evolution of species is still well established scientific fact …
No, it is not fact. That’s why it is called the
theories of evolution. “Species” is a construct of the human mind.
I’m sorry, but you are simply slam-dunk wrong on this. Evolution is well defined and well accepted scientific fact. The only part of this you are right about is that various scientific propositions and theories work with the well accepted science. And then when you veer off into theological propositions with it, there are many theories and tangents. But that doesn’t invalidate the scientific core of it.
If it did, then we should cast ourselves with Charles Duell, who foolishly proclaimed that "everything that has been invented (or discovered) had been invented). " Science is always broadening the inquiry. That inquiry is part of being a healthy human being.
If “species” is a construct of the human mind , then in like manner so is “man” and “woman”. And here you illustrate well the scandal that ignorance causes, because you cannot expect to make the case for common sense realities like the differentiation of sex if you refuse to accept the world around you as it should be perceived by thinking human beings. You simply veer off into superstition and fideism, and the Church condemns both.
the Catholic Church is open to this legitimate scientific inquiry …
The Church does not make technical judgements.
And that’s exactly the point that you misunderstand. What I said above is:
“the Catholic Church
is open to this legitimate scientific inquiry …” The Church leaves scientific judgments to science. So you are techinically correct, but you oddly are making a leap of judgment the Church does not make.
and accepts the evolution of species
The Church teaches that evolution science does not explain the existence of the human being.
Not exactly true. The Church allows science to explain the material side of humanity.
Remember: a human being is a unity of body and soul.
In any case, you have read all of this many times through tiring debate, and you are obstinately attached to an anti-ecclesial view of the matter. That’s your choice.