Personally I think the case of the pharmacist is debatable. He has conscience rights, however the patient has access rights to a certain extent. To me however, this begs the question, could this person have walked to another pharmacy? I often hear complaints about abortifacients not being dispensed. Where I live there is a pharmacy on every block. Does the onerous fall onto the pharmacist to automatically provide for you anything you want because of complaints. Historically the answer is “no”. Its not others’ job to provide anything you want. That’s not how freedom works. In the case of health is affected, so the question would be “did the pharmacist know the situation?” or did the person just walk in and say “I want RU-”. If its the latter I would argue the pharmacist has every right to refuse based on conscience. If the former,and the person had absolutely no other access options, then I would argue its a personal choice.
However in all of this, a wedding photographer isn’t an essential business related to health or any extreme need. Wedding photos are nice, but no one is going to be harmed by not having them. So the question arises, does one persons want, wedding photos, supersede the business owners’ right to be able to practice business consistent with constitutional standards. And further, and even more fundamental; does it supersede the owners’ right to operate within the confines of their constitutional right to religious liberty? I would argue its not even close tbh.
Further even, could in the area did the gay couple have access to other photographers? Was that the ONLY photographer in the area? I’m struggling to see that. They want to place the burden of any contradiction on the business owner, which I don’t think is fair, and violates religious freedom. Further in the cake bakers’ case, its isnt just access to a previously baked cake, its the government saying you must make something specific to them, which violates your conscience. Again a cake isnt an essential or health related service.
I abhor discrimination, but when we erode rights to fight it in non-essential areas its a huge slippery slope. Today its something trivial, tomorrow it can be something much more significant. Just my .02 Sorry for the novel, best regards 07.