CONTINUED from last post…
In DNA, you have 4 ntides, in CS you have 2 bits, and in written English, you have 26 letters. They all act as signifiers of things beyond themselves in their arrangement. It seems to me very clear that no arrangement of the ntides could signify “eye” rather than “hair colour” without a language!
Without rules that say:
When the 4 ntides are arranged this way rather than that way, they signify “eye”. Without such rules, it’d be impossible for a human geneticist to “crack” the code in the same way people crack old unknown written languages. We know humans create the rules/language when it comes to written English and CS. We don’t know who created the language of the DNA. However,
we do know it is a language! Because we can read it precisely!
Yet when we ask where such creation of rules of signification of abstract info occurs except as the product of mind, we are led through tens of posts of “it’s not a code”, “it’s not a blueprint”, “it’s not instructions”, “it’s like H20”.
So two Hydrogen molecules atttach to an Oxygen molecule, is supposed to be fundamentally the same thing (we are told) just because the process of the ntides bonding like T-A is simple? But our contention is the arrangment of these bonded pairs to signify precisely very different things that have nothing to do with themselves!
Moreover, we have not just a language that is so logical that humans can decode it in a lab but we also have descriptions of specific things using that language! So each of us have our ntides arranged so uniquely in our DNA that corresponds to OUR make-up and not our mother’s or our brother’s–Just us! So now we have not just information, symbols, and a code/language/‘rules of signification’, we also have a message! (Ourselves!, from our hair to our toe). We have symbols/an alphabet (the 4 ntides), a language (the logic of signification that enables reading), and specific messages (An organism that has this eye colour, this height, etc etc). In other words, “meaning!”
It gets worse! This message exists prior to everything it describes! Plus it describes behaviour of other things, not just their properties, so that we now have an encoded procedure! All before the properties. This causes these other components to behave in specific ways that match that particular message and this entire enterprise builds a 3D version of the organism that is in message. So what do we have here? That’s right. Instructions!
And then we’re told H20! Gravity! Natural selection! Etc.
You don’t have to be a biologist to know you’re looking at:
- Information,
- Symbols
- Code/Language
- Message/Meaning
- Clear instructions
The question is what besides a mind creates symbols, logical rules for reading them, a specific VERY MEANINGFUL, very precise message, and instructions?