard manner. All this programming that is happening in the here and now, started with one man, and one couple; it did not exist temporally until the very end of God’s creative act. We are preprogrammed to be human to the bottom of the material hierarchy, with all the archetypes that define our psychology, as well as those sensory and emotional attributes that we share with the animals; this preprogramming includes those that constitute our existence as beings who can know and participate in the beautiful, the truth and the good.
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A course in Religion is compulsory for students at Waverley College’.
Religious Education is a compulsory subject in the English state education system.
I guess my observation rests on personal experience as a science guy who never had a class in religion in twenty-five years of formal education. (I can’t believe it; I hated school but at least eight of those years involved something more than being a sponge, allowing for the contribution of something of value.) Also seeing the tripe my kids were fed in comparative religion classes, makes me stand by my comment that the message that comes through from various school system, including Catholic boards, is materialism and utilitarianism. At least for those in the sciences, which may explain why there are so many atheists in those fields.

If one looks into their hearts, what message did they truly get from that “education”. Especially the posters above; their other comments betray the reality of what they were taught.
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Dinosaurs evolved into birds?
Maybe dinosaurs “evolved” from birds, with some of the latter remaining. Maybe dinosaurs were really flightless birds. The process that brings about a fossil requires very specific conditions to be in place. Birds with their finer features and bone structure, might not make the cut for immortality in stone. Thinking about all the cars and trucks and boats and planes all over the world, we see the overwhelming common end to life on earth. I’m not saying that’s what happened, but why not? And, why not the creation of kinds of living beings with the potential to diversify in successive generations?
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Maybe dinosaurs “evolved” from birds…
You won’t believe this but some people think you can’t make predictions based on the ToE. But let’s say you could. You know, just for the fun of it.

Then if evidence pointed to birds evolving from dinosaurs then we could predict that no bird fossils would be found that dated before any dinosaur fossils. If that prediction came true, or at least was true at this point in time, then it wouldn’t prove evolution but it would be further evidence for it.

And you’ll never guess what…
I think when people may comment on the predictive value of the ToE, it has to do with usefulness. It’s a matter of being able to manipulate variables and get a predicted result. Clearly where we can actually do that now, it’s a matter of the science that is used to support the theory rather than the theory itself. The science can also be made to fit creation, which I see as a more comprehensive theory.

As to the coherence within the ToE, the essential assumptions are never questioned. Even if bird fossils were found predating those of dinosaurs, it would not alter the theory, but simply switch some of the ideas around. When I was a kid fascinated seeing dinosaurs at the museum, there was no talk of their being present now in the form of birds. It seems that that concept was popularized by the movie Jurassic Park.
Dinosaurs evolved into birds?
Maybe dinosaurs “evolved” from birds, with some of the latter remaining. Maybe dinosaurs were really flightless birds. The process that brings about a fossil requires very specific conditions to be in place. Birds with their finer features and bone structure, might not make the cut for immortality in stone.
These “maybes” have been resolved by scientists who actually work in this field. We have lots of fossils of small delicate creatures from eons before the dinosaurs. The science of dating from the the layers in which the fossils are found is quite developed.
he very existence of the paper (plus all the others) is the evidence.
Good. You never have addressed ANY of the vast amount of papers supporting design, the number of papers I have shown the modern synthesis is crumbling, the peer review crisis, and more…
These “maybes” have been resolved by scientists who actually work in this field. We have lots of fossils of small delicate creatures from eons before the dinosaurs. The science of dating from the the layers in which the fossils are found is quite developed.
I wonder what scientists in 1000 years will speculate when they start digging at Mt St Helen’s It last erupted millions of years ago? and no humans were around to see it. lol
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Yes buffalo. But there are many different categories of bacteria.

That is like claiming all animals are the same.

Sorry not sure how to quote.
Indeed, categories… Still bacteria and not changing gradually into something much greater with new and novel features.
These “maybes” have been resolved by scientists who actually work in this field. We have lots of fossils of small delicate creatures from eons before the dinosaurs. The science of dating from the the layers in which the fossils are found is quite developed.
I wonder what scientists in 1000 years will speculate when they start digging at Mt St Helen’s It last erupted millions of years ago? and no humans were around to see it. lol
Go ahead and wonder. What good will that do?
he very existence of the paper (plus all the others) is the evidence.
Good. You never have addressed ANY of the vast amount of papers supporting design, the number of papers I have shown the modern synthesis is crumbling, the peer review crisis, and more…
You really are struggling with this, aren’t you. You even seem confused about what you denied. Which again I will have to repeat.

You denied that you could make predictions using the ToE. That is patently untrue as there are countless examples and you have been given well over a hundred.So by that very fact you are wrong.

It’s as if I claimed that ID cannot make predictions.Which it obviously can. And all you would have to do to prove it is to give an example. Could you do that? With your cutting and pasting skills I’m pretty certain that a quick visit to ID central will cough up enough examples.

And do you think I’d be dumb enough to want prove that these predictions have actually been observed to determine whether the predictions themselves actually exist? No.

I’d be a complete moron to deny it.
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