Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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Not really, almost all appeared at that time (leaving possible exceptions for some microbes). Evolution explains why. “Progressive creation” does not.
Where are the fossils of the evolutionary ancestors of fish?
Why does the Cambrian explosion resemble an orchard of trees (sudden disparity/almost all the different pyhla appearing in a relatively short period of time) and not the single tree that evolution predicts?
According to evolution there must exist millions of transitional fossils between dinosaurs and birds. How many have been found?
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If you define “forms” for me, I’ll be happy to oblige. But I’m waiting because I suspect you will change after I provide it if I dont nail you down to one ahead of time.
Huh? You want me to define “forms”? It’s your term, not mine!
Oh well then that’s easy. HIV strains often evolve new forms even within a single patient. That’s why it’s so hard to cure. A paper discussing this:

and a wiki article explaining some of the language: HIV tropism - Wikipedia
Please be so kind as to point out exactly where these articles define “forms” or even use the word.
Where are the fossils of the evolutionary ancestors of fish?
Here you go:
Why does the Cambrian explosion resemble an orchard of trees (sudden disparity/almost all the different pyhla appearing in a relatively short period of time) and not the single tree that evolution predicts?
They do have precursors. More fossil evidence has emerged since Darwin, and even since Gould. But to the general point, you’re basically asking why tree branches are thickest closest to the trunk. According to evolution, we should expect the most generalized animal forms the furthest back, and see things specialize over time. Keep in mind that the different phyla are things like:
Arthropods ← everything from crustaceons to insects to centipedes
Nematoads ← round worms
Sea Urchins
a bunch of other things that are like worms
and Chordata, which are the first things that have a spine (basically just fish at this point).
You don’t have any mammals or birds or lizards or amphibians. Just something with a spine that will then diverge over time into all the spine-having animals.

Here’s a pretty good article discussing this stuff:
According to evolution there must exist millions of transitional fossils between dinosaurs and birds. How many have been found?
A lot, but keep in mind that fossilization is a very rare process, especially for land animals. Very, very few animal carcasses will become fossils, and then we have to find them.
Yeah, everything dies eventually. “Death sucks” is not exactly an argument against natural selection happening.
I find that your post in response is not only nonsensical, it’s also insulting. And, on top of that, you never dealt with what I asked, namely what evidence can you present that there’s some sort of magical wall between micro-evolution and macro-evolution?

However, since all you did was to deflect and then resort to a personal insult, this is my last response to any of your posts. Goodbye.
Why evolution didn’t make them fit for survival.
There were fit. They lived until they died, and the species still has living members. Everything dies, or hadn’t you noticed. Evolution can beat entropy in the short term, but not in the long term.

all you did was to deflect and then resort to a personal insult

Let’s see.

You posted:
First of all, will you provide scientific evidence to show that micro-evolution cannot lead into macro-evolution? All I ever see by some is this deflection into something else.
To which I responded
You are basically admitting that the “theory” is unfalsifiable. The onus on you is to demonstrate that it is, that it is indeed science.
No deflection but rather I was pointing out that I cannot comply with your request because the concept that macro and micro evolution are continuous is an assumption that is unfalsifiable.

You asked:
Do you have any children, by chance? Is so, look into a mirror, and what you see is a “transitional form” since evolution never stops.
Now since we are discussing the boundaries between micro and macroevolution, and considering that we know ourselves better than anything else, since we would be part of the process, I responded with the question:
Are you suggesting you are more or less human?
No insult here as far as I can interpret and most definitely none intended. I was making what I thought was a clear point, but as everyone who follows this thread knows, I can elaborate for as long as anyone would wish.

For some reason you asked:
Finally, do you really think that the vastly overwhelming majority of biologists and geneticists are so ignorant and/or dishonest that they don’t know what they’ve studied and concluded?
To which I answered:
They are human beings as are you and I. I’m conversing with you and I don’t think you don’t know what you’ve studied or are being dishonest.
Pretty much everything we know is by authority and that would be why you mention the "overwhelming majority of biologists and geneticists’. Be aware that I have no doubt that I would get along in perfect agreement with them were we to discuss the scientific data, assessing the evidence of any real scientific fact. The issue is that with evolution we are treading beyond the realm of science and into that of philosophy and metaphysics. At that point they being human like you and I, and each of us having our own personal relationship with reality, we might disagree. You have studied evolution, as we all have, and I assume you are sincere and not dishonest. It makes no difference to me whether I discuss evolution with you or any scientist.

I hope I have clarified the matter.
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Why evolution didn’t make them fit for survival. 🤔
Just show me one cow that existed 3 billion years ago. We know that cows definitely exist, so it shouldn’t be a problem finding fossils according to your judgement. Better yet show me a 3 billion year old platypus.
I dont think I’ve ever seen anyone with so weak a grasp on what evolution actually is as techno2000 seems to have. It is actually literally amazing. Bravo if you’re a Poe because its bizarro brilliant.
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It’s sorta like why my old alma matter doesn’t win every game. Sometimes events can happen that are too much even for the evolutionary process to save the organisms.

Evolution is not perfect-- matter of fact it’s in reality quite sloppy. When explaining this to my anthro students, I used what I call “mosaic evolution” as an example, and it goes like this: Evolution typically involves many different species and subspecies and gene pools, each evolving in their own way due to various factors, only some of which may form new species.

IOW, it’s not clean and simple and gradual like Darwin hypothesized.
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