Oh geesh…I am going to take my best stab at this one but someone who knows more than me please correct me if I get something wrong
- Everyone who goes to purgatory eventually gets into heaven.
- Everyone who dies in a state of mortal sin goes to hell.
So, the question is when someone who contracepts without full knowledge of their sin dies and has not other unrepentant mortal sin - do they have to go to purgatory before heaven?
All sin stains the soul. And nothing unclean can get into heaven. Just confessing a sin is not enough to clean the stain.
In order to clean the stain, one must suffer the temporal effects of sin.
There are several ways to “expiate” sin:
- You can suffer the temporal effects on this earth through suffering
- You can be granted an indulgence through good works
- Or you can end up going to purgatory if the stain has not been expiated during your time here on earth
So in summary, there is no way to answer your question. It all depends on whether the stain from contracepting without full knowledge has been expiated here on earth. Also, one must take into account all the other sins the person committed.
That was my best stab. Someone else please review this and see if I said anything incorrect.