Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?

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Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?​

AUGUST 3, 2020 By Tristan Justice

Joe Biden has shut down debates this cycle, using the Wuhan coronavirus as the 77-year-old candidate’s excuse to call off challenges with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders when it’s actually become the Democrat nominee’s saving grace.

Now, as the general election season nears full bloom next month after each party’s nominating conventions, debates have re-entered the discussion as the Trump campaign requests more while Democrats and their allies in the media plea for Biden to steer clear of facing Trump head to head.

“Let’s Scrap the Presidential Debates,” headlined a New York Times opinion piece Monday.

“Biden better walk back any offers to debate Trump,” pushed the Boston Herald.

Others have been more direct.

“Whatever you do, don’t debate Trump,” former Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart urged Biden in a CNN piece last week, arguing not that Biden’s struggle to form coherent sentences could prove problematic . . .
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Of course Biden is debating. It has never been a realistic consideration IMO that any candidate will refuse to debate. Even for legitimate reasons, it would not play well with the electorate.
After the rhetorical nukes Trump was dropping on Hilary in the last presidential election, I doubt they Biden’s handlers want him anywhere near a debate stage that Trump is on.
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I don’t think the debates matter at this point, but what evidence is there that Biden won’t debate outside of the right wing talking circuit?
Most of the presidential debates are run by liberal media. Not sure there is such a thing as right wing talking circuit.
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what evidence is there that Biden won’t debate outside of the right wing talking circuit?

Right-wing media focuses on 'imaginary controversy' suggesting Biden won't debate Trump - CNN
Is this imaginary conspiracy like the one making the news channels now that President Trump will refuse to leave office or as Nancy Pelosi said “he will have to be fumigated out of office”. Everytime Nancy Pelosi opens her mouth she sets such a good example for Catholics and proves to the world what nice people
Catholics are. (sarcasm)

Nancy Pelosi opens her mouth she sets such a good example for Catholics and proves to the world what nice people
Well, she does have five children and eleven grandchildren so I’m sure the Church is not too unhappy with that. But since we Americans only care about politics, we’ll always find something wrong with the nicest of people.
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It is odd that this thread exists given that there are already 2 ot 3 debates scheduled.
ThinkingSapien . . . .
It is odd that this thread exists given that there are already 2 ot 3 debates scheduled.
Yes but so what? That doesn’t matter if his handl ah, er advisers want him off the hook?

I don’t think it is odd at all.

And the media is planting the idea in the people’s mind too . . . .
“Let’s Scrap the Presidential Debates,” headlined a New York Times opinion piece Monday.

“Biden better walk back any offers to debate Trump,” pushed the Boston Herald.
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I would hope the Catholic Church would be unhappy with her character,
mean spirited comments and her actions in her position in Congress.

When she stands in front of a microphone she not only represents the democrat
party, but also Catholics.

The fact she has 5 children and 11 grandchildren does not make up for how she
comports herself - she is disgraceful.
And the media is planting the idea in the people’s mind too . . . .
Your take on these opinion statements is odd. Do they mean there will be no debates? I don’t think so.

Remember Trump ignored tradition and said he would release his taxes after audit? No audit lasts this long and Trump still has not released his taxes.

So, for the sake of consistency, as conservatives would say on the tax issue, if Biden refuses to debate: “So what?”
I would hope the Catholic Church would be unhappy with her character,
mean spirited comments and her actions in her position in Congress.
She’s third in line for the presidency so she has to be tough! How should she proceed while Trump calls her “Crazy Nancy”? I think she has been quite appropriate under the circumstances and not petulant. Remember she remarked that she prays for Trump daily?

Compare Trump’s reactions to John Lewis’ funeral vis a vis attendance at his inauguration. How petty!
There are so many, but take this one for example - “We will have to fumigate President Trump to get him to leave the White House”. Or her infamous ripping up
the State of the Union address.

And there are so many more incidents over the last 4 years hearing her speak
that almost makes me ashamed to be Catholic. She is a grown woman behaving
like a child.
Well, she does have five children and eleven grandchildren so I’m sure the Church is not too unhappy with that. But since we Americans only care about politics, we’ll always find something wrong with the nicest of people.
Pope Alexander VI had lots of children too. Not sure the ability to produce offspring makes you a good person. Pelosi is a fraud when it comes to her faith.
“Pelosi is a fraud” when it comes to her faith they say.

And Trump’s version of Christianity? “Off the table” they say. He wasn’t voted in for his “Christianity”

Looking forward to law making debates that in the realm of the current State of the Union seriously matter. “Matter”…there’s that word again, haha, “Matter”…hahaha
I am talking about her comportment and the fact she is Catholic. As a Catholic politician her faith should be reflected in her actions, her treatment of others and how she speaks.

Is President Trump Catholic? No. I am talking about Pelosi and the fact she
is Catholic and proudly reminds the audience of this often. However, I don’t think she realizes how embarrassed the rest of us are who are Catholic feel
when she proclaims this. Does she think she sets a good example for other
Catholics - a role model?
Pelosi is a fraud when it comes to her faith.
There are over a billion Catholics in the world recognizing the Pope as their leader. Those who don’t are the embarrassment and frauds. And I’ve met some while I was defending traditionalists for 20 years.
Does she think she sets a good example for other
Catholics - a role model?
Apparently the 80-85% who routinely vote for her in her district don’t have a problem with her, her kids, or her enviable wealth for that matter.
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Which says nothing about her being a model Catholic as a visible politician and leader. 75% of Catholics don’t attend weekly Mass. Popularity has no bearing on this sort of thing, But you are free to be a contrarian and always take the opposite side of an obvious issue. 🤷‍♂️
Judge her the way you’ve been taught to judge. Me, I’ll bow out. Catholic politicians imo would be better off not admitting their faith. I know I wouldn’t having once worked with Henry Hyde.

Muting the thread…
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