Demanding doesn’t infringe on your rights because at the end of the day its just sounds you can ignore.
Sorry, but that is not how things have worked out in the last few centuries,.
Recall the pitiless French leftist revolutionaries and the vast thousands of Catholics guillotined, the priests they starved to death, shot, etc., the Mexican leftist revolutionaries and how they kept murdering priests, the Spanish leftist revolutionaries and the nuns they raped, the priests tortured and killed, the people murdered, etc., the Soviet and Chinese leftists and how they slaughtered millions upon millions upon millions. When Russia invaded the Ukraine, there were thousands of Catholic priests; within five years, only two were left alive.
It is not even how things have worked out for the last few years. At this moment the leftists in America are demanding, threatening, rioting, looting, committing arson, throwing bricks, forcing people from their jobs, cancelling books and art and history.
*right now people need to see Jesus as a brown man
Our Lady of Kibeho is African, and a black Our Lady. It is nothing less than hate speech to insist Africans cannot portray Our Lady as she appeared. to them.
Id argue most people should be galaxy brained enough to not care either way but collectively people are stupid.
Sorry, but there is reason “to care either way”. I am sorry to hear you have not the smallest idea of some of the profound and important symbolism in Catholic art.’
Many Catholic statues show Jesus and Mary holding hearts, actions that never occurred, but represent contrition, burning love and piety. Clouds in the heavens symbolize the unseen God. Violets near Mary may never have been present in ancient Israel but are symbols of Mary’s humility. Representations of Our Lord and Our Lady show them with halos, or wearing luxurious clothing as representative of their status.
These great truths, and historic symbols will continue, as Catholics will continue to derive meaning from them, although the leftists may, indeed, burn or vandalize Catholic art.
All we can do is hope and pray that they will not demolish the majority of western art. Not to mention books. Western culture may not survive.