Everything exists as itself in its time and place.
It does what it does, and what that is can be considered information that we can know.
DNA and the associated cellular components and structures are information in action.
They are a living program to incorporate matter from the surroundings to maintain the cell and allow it to reproduce.
This occurs as various processes are turned on and off resulting in the specific changes that cause an embryo to become a baby.
We as persons, a unity which can be understood in terms of being, mind and matter, have a relational nature which unites us through these aspects of our nature to the cosmos, everything other than the self. That structure is who and what we are and gives us the capacity to know, act as causal agents and thereby to give ourselves becoming one with what is other.
This is all given and our humanity, which is the organizational principle that is expressed in each of us, had a beginning. I am suggesting that the program that makes us what we are, did not gradually accumulate itself from less complex versions. That program also includes that of matter itself, the information in action that are atoms and molecules, whose electrostatic shapes define what they do. Those are sub-programs within others are are the unity of single cell creatures. This would be the vegetative soul of the organism, making it what it is as itself, living, growing and reproducing. These attributes and codes are included in a more complex system that defines animal life, with its instinctive sensory perceptions, feelings and behaviour. We are an even more elaborate system, still utilizing all those components, but integrated in the unity of a new eternal form of being that has the capacity to know its Source.
Humanity had a beginning and it did not happen in a haphazard manner. All this programming that is happening in the here and now, started with one man, and one couple; it did not exist temporally until the very end of God’s creative act. We are preprogrammed to be human to the bottom of the material hierarchy, with all the archetypes that define our psychology, as well as those sensory and emotional attributes that we share with the animals; this preprogramming includes those that constitute our existence as beings who can know and participate in the beautiful, the truth and the good.