Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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Why evolution didn’t make them fit for survival. 🤔
Evolutionary theories are distorted understandings of creation. It’s difficult to discuss what it might represent because the meaning shifts and has various implications, which are generally not thought through by its proponents. It is what is widely believed and has been taught as fact to everyone.

God has made everything fit for survival. He created the universe from its foundation in light, and the material building blocks of nature. Plants and animals were made as part of one garden, each of its kind able to participate in its environment, changing and enabling change in its offspring.

There are built in mechanisms to deal with the random behaviour of things in themselves disengaged from the organizing principles that give order to the world. Those random mutations of the pre-established information that went into the making of the first things and led to their diversity in time, physically adding chaos to the genome, arose from the fall that followed the original sin and are a manifestation of death.

Natural selection, the other pillar of evolution is a another manifestation of death, destroying that which is vulnerable and unable to heal.

The term evolution has many meanings, the scientific version describing that which renders life unfit and the process whereby it is eliminated, reducing everything to the dust from which it came.
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This is complete nonsense and a big step down in post quality for you. Nothing but baseless assertions and false representations.
If something looks designed, it was designed. God did not create a wind-up toy that would go and do whatever it wanted. God was not a bystander to His Creation.
This is complete nonsense and a big step down in post quality for you. Nothing but baseless assertions and false representations.
It is the data revealed through empirical research, seen by the light of informed reason. Your review of my interpretation is not very helpful, but has been noted.
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The data is set into stories. Yours is an evolutionary tale, mine one of creation.

Some of the data is that organisms repair themselves from the genome up. Random change outside these mechanisms is destructive, which is why it is common sense to wear protection around radiation, toxins and viruses. All this did not happen by happenstance, but was made to work that way.

The two pillars of evolution are what lie at the basis of this fallen world, death generated by sin. Seeing this world and the material to be at the centre of how things work, they are assumed to be the cause of the diversity we see on earth.

I can’t deny how I see things. The more scientific data is reported the more it confirms my belief. In fact that is how I came to my belief in creation, disillusioned by evolutionary ideas that were once integral to my understanding of life. But, it is on the philosophical level where we put all together.
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So are you a young earth creationist, thinking the world is only 6000 years old? Because the fossil record shows death before sin.
Also you’re obsessed with death, reproduction is as much the key to evolution as death.
First of all, will you provide scientific evidence to show that micro-evolution cannot lead into macro-evolution?
Thousands of years of intensive artifical breeding of plant and animals strongly suggests macroevolution is a physical impossibility. This breeding can be regarded as a massive experiment which has tested the limits of genetic variation and it provides no evidence whatsoever that supports Darwinian folklore.
Do you have any children, by chance? Is so, look into a mirror, and what you see is a “transitional form” since evolution never stops.
Darwinian nonsense.
Also, you might google “speciation” and check out the scientific links that are provided even in their Wiki article.
So Green Warblers speciating into more Green Warblers is evidence that birds evolved from a dinosaur?
you are wrong about your “disparity before diversity” comment
The Cambrian explosion resembles an orchard, not a single tree - ie, disparity before diversity - which contradicts evolutionary theory.
there’s really nothing that mysterious at all about the Cambrian Explosion
“The Cambrian explosion was the most remarkable and puzzling event in the history of life.” S. J. Gould
do you really think that the vastly overwhelming majority of biologists and geneticists are so ignorant and/or dishonest that they don’t know what they’ve studied and concluded?
You would do well to bear in mind that evolution is merely the best scientific explanation for the fossil record … which goes to show how limited and inadequate science can be when faced with the miraculous works of God. The Darwinian perspective (evolutionary biology) is like a “poor man’s version” of reality.
If your position is so scientifically compelling, then why are they overwhelmingly against your position? Are they mostly atheists?
My postion - progressive creation - is hardly “scientifically compelling”. There is no place in modern science for the activities of a Creator.
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Is this really the hill you want to die on?
For some reason you seem to have misunderstood my rather simple request. Let’s try again - Please be so kind as to point out exactly where these articles define “forms” or even use the word.
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Why evolution didn’t make them fit for survival
Here in Australia we suffer from a shortage of Punctuated Equilibrium. Had those poor horses had access to some PE, they might have quickly evolved into camels and thus survived without water for longer.
So are you a young earth creationist, thinking the world is only 6000 years old? Because the fossil record shows death before sin.
That’s not the only option.

Firstly, I would think that death may be built into nature as an aspect of change. Living forms have their moment in the sun in each successive generation. Life sacrifices itself to life, that life will thrive. Observing the relationship that exists between molds and bacteria in their shared environment, we find features in each that control their own growth and that of the other. We can understand creation as a garden, which is eternal and in a state of change.

Secondly, we know that there was a fall before that of mankind. Lucifer and his angels rebelled and were cast to earth. There was a serpent in the Garden of Eden. If we think of angels as God’s messengers, they are the means by which the universe does what it does. The demonic expresses itself not only spiritually, but also psychologically and physically. We spoke of viruses earlier, and can reasonably speculate that they arose originally from what was meant to aid diversity - horizontal gene transfer. That power or authority of nature turned from the good it was meant to confer to bacteria, to its own self interest, causing illness if not death in the process. In tending to God’s garden, we are meant to heal it.

Quantum physics and relativity already describe how weirdly time behaves compared to what we would expect from our day to day lives. I’m going to suggest things that may be even stranger to people’s thinking. Let’s start with the idea that creation occurs from eternity. Ontologically speaking everything is one, all time and space come together as everything is brought into existence by God who is in everything, includes everything and is outside everything. This very now, right here, the word that you are reading, is the connection between a finite creation, a person made in the image of God, and the Now that is in every moment that exists, from the beginning of the universe to its end, the Now that is all moments, and transcends them as It causes them all to be - a Divine Act of Love. God has created a garden universe, which we are destined to tend. Original sin is a primary ontological event that arises within us as we are brought into being and which, we being the crown of creation, has corrupted the universe from its begining to its end. The Garden scene and the crucifixion can be understood as one event. As we reached for the fruit, we drove the spike into the hand of Jesus and into our own. That choice at our foundation is at the core of every moment, where we are broken within and among ourselves and healed in Christ. Time as a journey towards salvation began historically with the first man, and at the same time transformed everything that happened before and would occur after that moment. Causation in other words is not temporal, but from eternity. Everything in time is like a trajectory, except for we who, having a spritual soul can act as causal agents, participating in creation.

Sorry, for now I can’t put more meat on these bones.
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The evidence itself shows there is a wall. Macro-evolution simply does not happen. Deal with it.
This is false. Why do you continue to say this when I have shown you an example of speciation, i.e. macroevolution. We have discussed the Marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax) as an example of the formation of a new species many times before.

Your sources are lying to you, and I have already shown you that they are lying. You need to find better sources.

The evidence itself shows there is no wall. Macroevolution simply does happen. Deal with it.

If something looks designed, it was designed.
So human observation is infallible? When we see water in a mirage there is really water present. When it looks like the sun moves round a static earth then that is correct and all those astronomers are wrong.

Science developed precisely because sometimes the way things look is not the way they are. Appearances can be deceptive. Human senses and human intuition are sometimes in error.

Sorry, for now I can’t put more meat on these bones.
That’s because there is no bone. Just an illusion of one.
Lol. Seriously though, you are. correct in a way. The words above are like fossils, the illusion of bones, here petrified as flickers in light emitting diodes. To put flesh onto them suggests that one can render them alive, and I can’t do that. There’s a Key that makes that happen.
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