Sure, maybe in other books I could hear out “it’s a work of fiction”, but the Ad Vinci code is not simple fiction. It is, of course, but it is not simply something you pick up and read for fun.
The Problem with DA Vinci code is that it takes history and makes it into a totally opponent of truth. Fiction is not supposed to take something true nod then make it false, its more oaf lie. It’s like if I sat down and wrote a book saying that George Washington was loyal to England. What is worse about the Da Vinci Code, is that it teaks Jesus, second person of the trinity, and makes him less then he is, and it takes Mary magnolia, and makes makes her a god. If you ask me, I think a line has to be drawn between fiction, and destroyed truth. Fiction does not take real figures of history nod totally take away who they are, and it certainly does not take a divine person of the trinity, and make him less then that.
No, the line drawls here. And that’s why I won’t see this movie. It is directly against the Church. Ficten or not, it is simply the principle of the thing.