You assume a literalist reading of the passage “God ordered them to destroy…”goout:![]()
Whatever the context, it is still God ordering destruction, no doubt for Godly reasons. To deny that God can order destruction is obviously a misreading.And so God ordering destruction must be read in the proper context.
A good case can be made that evolution is not destruction of anything. It is a continual reforming, reshaping, evolving.Hence, the idea the evolution cannot be of God because it involves destruction is incorrect. Merely involving destruction is insufficient; more detail of the argument is needed.
And Christians should take note: Scripture is not the sum total of revelation. Nature also reveals God. Scientific discovery points to God. Evolution tells us something about God.
God reveals himself through Scripture, and nature, and fully and finally in the person of Jesus Christ.
Note that this “constant evidence” is not dead in the letter.II. THE STAGES OF REVELATION
In the beginning God makes himself known
[54] "God, who creates and conserves all things by his Word, provides men with constant evidence of himself in created realities.
And this is why fundamentalism is anathema to Christianity: it
God is living, and reveals himself in a living way. Science helps discover the living God.makes itself incapable of accepting the full truth of the incarnation itself.
P. Benedict
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