Hello! My wife and I have been faithfully married for over 12 years and have 3 children. She was raised Catholic, earned a degree in Catholic Studies, and has been involved in various prayer groups and women’s ministries. We have always practiced our faith together until recently she mentioned that she no longer wants to attend Mass with me and the children. I’m try to be patient, not force things, and pray. But I am at a loss. I specifically wanted to marry a practicing Catholic in order to avoid this dilemma and now I’m being it with it full force. It’s hard to not be resentful when she goes to workout classes on Sunday mornings instead of Mass with me and the children. I can’t understand why she won’t even commit this one hour, even just to support me trying to raise our kids Catholic. (even non-Catholic spouses attend Mass just for support) I feel that I need to reach out and find some people in a similar situation. Any resources or direction would be appreciated.