Gould’s stressed that his argument was not based on randomness but rather contingency ; a process by which historical outcomes arise from an unpredictable sequence of antecedent states, where any change in the sequence alters the final result (p 283).
Biologist John Maynard Smith wrote, "I agree with Gould that evolution is not in general predictable. …
Oh my word. Why do you not understand this…
Smith and Gould AND the guy that wrote the preface to those papers are absolutely certain that a predictive theory of evolution DOES NOT EXIST. Can that possibly be clearer? The guy actually wrote as much and you have quoted it:
“All of these are key elements of what MAY become a predictive theory of evolution…”
Don’t you understand what that means? It means that there IS NO predictive theory of evolution but there MIGHT be sometime in the future. Smith and Gould agree that there isn’t one now and are reasonable certain that there will not be one. I tend to agree. There are simply too many unpredictable variables. Gould is famous for suggesting that if we reran the tape of evolution then we wouldn’t get what we’ve got now.
Others are not so sure:
Tape of life may not always be random | New Scientist
But if you think that that means that you can’t the ToE to MAKE predictions then I’m wasting my time responding to these type of comments.
Look, I’m going to bend over backwards here. The ToE is an amazingly simple theory to understand. It’s taught to children. This isn’t quantum field theory. You can follow it with a relatively small knowledge of biology and associated sciences. However…
…there is a gargantuan bedrock of knowledge behind it that will find you out if you haven’t done some basic reading on the subject and have spent some time studying it. There are those in this forum who have done neither and they will deny it until they are blue in the face but to anyone who has spent some time getting up to speed with the subject, the statements they make, the questions thay ask, the claims they espouse and the arguments they make are very close to being farcical.
You are following their example and shooting from the hip without knowing enough about the subject to realise, not that you are missing the target, but that your gun isn’t even loaded.