Will you see the Da Vinci Code movie?

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Well, the Jesus Seminar is pretty nonsensical, but Dan Brown’s book is, as you probably say, even beyond that.
Right. The Jesus Seminar is for the most part at the edge of mainstream scholarship. But many of the Seminar’s members are part of the “guild.” Brown’s sources are not.

I have not read the book and won’t read it. Same goes for the movie, I won’t see it. I don’t waste my money on anything that is hostile to The Church nor support it in anyway.

I have not read the book and won’t read it. Same goes for the movie, I won’t see it. I don’t waste my money on anything that is hostile to The Church nor support it in anyway.

Same here! The author’s reasons when he wrote the book were strictly to gain confusion on people’s mind that were raised in Catholicism, and for those who were not to have one more reason to think that Catholicism is based on lies.
The book contains nothing but blasfemies.

Another question, has anyone read the CRAKING DA VINCI CODE? that was written afterwards to correct the lies written there?
I won’t waste my money to see that fairy tale, but I also thought that the filming was forbidden by the Chuch:

As much as I rely on the Church and her wisdom to guide me in the right direction, I think I’ve got this one down pat all by myself LOL!!!.. NO GO!

I won’t waste my money to see that fairy tale, but I also thought that the filming was forbidden by the Chuch:

As much as I rely on the Church and her wisdom to guide me in the right direction, I think I’ve got this one down pat all by myself LOL!!!.. NO GO!

Well, even more reason not to watch it!
People don’t seem to undestand it, they think that The Church is against the movie because it has something to hide. It is no that, it is that The Church has a role and that is the salvation of human souls, movies like this hinder her message and lead to souls being lost in errors.
The problem is, many people assume the “historical facts” that the main character discovers along the way are actually true, and not just part of a fiction novel. I also think it’s very disrespectful to use Christ and his Church as props in a fiction novel in which neither is recognized for what it really is.

Would you see a “fiction” movie in which it was pretended that the holocaust was a lie made up by Jewish people who wanted the world to turn against the Arian race?

I don’t see why not - after all, fact and fiction are not the same thing 🙂 That kind of idea, though false as an assertion for which truthfulness might be claimed, would be a good idea for an element in the plot. Stories are built on statements that, considered in comparison to reality, are demonstrably untrue - but no one calls Peter Benchley a liar for writing “Jaws”.​

Is your position that only believers in Christ should make films in which He appears ? That’s tricky - and films about the CC are even trickier, because it has played a considerable part in European history. Should only Catholics be allowed to make films about (say) Mozart, the Renaissance, the French Revolution, the Middle Ages, the Reformation ? Several Dumas novels have been made into films; as they have their share of Catholic clergy, these would have to be made by Catholics. OTO, they do seem to star James Caviezel a good deal 🙂 ##
Has anyone here read his first one Angels and Demons? I thought it was much less anti catholicism that the Da Vinci code, also I’m not sure that the authors main aim was to create confussion about the catholic church. Perhaps some here are a bit too hostile towards it? Nobody takes it that seriously, except one person I know, but the case supporting the Da Vinci code and its theories can be easily discredited. That aside it is still a really good story with some great plot twists! 🙂
I am just as likely to see that movie as I am to thoroughly read the BOM. :whacky: A quick run through the plot suffices to dismiss it as BS.
No, I won’t support it. Maybe I’ll pass out fliers on opening day weekend, though! Some letters to the editors of secular newspapers. I’m sure Newsweek will do a piece on it.

Living in the heart of Fundie-land, I have encountered MANY otherwise intelligent and competent adults of all ages who seem incapable of separating the book from history from the church. They so WANT to hate Catholicism that they are willing to align themselves with practically anyone or anything that seems to further that end. Even when the errors of the book are pointed out, they can “prove” that they are truth. Wanna know how? By quoting Dan Brown!! :ehh: He did the research, so he KNOWS what the truth is! :banghead:

The media isn’t helping in the least. Anyone seen an article in a secular paper from a historical or scholarly approach, much less a Protestant one, pointing out the errors of the book? Around here, the only mention is something to the effect of, <long, praising article, then hidden somewhere towards the bottom> “The hugely popular book, which has been criticized by the Catholic Church, has nonetheless enjoyed a great amount of popularity. Here are some local places you can pick up a copy…” The mere fact that Catholics don’t like it is enough for some Protestants to know it must be truth.

This time around (the movie) my method is different. Instead of pointing out the inaccuracies in the Catholic-only parts, I enlist the fundies in decrying a blatantly anti-Christian book which “attacks the very core of our common faith,” pointing out the list in the first part of the Catholic Answers tract referenced above, but substituting “Why should a Christian be concerned about the novel?” instead of Catholic as the attacks on Jesus, the “primacy” of the “goddess” Mary Magdalan, the lies about the origins (and subsequent re-writings) of the Bible, etc are not just “Catholic” things, but strike at the heart of Christianity as a whole.
I won’t support that with my money. That $20 or whatever it will cost, just might pay for someone’s soul to go to hell. I thought about pirating it, so that it wouldn’t do too well and they wouldn’t keep propagating it, but… 😃 I’d be spreading it, too, though, wouldn’t I? (yes I know.)

Seriously, though, what’s the point? It’s like Ted Armstrong, only Ted Armstrong is not well-known (thank God (literally, I mean)). I’d be too afraid it would convince me of something. Although I’d just come right here and start asking questions until I was Catholic again ;). But other people might not.
If you doubt a double standard in the world, go ask any Catholic-hater/Pro-DaVinci-Code person why Hollywood doesn’t make a “fictitious” movie that paints Martin Luther King, Jr. as a murdering, lying, cheating, scheming, stealing jerk who was a total fraud. I mean, this is basically the picture this movie/book paints the Catholic Church as. They hide behind a fictitous label to cover their lack of academic credulity. However, the seeds of doubt are sown and the damage is done.

I, for one, am not going to answer to Jesus on my Last Day and make up some lame excuse for why I chose to patronize the Da Vinci code movie that slanders the church he died to give us.

I think we trivialize too many things away to the point that we no longer have principles.
I won’t see this movie, just as I won’t read the book. Powers that smear the Church do not deserve my time or money. I don’t go to see any movies that star Scientologists, etc. for the same reason.
Sure, maybe in other books I could hear out “it’s a work of fiction”, but the Ad Vinci code is not simple fiction. It is, of course, but it is not simply something you pick up and read for fun.

The Problem with DA Vinci code is that it takes history and makes it into a totally opponent of truth. Fiction is not supposed to take something true nod then make it false, its more oaf lie. It’s like if I sat down and wrote a book saying that George Washington was loyal to England. What is worse about the Da Vinci Code, is that it teaks Jesus, second person of the trinity, and makes him less then he is, and it takes Mary magnolia, and makes makes her a god. If you ask me, I think a line has to be drawn between fiction, and destroyed truth. Fiction does not take real figures of history nod totally take away who they are, and it certainly does not take a divine person of the trinity, and make him less then that.

No, the line drawls here. And that’s why I won’t see this movie. It is directly against the Church. Ficten or not, it is simply the principle of the thing.
I just purchased it via Amazon.com with 2 day delivery… I want to know what the fuss is all about. I had planned to wait till next month, but you convinced me otherwise. 🤓
No, I will not watch it. Movies that distort and spread lies about the Truth will not get my money and should not get any faithful Catholic’s money.
I won’t see this movie, just as I won’t read the book. Powers that smear the Church do not deserve my time or money.
I am unsure about statements like this, I can understand where they come from, but really if i know that a movie is untrue, then thats good enough for me. I dont care if it makes people think that the church is a dud. There have always been people disliking the catholic church for one reason or another, this movie is just another lame excuse for anti catholics to spread their views. Beside that, I also think that Opus dei have probably got more to fear.
There is no way I would see it, the whole idea of it makes me
sick. Some who know better will view it as fiction, but many
of the uninformed will take it seriously. Anything fiction or
not that bashes the church, I will never view. I hope the movie
bombs, but I agree with the person who said that the way
Hollywood is, it will proably win awards. :mad:
When I was young I was very devout and did not have alot of trouble with the temptations of satan. Then, along came the early 70’s when satan took over the country. Drugs, nude nightclubs, atheism, birth control availability, ect became the norm…with the help of movies!!! Free courses were given at the junior colleges on “Do your own thing”, “I’m Okay, Your Okay”, etc. I started feeling more and more “out of it” because the world had changed and I was not comfortable in this new world. I never stooped so low as to go to the nude beaches, nightclubs, or take drugs etc but I certainly started thinking I was alone in the world and I must be “terribly square”. My own cradle Catholic husband stopped going to church and ridiculed me for going until I finally convinced myself that not attending weekly mass couldn’t possibly a sin. How could it be when most of the Catholics I knew were no longer going? Once the “camel gets his nose in the tent” …or should I say once the devil gets his nose under the tent…pretty soon the devil takes over.
Movies definitely had a big influence on the morals of the people of the 70’s. I"d like to zoom forward now to the present. I have a fallen away Catholic sister who read “The Da vinci Code” and is looking forward to the movie. The sad thing is…she is convinced that the movie is not fiction…after all what proof do we have that Jesus did not have children, etc. She is not alone.
Some of you have expressed great anger that Ron Howard and Tom Hanks would lower themselves to the level of the devil. Others of you scolded the writers for wishing evil on them. Wasn’t it written in the bible that it is better for those who scandalize the innocent that a millstone be tied around their necks and they be tossed into the depths of the sea? I think those who were expressing anger with Tom and Ron were probably saying that they would be better off with that millstone tied around their necks before they scandalized millions of people with their spreading of lies from satan.
I don’t have plans to see the movie, but for the simple reason that I hated the book and didn’t finish it. I didn’t like the way he jumped from scene to scene, practically in the middle of a sentence. I’m not sure I even made it to any anti-Christian/Catholic parts since I was too busy trying to figure out what scene he was in and who the characters were. :ehh:

What got me to (attempt to) read it in the first place was a claim made by a friend of mine that “the theory that Jesus was married was worth consideration”. :eek: This was from an agnostic who hadn’t thought about religion, but somehow this book gave enough evidence as to make this a viable theory. After giving up on trying to make it through the book I instead read “Cracking the DaVinci Code” and used that in debates about the book. 👍
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