Will You Shop at Stores Which DO NOT Say "MERRY CHRISTMAS"?

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I will have to disagree with you on a second point in your comment also.

I don’t call the aisle’s in stores just “aisles”. I call the checkout aisles in the stores "cleavage aisles" because the covers of all the magazines on the rack show women’s cleavage. I have to race over to the "cleavage aisles" and turn the magazines to the back side before my kids get to the “cleavage aisles”. Other customers see me doing this at the stores and tell me turning over the magazines is a great idea and they are going to start doing this too.

Merry Christmas!!
Ok you’ve lost me here. What does immodest magazine covers have to do with celebrating Christmas? I don’t see how that is related to the point you disagreed with. We were talking about a store’s policy on whether to use the phrase Merry Christmas. I don’t like the magazines either but I fail to see the connection.
Yes I will. In fact I’m employed at a retail store which instructs us to say Happy Holidays. (They are very inclusive in general -in our breakroom the company calender lists all Holy days of obligation for Catholics and every other holy day from every religion you can think of, as well as secular holidays.)

While I don’t like the idea that Merry Christmas in now politically incorrect, their are people of other faiths in this country. While waiting on customers at the register (last year) I had one customer say to the cute little daughter of another customer, “You have a good Christmas.” and the little girl replied “We’re jewish, we don’t celebrate Christmas we celebrate Chanukah.” Not that it was wrong for the customer to wish the little girl a good Christmas (and the mom didn’t seem bothered at all) it was a reminder that not all people celebrate Christmas.

Abortion is an issue, euthanasia is an issue, same sex marriage is an issue, condoms in schools is an issue. Whether a store chooses to use the phrase Merry Christmas is not an issue to me. We celebrate Christ’s birth in our churches and our homes not in the aisle at Walmart.

The great irony in all this, of course, is that “holiday” comes from the Old English word for “holy day”, because there was a time when Church-prescribed holy days were the days on which no unnecessary work was done. That it is now a general-purpose phrase that refers to a day that most people get off from work hardly makes it offensive.

Find something worthwhile to get worked up about, if you must… this isn’t it.
If I do, I will say a cheerful “Merry Christmas!” to the cashier, Ask the cashier if they celebrate a holiday and if they do, greet them accordingly. I have no problem with Happy Holidays as long as Christianity is not left by the wayside or only a secularized Christmas (no nativity or mention of Jesus) is recognized. I don’t like the concept of the stores which intentionally refuse to allow their employees to say Merry Christmas, or any other religous holiday greeting. I find it troubling that stores reap the benefits of gift purchasing, making money on the back of Jesus without acknowledging the meaning of Christmas at all. I also don’t like the new trend of pubic displays showing religious displayes for other religions but only a North Pole santa or a nutcracker for Christmas, rather than a Nativity scene. The deeply religious side of Christmas should be shown along with the deeply religious side of Hannukah. Or other holidays (I said Christmas and Hannukah because they are so close together)
From the ProLife Hotline from Wednesday, Dec 21st to Monday, Dec 26th…


Despite all the consternation this Christmas season over “Merry Christmas,” and “Happy Holidays,” it turns out that by far the majority of Americans like “Merry Christmas.”

Americans Prefer "Merry Christmas"

A USA TODAY/CNN poll finds that 69 percent of adults prefer “Merry Christmas” to only 29 percent who like “Happy Holidays.” This is a change from 56 percent and 41 percent respectively last year, up 14 percent for “Merry Christmas,” and down 12 percent for “Happy Holidays.”

And “Merry Christmas” crosses religious lines, since most people don’t like the dumbing down of Christmas. Only about one in four want the generic wording.

We wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas.
PLAL said:
Americans Prefer "Merry Christmas"

A USA TODAY/CNN poll finds that 69 percent of adults prefer “Merry Christmas” to only 29 percent who like “Happy Holidays.” This is a change from 56 percent and 41 percent respectively last year, up 14 percent for “Merry Christmas,” and down 12 percent for “Happy Holidays.”

And “Merry Christmas” crosses religious lines, since most people don’t like the dumbing down of Christmas. Only about one in four want the generic wording.

We wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas.

“Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger, neither does it brood over injuries.” (1 Cor. 13:5)

“What Americans prefer”… how I feel as if the world has come to revolve around what Americans prefer. It would be a great relief to hear much less about what Americans prefer and more discussion about what is most kind, most patient, most humble, most fully witnessing of the holiness of the season. I may stand corrected, but I think that hardly includes getting worked up over how others see fit to wish me well.

The depth of irony in making a fuss over whether Christians find themselves greeted properly concerning their experience of a holy day celebrated because God emptied Himself to take the form of a servant is difficult to articulate.
The rise and decline of Christmas: The perspective of history

December 21, 2005
Fred Hutchison
RenewAmerica analyst

Memorials to Christmas have been removed from the public square in many places, due to legal threats from the ACLU and the timidity of politically-correct leaders. Many mainstream retailers no longer say “Merry Christmas,” but substitute a bland “happy holidays” or “seasons greetings.” Kids in school are presented with snowflakes and snowmen to celebrate the “Winter Holiday.”

Is Christmas in decline in America? If so, what are the consequences to the culture and to the vitality of the West? Before we attempt to answer such questions, it would be helpful to turn to history to discover how and why Christmas became the premier holiday of the sacred calendar . . . [Click for more]


Dr. Alan Keyes Teaches Sex Education Lesson to Homosexual Interviewer


Click on "HERE" to Listen to the entire interview!!!

Editor’s note: An MP3 audio of Alan’s comments is available here.**

Is Christmas in decline in America? If so, what are the consequences to the culture and to the vitality of the West? Before we attempt to answer such questions, it would be helpful to turn to history to discover how and why Christmas became the premier holiday of the sacred calendar . . .
Christmas is not the premier holiday of the sacred calendar. Easter is. Both celebrate God becoming human in order to offer salvation, taking the form of slave out of love when He alone of all deserved to be served, being willing to take up a cross rather than abandoning that path, and in so doing opening His suffering to the redemptive transformation of God’s love.

We are a Catholic, universal Church. The culture and vitality of all the world, not just the West, should be of concern to us. The health of our relationship with Jews and Muslims should be of concern to us. And for crying out loud, if saying “Happy Holiday” and teaching our kids that you don’t have to be Christian to take off of work and school on December 25th is some sort of a threat to our faith, then what kind of faith is it?

You have to keep your eye on the ball. You can’t make the world Christian unless you concentrate on making the Christians like Christ. As the Christmas story from Luke shows, that means seeking accomodation, but not demanding it, even when it is merited, even when there is a need. We, like our Lord, come to serve, not to be served. That has to remain our primary concern.

Remember that the early Church did not even celebrate Christmas, did not seek to spread the Word through financial clout. Let’s make our preference for “Merry Christmas” just that–a preference, and not a demand–and in so doing keep the main thing the main thing.

After all, we are supposed to have a different mindset–a different heartset, rather–than the world. When we weary of being misunderstood, when we weary of being humbled, when we weary of taking the last place, when we weary of accomodating others, when we wearing of serving rather than being served, we should not take that as an epiphany. We should take it as a temptation, and treat the impulse accordingly.

I have a bit of perspective from the “other side”. I worked as a cashier/customer service clerk for several years at an independent music store. The large family that owned the store were for the most part practicing Catholics, and many of the employees were either practicing or lapsed Catholics. So for us, saying “Merry Christmas” to each other or referring to our work parties as “Christmas parties” was no big deal, it seemed right. However, we’d all been burned enough in the past by rude and complaining customers that we mostly greeted them with “Happy Holidays”. Seemed safer that way, plus with the large number of Muslims in the city, we didn’t want to slight them. Although I’ve noticed that the Muslims (around here, at least) are usually a lot nicer and politer about that stuff, in general.
Should the “Baby Jesus” be called the “Holiday Infant”?
Your comment really does not apply to my post…I posted regarding the original question…** Will You Shop at Stores Which DO NOT Say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”?** and my reply was Oh Yeah…why not!!!
What do I care what the checker behind the counter says to me…as long as they do their job I could care less if they say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas or Happy Kwanza or whatever else:)

“The enemies of Christmas have succeeded in making Christians feel as if we are bad and intolerant to wish someone a “Merry Christmas”. This is political correctness run amok. We have reached an all time low point in our nation’s history when human sensibilities are elevated above offending Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is long past the time for Christians to stand firm in our faith.”

OPERATION: JUST SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS is a campaign designed to encourage Christians nationwide and around the world to PROUDLY proclaim The Christ Child as the center of the Christmas Season once again.

In an effort to help turn the tide, we have created this Christmas wristband to help emphasize once again that the central focus of this season is the Birth of the Christ Child. It is our hope that by wearing the wristband you will join us to remind others that to celebrate the true meaning of this Holy Season…


As seen in Time December 12, 2005!


ewtn.com/rock/files/images/LR_12152005.jpgLife on the Rock #442
**Fr. Francis Mary w/ Jennifer Roback-Morse. **
Originally aired: 12/15/2005
Theme: Smart Sex: Finding Real Love in a Hook-up World.
No one has EVER said Merry Christmas to me when I shop during the holiday season. Everyone is in too big of a hurry.
I don’t pay much attention to how store personnel greet me at the holidays as I don’t go shopping in order to interact with store personnel. I hope that they are not surly, and I like them to be helpful. I went to Walmart once during the Christmas season and the employees seemed stressed out and overwhelmed, therefore I have not been back to that store since.

Another thing I prefer in a store is that the employees don’t hover while I’m shopping. I prefer uninterrupted browsing and don’t like stores with overly intrusive employees. Some stores seem to have a policy of interrupting the thoughts of browsers with constant offers of unsolicited assistance, and I do not like this.
Just tell the bosses to issue a memo:

"Thank each customer with ““Happmerrychristmakuanzicha””

Then nobody will get their knickers in a twist!

(I’m still mad that the Jewish kids got Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur off from school… THEN double-dipped and got Christmas off too!!.. Us Christian kids only got Christmas off!)

How about this:

I’ll only shop at a store that DOES NOT have teeny-boppers at the entrance fogging the air with perfume… “Care to sample XYZ123 fragrance??”… “NOPE - I’m gagging from it 200 yards ago, thank you”
I love how the alleged “assault on Christmas” is such a story.

I’ll shop where ever I can get the best deal on my items from. Unless it’s at Walmart because I HATE that stupid store. The ones near me are always filthy, and there’s always one register open with the worlds largest dimwit who can’t seem to understand how to swipe their credit card, and which buttons to hit afterwards. Ugh that fills me with unending rage at any time of the year but more so during the holiday season.

I have friends who are Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and non believers. I get presents for everyone, and I don’t feel as though my silly purchase of a cow that moos a Christmas carol really necessitates someone telling me to have a Merry Christmas. I actually feel sometimes it’s less of a wish, and more of a command. NO MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR YOU !!! COME BACK TUESDAY!

Christmas is never going to go away. It’s just not, and frankly I associate gifts with the secular side of Christmas. The expression of caring and loving someone or sucking up to my boss for a good raise next year. The religious side has nothing to do with whether or not I get that new dirt devil I really covet (I’m an odd 26 year old girl… I salivate over all kinds of cleaning products), or getting that over priced shampoo. Or what I get for my parents or my boyfriend. The religious side is more about giving thanks to God for what he gave us, and continues to give us. However, if God wants to drop me an IPOD Nano in pink, I would be more than willing to say a few extra rosaries 🙂
I have not done much “Christmas shopping” for many years. I regard the reason for the season as a time to honor the birth of the Prince of Peace. Having a clerk mindlessly say “Merry Christmas”, or worse, “Have a good one,” won’t make any difference.
In our small rural area, I don’t always have that much choice in the matter.
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