Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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Our IQ is limited.

Soooo … we don’t understand “Divine Physics”.

Where do cosmic rays and gravity waves come from?

WHAT is “dark matter”? After all, dark matter accounts for 80% of what is “out there”? [We can only guess at the other 20% and are barely collecting data.][We are barely above the “cargo cult” … fighting over who has the best data … and faking it to make our points.]

WHY is planet Earth so perfect for “our form” of life? [Distance from our star, atmospheric composition, diameter & volcanic & tectonic activity, WATER!!!, rotation & the wobble, edible plants, ]

NASA comes up with more and more questions.

Tesla gave us a few places to look and new disciplines of physics.

How free is “free energy”?

Our planet is 7,000 miles in diameter; we have only drilled down a very few FEET!

Underground deposits of oil mysteriously refill and we cannot figure out how.


We have the Pacific Ocean “gyre” that concentrates garbage in one place, but we cannot figure out how to pick up the trash which has been neatly collected for us!

What happened the last time that the Earth’s magnetic field flipped its poles? How long ago was that? What will happen the next time? When will that take place? [There is a complete geologic record in Hawaii.]

Why do the continents drift? What will happen when the Great Rift Valley opens up?
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I don’t get it? Are suggesting that we should dump the theory of evolution because somebody doesn’t have any practical use for it?
Of what use is heliocentrism? Sure we got some cool pictures of some other planets but really how does it make my iPhone faster or my microwave burrito tastier?
I don’t get it? Are you suggesting that we should dump the theory of evolution because somebody doesn’t have any practical use for it?

What a bizarre approach to science.
Please follow the thread. Posters claimed evolution is essential to science and man’s progress. edwest211 has rebutted that many times and I just supplemented his claim.
So mans progress can only can only be defined by utility value? I’d hate to live in your world.
If science doesn’t use it for anything then it is not worth bothering with. Biology deals with things that are alive today. Bioinformatics is reverse engineering the genome like it was a collection of car parts. Evolution is offering no guidance.
That’s why buggy whips aren’t made anymore. No utility, no value.
Adaptation (micro evolution)

How Bacteria Eat Penicillin

Scientists work out the specific genes and biochemical steps required for digesting the very drugs designed to kill microbes.

“Basically, if you look for it it’s there in when it comes to bacterial degradation of compounds. . . . Somebody out there will degrade just about everything,” says Jo Handelsman, a microbiologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “I don’t think that penicillin-producing strains of Penicillium are absolutely ubiquitous in soil, so it is kind of interesting that it is easy to find these degraders, even though they may not individually have encountered penicillin before.”

Guatam Dantas, a microbiologist at Washington University in St. Louis, stumbled across the phenomenon of antibiotic-eating bacteria during an earlier study looking for bacteria that can break down toxins, he explains. In that study, his group chose some antibiotics as controls to measure microbes’ responses to compounds they couldn’t eat—or so the researchers thought.

Instead, Dantas was surprised to find that some of the bacteria could, in fact, eat the drugs, and he began asking colleagues to send him soil samples from different places so his team could test for the presence of such microbes. As it turned out, they were everywhere. He also found examples of the phenomenon in the scientific literature going back to the 1960s.

“What has been missing has been any kind of mechanistic elucidation of how this occurs,” he says. So his team set out to deconstruct the steps needed to break down penicillin—selected because it and its derivatives are the largest class of antibiotics—into microbial fuel.

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If science doesn’t use it for anything then it is not worth bothering wiTh.

I don’t have anything to add. I can’t think of anything to add actually. I just wanted to repost it in case somebody missed it.
Interesting and plausible. Protein folding seems to involve electronic principles. It is not just a chemical reaction. I hope this will go on to being useful, but like anything, if there is little money to be made, or money to be lost, it may not advance very far.
Cool project: http://folding.stanford.edu/

This is why university and public funded research is important. As you suggest there’s likely not much money in this level of research. Of course discoveries that help treat alzheimers, huntington’s and other diseases will make billions, but only once the research is more complete.
There are several competing technologies and new discoveries are being made on a fairly regular basis. I’ll be watching to see who makes it to the finish line first. Billions? Unlikely. If current trends in materials research continue then it will be much less. The human body is far more intricate than previously thought. And growing more intricate as further research is being done. Patents for proven treatments is where profits will be made. But again, the simpler the solution, the lower the profits.
Evolution is a secular myth - Berlinski - It cannot tolerate religion All men are not endowed by their Creator

around 10 minute mark
I’ve seen another video with Mr. Berlinski. His presentation is clear.
If you believe in the duality of the soul and body, then how the body was made is irrelevant to what matters in your culture for the judgement of the afterlife. So why does it matter if the body was created through evolution? If you accept the literal version of the Adam and Eve story, then evolution does disprove that. But if you don’t take the bible as a science book, then you can dismiss all it’s claims to explain reality since it is irrelevant to the judgement of your soul for heaven or hell.
I find the reason that people need to argue that their cultural mythologies are scientifically based is because they are trying to address the arguments that religion was not meant to do. Religion is not a way to understand how reality works. It is just another cultural political frame work for a unification of tribal identity. Religion just needs to stay in the realm of anthropology and stay out of science.
The Church has been making comments about evolution for decades. If that doesn’t mean anything then science does not need the approval of the Church. And politics? No. Only for those who have replaced God with man. Speaking generally.
We can only account for 20% of the energy “out there”

[That’s one of the things … concepts … that Tesla was pursuing.]

[Can we harness that “missing” 80%?]
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Dark matter is still undetectable … so far.
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