Will Learning Latin Make Me More Catholic?

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So, should the prerequisite for becoming a Bishop, that they be fluent in Latin ?
Saint Pope John XXIII (Opened Vatican II): ““For the Church, precisely because it embraces all nations and is destined to endure to the end of time … of its very nature requires a language which is universal, immutable, and non-vernacular.””
That doesn’t answer the question

When St Pope John XXIII was Pope, all priest had to become fluent in Latin

Such is not the case today
When St Pope John XXIII was Pope, all priest had to become fluent in Latin
The quote explicitly states a “non-vernacular” language is “required” because the Church “is destined to endure to the end of time” so clearly he wasn’t talking about a specific time zone.
I never said he was lying

Being wrong doesn’t make the person a liar
Perhaps I misunderstood. I heard Jesse Romera speak about an exorcism using Latin that went better after trying for quite a while with English. I’m not sure how he could be “wrong” about what happened, if he was there.

I also heard him tell of how when working in the prisons during police training, asking some of the inmates who were in for horrible, terrible crimes, to say Jesus is Lord and they could not.
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NO that was my mistake, I saw you said Jesse and Taylor so guessed you meant Taylor
And in that time there was no internet. Heck computers were very primitive

Having one non-vernacular language like Latin, was more practical

It’s not the case today as technology has made communication versatile across the globe without having to revert to Latin
Internet changes nothing about what he’s addressing - when people travel to a foreign country its common not to hear Mass in your vernacular language. Thus, a universal non-vernacular language provides everyone not only with the assurance than when the travel abroad they can hear mass in the universal language but its introduces a common bond uniting people across continents.
More aware of his faith, and able to understand think better yes. More Catholic on a cultural level, yes.
Not necessary you would be holier. Depend how you will use your knowledge.

Good luck, I admire your strenght to learn Latin as an adult. It is precious that Catholics are able to understand and use it. It is the official language of the Church.
This may have been true of the Latin tradition at one time, but it’s never been true of the universal Catholic tradition. The Eastern Catholic Churches have never offered our Liturgies in Latin… And we’re every bit as Catholic as the Roman Church.

As a matter of fact, it’s the ancient tradition of the Eastern Catholic Churches to translate their liturgies into the vernacular (while still maintaining a strong connection to the original liturgical language).
So it’s better when traveling to a foreign country, that we be as ignorant as the members of the parish who live there ?

As I stated earlier, I grew up with the TLM and know how clueless people were during Mass.

Altar boys merely mimicked the Latin words they learned through rote
This may have been true of the Latin tradition at one time, but it’s never been true of the universal Catholic tradition
No, Saint Pope John XXIII asserted it is required for a universal Church.
So it’s better when traveling to a foreign country, that we be as ignorant as the members of the parish who live there ?
Ignorant would be dismissing Saint Pope John XXIII words as encouraging universal ignorance and calling “clueless” anyone who attends TLM
I grew up with the TLM and know how clueless people were during Mass.
Saint Pope John XXIII wasn’t encouraging ignorance, after all despite what he wrote, he called Vatican II together and it was there that Mass in the vernacular began.

Those who attend the TLM today, are not the same as the average Catholics of the 50’s when I grew up.

Today’s TLM Catholics are more serious about their faith than Catholics in the 50’s were.

TLM Catholics today will travel over an hour in order to attend a TLM. It doesn’t make sense to me, but it’s what they do.

In the 50’s, Catholics were often seen praying the Rosary or just daydreaming during Mass

The priest who said the Mass the fastest, got the most people to attend.

Don’t romanticise what the TLM was 60 years ago, it’s not what you think
Not responding anymore, I didn’t realize you’d start attacking Catholics.
English, French, German etc were not on the cross because they did not exist yet. That whole argument is silly.
Indirectly you did, you are implying our ancestors new nothing about the mass due to it being in Latin. It amazes me out generation after generation kept going to Sunday mass, have their kids baptized, being married in the Church, going to confession, sacrificially gave to build up a huge Catholic education and hospital system, built beautiful churches, etc. Yet all the while new nothing about their faith because if Latin.

Should be great fodder for study by sociologists.
I didn’t imply it, I stated it was the case as I knew my own relatives and others who attended the TLM

Was it wide spread ?

Well if it wasn’t, what did Vatican II allow the vernacular ?

Why was Vatican II even called if Catholics were so well informed ?

Catholics were threatened with moral sin and hell if they died while not following Church teachings. This was their motivation and faith in Christ was more abstract than anything else.
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I think it may enrich your practice of the Faith and may leave you feeling ever greater reverence for and awe at our Lord’s majesty. That’s all, though.
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No, he did not say what you said he did either.

What @JimR-OCDS said is the same thing I have heard from the people who were there too.
People learned about the faith in the vernacular, thats what catechisms were for. The Mass was always in Latin, and many, throughout the years, just went through the motions because that is what they were told to do.
We need to stop portraying this “golden age of Catholicism”, it never existed. People are people, we are messy creatures and it permeates everything we do. Language, music, incense, chant, ad orienting, etc, etc, etc, has not, is not, and never will change that.
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