Will You Shop at Stores Which DO NOT Say "MERRY CHRISTMAS"?

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Meh, I’ll shop whereever I can afford to (though I don’t go to Wal-Mart and K-Mart because I hate those store. I go insane in there).

Yes. They are allowed to have their religion as well, even if it is a religion of tolerance to everone but Chrisitians.
Oy, vey! What is Christian about this sense of entitlement? I find it fairly obnoxious. On what grounds are salespeople to assume that you honor Christmas yourself…because you’re stacking your cart full of stuff? This is our witness, that our meaning of “holy day” is that we expect all vendors, Christian and non-Christian, to greet every customer, Christian and non-Christian, every time they pull out their wallet at a cash register, for at least a month a year, in a way that suits us? How does that attitude honor Jesus?

Stop and think for a minute. Do you even know what the appropriate greetings are for Rosh Hashanah or Ramadan? Do you take the trouble to use those greetings for people you know to be Jewish or Muslim? Yet you think that everyone, believer or not, should be greeting everyone else with our greeting for a month before our actual holy day is even celebrated? Why? And what other holiday merits this? Not even Easter! Something is seriously wrong here!

“If you won’t say ‘Merry Christmas’, I won’t shop at your store?” There are good reasons to boycott a store. This is a bad one. It’s one more reason for salespeople to despise December. I’m not saying that “Christ” doesn’t belong in “Christmas”. I am saying that this makes Christmas about making other people serve our whims. That isn’t the mind of Christ.
I don’t have a problem if the person says “Happy Holiday” or “Season’s Greeting” but I do have a problem if a persons natural reaction is to say “Merry Christmas” and is forbidden to say it. Over 20 years ago, I lived for a few years in a predominately Jewish neighborhood, I was told “Happy Hankicah” (forgive me I can not spell it) by a food store clerk, I smiled politley and wish him the same. My daughter came home from school saying we have to light the Menorah tonight (she went to a public kindergarten till we moved the following year) I did not run to the school and complain about them teaching her “Jewish things” I instead gentley explained that as Catholic’s we do not celebrate this, but we went and got a book and we learn how her little friends celebrated. She now at 27 has respect for all Religions, yet is a good Catholic woman bringing her own children up the same. Being taught this did not give her a desire to convert. People should be allowed to say what they feel in their hearts without being afraid the “PC police” will come down on them. I mean if you want to wish me a “Happy Sunday” (the day which Christmas falls this year) then go ahead, but allow me and any other person who wants to say “Merry Christmas” do the same. (Where I live “Target” is the only discount store around that’s halfway decent and clean. I miss “Two-Guys” and “Bradlees”:yup: )
see, that’s my thing too. it’s not that everyone has to say Marry Christmas, it’s that they are not ALLOWED to say it. that irks me big time! I work retail and I say “happy (whatever the special day is)” Happy thanksgiving, happy independance day, happy easter. on fridays and saturdays, I say “have a great weekend”. it’s just silly. Thank God my boss is Christian and hasn’t pushed this nonsense on us. I work for Publix in FL, so it’s a safe store if you live here 🙂
I chose other not because I’m a coward or a PC freak but because I always wish people a Merry Christmas whether they return the greeting or not. Whether its the stores policy to have people say “Merry Christmas” or “Go take a hike” it really doesn’t matter. I don’t get my religion from the store clerks. I share mine with them.

Dan L
The birth of Christ is the reason everyone is given the day off on December 25th!
Yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the people shopping in the store prior to December 25th are Christmas shopping.

Personally, whether a store has employess saying Merry Christmas, has very little bearing on my celebration of the Incarnation of Christ so I guess it doesn’t bother me what the store employees say.
so I guess it doesn’t bother me what the store employees say.
Jesus said “If you deny me before men, I will deny you in front of my father”.

sure, I am called by my baptism to evangelize and the place to do it best is where the pagans hang out. Will I buy Christmas presents at a store that does not acknowledge the existence of Christmas? Of course not, why would I? Obviously such a store does sell the items I am looking for. I am not looking for Holiday gifts, Kwanza gifts, or Solstice gifts, I am looking for Christmas gifts, so I will shop in a store that is selling Christmas gifts.

That is, I would if I still did my Christmas shopping in stores. I do it on websites, and only on those that acknowledge Christmas and hence sell Christmas gifts.
That is, I would if I still did my Christmas shopping in stores. I do it on websites, and only on those that acknowledge Christmas and hence sell Christmas gifts.
The best place to buy Christmas gifts is at your local Catholic Bookstore or Online at one of the following Catholic or Pro-Life websites…






Jesus said “If you deny me before men, I will deny you in front of my father”.

How am I denying Jesus if the store employee says Happy Holidays??? There is nothing stopping me from saying Merry Christmas back.
Yes…and when they wish me the dreaded happy holidays or seasons greeting …I inturn say oh! you mean “MERRY CHRISTMAS” 😉
I don’t expect people who aren’t Christians to celebrate my holiday, although I am a little annoyed that December 25 has been hijacked as “the holiday.” It’s irritating, but not everyone celebrates Christmas, and many businesses feel it’s better to appeal to all customers.
Kristina P.:
I don’t expect people who aren’t Christians to celebrate my holiday, although I am a little annoyed that December 25 has been hijacked as “the holiday.” It’s irritating, but not everyone celebrates Christmas, and many businesses feel it’s better to appeal to all customers.
If we dilute “Christmas” by using the word “Holiday”, then we should just dilute other special days by …

substituting “Civil Rights Day” for “Martin Luther King Day” so we don’t offend other civil rights leaders who have worked for civil rights.

substitute “Parents Day” which would be a combination of both “Mother’s Day” and Father’s Day". This would be like the substituting “Presidents Day” for both Washington & Lincoln’s Birthday. The diluted Presidents Day was instituted so other U.S. Presidents would not be offended during the celebration of Lincoln and Washingtons birthday.

and while the “Christmas Tree” is being called the “Holiday Tree”, maybe the “Menorah” should be called a “Candlestick”.

When does the diluting ever end?

Just my thoughts.
The birth of Christ is the reason everyone is given the day off on December 25th!

Right now many stores are using “Seasons Greetings” and “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. It’s sure funny how the stores use “Seasons Greetings” and “Happy Holidays” before Christmas and then the day after Christmas these same stores advertise as our “After CHRISTMAS Sale”. Seems to me the stores only use the word “Christmas” when they want to make a buck. Why do Catholics (Christians) put up with this? Has not consumerism/materialism gone too far?

I also find it funny how stores advertise the “Christmas Tree” now as the “Holiday Tree”. I going to walk up to the salespeople at these stores and ask them where I can buy a "Labor Day Tree".

For those stores which use the words “Seasons Greetings”. Why not use those same words for the entire year. The year goes by and brings us different seasons so I think the stores which use “Seasons Greetings” should just keep up these signs all year round.

Last, does anyone know where I can find the “Holiday Bunny” and “Holiday Eggs” at Easter time. It’s time Catholics and Christians begin to stand up for Christ in “CHRISTMAS”!!/QUOTe :amen: :amen: :amen: Wow I wish I had a friend like you near by!!! Peace be with you , and MERRY 👍 CHRISTMAS
Yes I will. In fact I’m employed at a retail store which instructs us to say Happy Holidays. (They are very inclusive in general -in our breakroom the company calender lists all Holy days of obligation for Catholics and every other holy day from every religion you can think of, as well as secular holidays.)

While I don’t like the idea that Merry Christmas in now politically incorrect, their are people of other faiths in this country. While waiting on customers at the register (last year) I had one customer say to the cute little daughter of another customer, “You have a good Christmas.” and the little girl replied “We’re jewish, we don’t celebrate Christmas we celebrate Chanukah.” Not that it was wrong for the customer to wish the little girl a good Christmas (and the mom didn’t seem bothered at all) it was a reminder that not all people celebrate Christmas.

Abortion is an issue, euthanasia is an issue, same sex marriage is an issue, condoms in schools is an issue. Whether a store chooses to use the phrase Merry Christmas is not an issue to me. We celebrate Christ’s birth in our churches and our homes not in the aisle at Walmart.
I chose the “other” option. I’m done with my Christmas shopping.
We celebrate Christ’s birth in our churches and our homes not in the aisle at Walmart.
I will have to disagree with you on a second point in your comment also.

I don’t call the aisle’s in stores just “aisles”. I call the checkout aisles in the stores "cleavage aisles" because the covers of all the magazines on the rack show women’s cleavage. I have to race over to the "cleavage aisles" and turn the magazines to the back side before my kids get to the “cleavage aisles”. Other customers see me doing this at the stores and tell me turning over the magazines is a great idea and they are going to start doing this too.

Merry Christmas!!
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