My point is you have no power at all on whether she returns to practicing her faith, that is completely in the hands of the Holy Spirit. So give that to Christ and just keep praying. What you do have control over is how you treat your wife, and your marriage is your true vocation and method God will use to bring you to heaven. So live your vocation humbly, never give the impression you think you are better than or more spiritual than your wife. Treat her with love and kindness and do whatever builds your marriage so that both or you are very happy, there is nothing more powerful as a witness to yourselves and your children than being a very loving, happy couple.
Don’t take the responsibility and burden of trying to bring your wife back to the faith, let that go completely as it is God’s responsibility. Just her, love her. Then she can say “look at how my Catholic husband loves me, he never wavered or changed and was always my devout spouse in all circumstances.”
God bless you and your wife, you sound like a wonderful husband who truly cares for his wife and family.
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