I have read many NDE of people seeing their pets or that of a relatives pet in Heaven.There are many secrets about Heaven that we don’t know .Aloysium:![]()
I saw it pretty much that way myself, but the Biblical story of the “Peaceful Kingdom” in Isiah was always there suggesting a “What if?”. The experience I had convinced me.But, love is never lost. Those moments of companionship exist within eternity. That our particular animal friends will be resurrected however, it’s a different story.
It was the most vivid dream which I had ever had. A little background, my first pet when I was a kid through 2nd year in college was a dog called Renny whom everyone in the family really loved. After he died and my parents eventually moved from the house to an apartment and they got another dog whom they gave the same name. At the time I was teaching not far away and so I was able to get home and I was the one who trained the dog. Like the first, he was an incredible dog.
In the dream I had I saw the Renny 1 running towards me out of a tunnel of pure light on my right hand side. He was there in the room with me… I could feel him and he was jumping all over me with joy. He then ran off in front of me where he joyfully greeted Renny 2. They happily played together, jumping over each other, and then they both came to me. I could feel both of them. Then they both ran off together joyfully into the tunnel of light.
This was not like any other dream I had had where you forget the details as soon as you are awake. I remembered every detail as if it were a memory of a real event. In the morning I called my mother (my dad had passed by this time) to tell her of the incredible dream I had but she then told me that Renny 2 had been hit by a car that evening and he died during the night.
The reality of that experienced totally convinced me that the Church’s teaching that animal do not have souls is incorrect. I now feel convinced that any animal who learns to love in his own limited way will find his way to heaven as well.
I know that my experience is not any sort of proof for anyone else, but it certainly was for me.