It is allegorical for a short time
So, hold on: you’ve moved from “strictly literalistic” to “allegorical”? And now, you want to tell us that
your interpretation of the allegory is the only proper one, and others are heretical?
Oh… now I understand who you are: you just want to cast the Bible in your own image and tell the rest of us that we’re all wrong. Kind of a latter day Luther. Got it.
“Thus says the Lord GOD: You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God” - Ezekiel 28:11.
Lucifer was in Eden before the Fall of the angels and the creation of man?
He’s talking to the king of Tyre.
Not so. The “one day is a thousand years” thing simply means God is outside time. It isn’t meant to be taken literally, like a mathematical formula.
you get to be the authoritative interpretative source, and we must kowtow to your interpretations? Umm… right.