Will you see the Da Vinci Code movie?

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I wouldn’t waste my money on such trash. Even if I didn’t mind wasting my money on such trash, I wouldn’t want to line the pockets of those who promote Catholic-bashing theories.

I know many, many people who say - “What’s the big deal - it’s not true and I don’t believe any of it.” However, there are God only knows how many thousands of people across this country - or this world for that matter - who are either confused or naive or just searching for truth, who will see this movie and BELIEVE the garbage it spews. It is fiction - YES, I know that and I would assume that most people on this forum know that. Unfortunately, not everyone takes it as fiction - even if it is promoted as such. And, although it is categorized as fiction, the information Dan Brown considers fiction and what he considers fact in the novel are what I have a problem with. It is our responsibility as Catholics to promote the truth about our faith - not a load of garbage. Fiction or not, we should not be promoting it by going to see it. :nope:
I hope this movie goes down in flames and that Ron Howard has a place reserved for him in Hell right next to Dan Brown! I’d want Tom Hanks there, but he just deserves purgatory because of his uplifting movies.
I hope this is just hyperbole. I don’t believe we should ever wish anyone go to hell. Let’s hope and pray for a change in heart in these men, as well as in ourselves.
I didn’t take the poll because the options were not objective. I will definitely go see The DaVinci Code because I enjoyed the book immensely. I enjoyed the book as a work of fiction and therefore, not as a book claiming to be based on fact. The storyline is fascinating but it has no impact on my beliefs. I am amazed at the vehemence over this book and frankly, I don’t understand it. :rolleyes:
The problem is, many people assume the “historical facts” that the main character discovers along the way are actually true, and not just part of a fiction novel. I also think it’s very disrespectful to use Christ and his Church as props in a fiction novel in which neither is recognized for what it really is.

Would you see a “fiction” movie in which it was pretended that the holocaust was a lie made up by Jewish people who wanted the world to turn against the Arian race?
i better not see it. If I did, I would be kciked out of the threatre for breaking the movie screen, ro yelling at the movie, screaming the truths fo the Faith. I won’t spend my mony on this laod of rubbish. They take real things and pertend to make its somthing that its not.

Thank God we can look forward to Normia this season.
I hope this movie goes down in flames and that Ron Howard has a place reserved for him in Hell right next to Dan Brown! I’d want Tom Hanks there, but he just deserves purgatory because of his uplifting movies.
Did God take a vacation and put someone else in charge of where others spend their afterlife? :rolleyes:

Its interesting: In one post you are against censorship of books…but yet wanna condemn Dan Brown to hell…what if Dan Brown sincerely believes this stuff and isnt out to attack the Church? He deserves hell huh? And Ron Howard to?..but hey…thanks for just assigning Tom Hanks to purgatory. 👍
I didn’t take the poll because the options were not objective. I will definitely go see The DaVinci Code because I enjoyed the book immensely. I enjoyed the book as a work of fiction and therefore, not as a book claiming to be based on fact. The storyline is fascinating but it has no impact on my beliefs. I am amazed at the vehemence over this book and frankly, I don’t understand it. :rolleyes:
If you (and Bella) had met as many people who take the book seriously as I have, you might have a different attitude. For a year or so after it came out, every time I got in a casual conversation with someone and mentioned that I studied Christian history, I would get asked about the book. And usually the question or comment was posed in such a way as to assume that the book had been informative or enlightening for the reader. I think it’s naive to assume that Brown intended the book to be pure fiction. He based it on other books (like Holy Blood, Holy Grail) that are also fiction but claim not to be.

It’s quite different from the Harry Potter books, which clearly are intended to be pure fiction and don’t have any resemblance to the actual occult. Brown very clearly has an agenda, and it has been very effective.

I wouldn’t waste my money on such trash. Even if I didn’t mind wasting my money on such trash, I wouldn’t want to line the pockets of those who promote Catholic-bashing theories.

I know many, many people who say - “What’s the big deal - it’s not true and I don’t believe any of it.” However, there are God only knows how many thousands of people across this country - or this world for that matter - who are either confused or naive or just searching for truth, who will see this movie and BELIEVE the garbage it spews. It is fiction - YES, I know that and I would assume that most people on this forum know that. Unfortunately, not everyone takes it as fiction - even if it is promoted as such. And, although it is categorized as fiction, the information Dan Brown considers fiction and what he considers fact in the novel are what I have a problem with. It is our responsibility as Catholics to promote the truth about our faith - not a load of garbage. Fiction or not, we should not be promoting it by going to see it. :nope:
You have company 😃

Hanks jeered by nuns
August 16, 2005

(BANG) - **Tom Hanks was jeered by religious protestors yesterday (15.08.05) as he arrived at a cathedral to film scenes for new movie ‘The Da Vinci Code’. **

The Oscar-winning actor** was met by an angry crowd - which included a number of nuns - furious the historical building, Britain’s Lincoln Cathedral, is being used in the controversial thriller. **

The film is based on the mega-selling blockbuster by novelist Dan Brown, which claims Jesus married Mary Magdalene and fathered a child.

Catholic nun Sister Mary Michael, 61, said: **"I just don’t think it’s right that they are filming this story here. **

“I know it is fiction - and it might even be brilliant fiction -** but it is against the very essence of what we believe.” **

The Very Reverend Alec Knight, the dean of Lincoln Cathedral, also dismissed the novel as “a load of tosh” -** though he accepted the £100,000 donated by film producers. **

Hanks, 49, who plays the hero, university lecturer Robert Langdon, was driven the short distance from his hotel to the cathedral.

**He quickly disappeared inside the building after briefly waving to fans, who were competing for attention alongside the protestors. **

**The Canadian Press BANG Media International **

I’ll probably see it on DVD. Unless something more realistic and plausible, like Friday the 13th part 666, is coming out that weekend.
The book wasn’t really that good. The writing was trite and the characters were flat. I wanted my $$$ back. I imagine a better author would have been able to do much more with such a tantalizing storyline (BS that it is).
If you (and Bella) had met as many people who take the book seriously as I have, you might have a different attitude. For a year or so after it came out, every time I got in a casual conversation with someone and mentioned that I studied Christian history, I would get asked about the book. And usually the question or comment was posed in such a way as to assume that the book had been informative or enlightening for the reader. I think it’s naive to assume that Brown intended the book to be pure fiction. He based it on other books (like Holy Blood, Holy Grail) that are also fiction but claim not to be.

It’s quite different from the Harry Potter books, which clearly are intended to be pure fiction and don’t have any resemblance to the actual occult. Brown very clearly has an agenda, and it has been very effective.

And you know what’s worse? If he hadn’t used the shlock value, he wouldn’t have sold a single book! He’s a terrible writer! I read it myself (I got it from the library so it wouldn’t send him a dime. That’s one benefit of getting a book from a library–the writer receives no royalties) and I couldn’t believe how flat everybody was. And I wanted to write “WRONG!” on every single page.
If I do watch it, it will be because it’s on TV, and only so that I will be more informed about the garbage. I would never give a penny to fund it by buying the book or paying to see it in Theater or even renting it on DVD. I selected the first option but will probably eventually watch it on a local network or something.
You know, I may see it JUST to yell at the movie screen. Remember, I’m a MST3K fan, & beginning in university, my friends and I would intentionally rent bad movies…okay, that’s kind of redundant…we would rent movies and, lo & behold, the VAST MAJORITY of them SUCKED, and riff on them, doing our “Movies From Hell” nights. If any movie is so deserving of this treatment, it is indeed this one. Not sure if I’m going to see it, in actuallity, BUT, if I DO, chances are good that I’ll see it at the dollar show months after its release, AND, with a group of friends…
I was just thinking about all the bad press that “Passion of the Christ” got before it came out.

And now it’s time for Da Vinci Code and there is more of the same. Methinks all the bad press will have the same effect… more money at the box office for someone.

And I will be there to judge for myself. I wish I could put my finger on what bothers me so much about Mel Gibson… He is so NOT appealing to me- as an actor/producer/director.
Originally Quoted by DonnaML:

I didn’t take the poll because the options were not objective. I will definitely go see The DaVinci Code because I enjoyed the book immensely. I enjoyed the book as a work of fiction and therefore, not as a book claiming to be based on fact. The storyline is fascinating but it has no impact on my beliefs. I am amazed at the vehemence over this book and frankly, I don’t understand it. :rolleyes:
Well, I tried to make my poll options as objective as I could. I recognize that the book is fiction, but I also recognize that it is *historical *fiction. There are many books of historical fiction which might slightly alter the facts a bit out of poetic license, but in these cases it does always mean an alteration of one’s historical understanding of persons and events. There are other historical fiction books which greatly alter the historical image of the persons and events, and unfortunately many people who read these books are deceived into thinking that these are genuine historical representations.

Dan Brown’s book falls into the latter category I think, since the majority of scholars do not so readily suscribe to the historical context of the book. The fact that there are many books published by Jesus Seminar members, books which attempt to discredit traditional understandings of Jesus through myriad alternative views, only heightens the susceptibility of people to suscribe to notions of Jesus which are not accepted by the majority of sound Biblical scholars.

Perhaps they should preface the movie with a disclaimer about the disagreed historical reliablity of the sources used in the construction of this fictional novel??? That would let the audience know that the historical elements in the movie are not agreed upon, and therefore should not immediately be taken as fact.
Don’t even know what Da Vinci Code is, and don’t care.

Maybe I’d see it if I were at a friend’s house and he was playing DVD I’d watch it.

It doesn’t bother me to see stuff that is fiction, even if it is Catholic bashing.

It can even help me see what Catholicism is when I see all these things it isn’t. It’s like the light of catholicism is easiest to see where there is darkness.

Dan Brown’s book falls into the latter category I think, since the majority of scholars do not so readily suscribe to the historical context of the book.
No, it’s stronger than that. No scholar at all would subscribe to the "historical facts’ presented in the book. Some scholars would speculate that Jesus may have been married, and some of them might be open to the idea that he was married to Mary Magdalene, but Brown’s book goes way beyond that.

Bart Ehrman, an ex-fundamentalist nonbeliever who teaches at UNC and has a reputation for being very hostile to Christianity (but an excellent and very rigorous scholar who translated the Apostolic Fathers for the new Loeb edition), has debunked the nonsense that passes for “history” in the DaVinci Code. This is a guy who has written two books called Lost Christianities and Lost Scriptures. He and Elaine Pagels are probably the two scholars most likely to be sympathetic to what Brown is doing. But I’m told that he has absolutely no use for it–as indeed no serious scholar would.
The fact that there are many books published by Jesus Seminar members, books which attempt to discredit traditional understandings of Jesus through myriad alternative views, only heightens the susceptibility of people to suscribe to notions of Jesus which are not accepted by the majority of sound Biblical scholars.
True enough. But Brown’s nonsense goes way beyond what the Jesus Seminar folks would say. That’s the problem with our culture’s intellectual pluralism (which in many ways is a good thing). Academics disagree about so much that nonacademics assume everything is up for grabs and they can choose to believe whatever they happen to find appealing. But the historical accuracy of what is presented as “fact” in the Code is not one of those things on which scholars differ.
Perhaps they should preface the movie with a disclaimer about the disagreed historical reliablity of the sources used in the construction of this fictional novel??? That would let the audience know that the historical elements in the movie are not agreed upon, and therefore should not immediately be taken as fact.
The only honest way to put it would be that no credentialed, mainstream scholar accepts the theories that lie behind the Code (OK, as I said, some would agree with a couple of the basic ideas, but not the way Brown develops them).

I will not view the Da Vinci Code movie.

You can bet your bottom dollar now that it will earn all kinds of Hollywood awards.
Originally Quoted by contarini:

True enough. But Brown’s nonsense goes way beyond what the Jesus Seminar folks would say.
Well, the Jesus Seminar is pretty nonsensical, but Dan Brown’s book is, as you probably say, even beyond that.
Originally Quoted by contarini:
The only honest way to put it would be that no credentialed, mainstream scholar accepts the theories that lie behind the Code (OK, as I said, some would agree with a couple of the basic ideas, but not the way Brown develops them).
True enough. 🙂
My husband and I both read the book and enjoyed it as a work of fiction. We are looking forward to the movie. I read the book shortly after it was released, before the problems began. I really enjoyed it but I also knew it was fiction. It actually made me go purchase religious books to learn more about my faith. I don’t believe the book or the movie will cause my husband or me to sin. If we want to find out about our faith, we certainly won’t rely on a fiction novel.

Sure, maybe in other books I could hear out “it’s a work of fiction”, but the Ad Vinci code is not simple fiction. It is, of course, but it is not simply something you pick up and read for fun.

The Problem with DA Vinci code is that it takes history and makes it into a totally opponent of truth. Fiction is not supposed to take something true nod then make it false, its more oaf lie. It’s like if I sat down and wrote a book saying that George Washington was loyal to England. What is worse about the Da Vinci Code, is that it teaks Jesus, second person of the trinity, and makes him less then he is, and it takes Mary magnolia, and makes makes her a god. If you ask me, I think a line has to be drawn between fiction, and destroyed truth. Fiction does not take real figures of history nod totally take away who they are, and it certainly does not take a divine person of the trinity, and make him less then that.

No, the line drawls here. And that’s why I won’t see this movie. It is directly against the Church. Ficten or not, it is simply the principle of the thing.
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