Personal opinion! And not charitable!
Well Leaf. Be concerned no more.Trump has said so many things that turned out to be untrue that his supposed intention of making these drugs available to the general populace has lost all of its meaning.
Mr. Trump was given a single dose of Regeneron’s antibody cocktail while he was being treated for COVID-19 and has gone on to praise the treatment, officially known as REGN-COV2, as a “cure” for the virus.
But the treatment has yet to undergo a peer-reviewed drug trial and has only been given to 10 people outside of clinical trials.
Schleifer called Mr. Trump’s case a “case report” and said while it is evidence of how the drug worked, it’s the “weakest evidence that you can get.”
“The real evidence has to come — about how good a drug is and what it will do on average — has to come from these large clinical trials, these randomized clinical trials, which are the gold standard,” he said.
.Seems like this will be a treatment only for the wealthy unless Trump has plans . . .
PattyIt . . .
But he could strike a deal with the manufacturer and insurance companies. Isn’t that part of the reason we elected him? He knows how to make deals?Seems like this will be a treatment only for the wealthy unless Trump has plans . . .
So your criticism here is that Trump doesn’t cut some sort of a phantom deal with a medication that is not even approved??But he could strike a deal with the manufacturer and insurance companies.
Was it prudent a few months ago with hydroxychloroquine too?And in an unprecedented-in-our-lifetime situation like this, it just seems prudent.
And if they eventually find that it did more harm than good then what?It’s about protecting the health of American citizens.
I mean that if the treatment is approved and becomes available to doctors to prescribe, people that can’t afford it won’t be able to take it if they don’t have the money.Seems to me like Trump can’t win no matter what he does.
The President of the United States does not put out new medications. (They don’t even put out old ones.)
That’s the purpose of studying the drug Frank. To see if there are “desired results en masse”.If that drug has the desired results en masse, yes.
Well. This has certainly morphed from Biden ducking the debate.Trump absolutely could make monies available to assure that everyone . . .
Why not?If it’s still possible that the drug could do more harm than good, the president shouldn’t be touting it as an option.
They have been qualified.If this has yet to be proven, assessments of the president’s recovery should be qualified . . .