Winnie the Pooh Mass

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Years ago one of the priests at my former parish would garner standing-room-only crowds for his “homilies,” and would get requests to do some of them over and over again, sort of like a “Your Hit Parade” of homilies. He was a frustrated actor and was very dramatic, usually incorporating props in his homilies.

One Sunday there was a very large object in the sanctuary, next to the altar, covered by a sheet. Everyone wondered what it was. Then came the homily. Father began to talk about heroes, and finally got around to talking about his own hero – et voila! – he pulled off the sheet and there was a giant stuffed Sylvester the Cat!

Back then I was young and stupid, and thought what a really cooool priest this guy was. Now I am old and less stupid and far more orthodox. I just shake my head when I remember those “bad old days.”

It is a pity that they are still like that in some parishes.

What a heretical parish is this?? If I were in parties , oops sorry “masses” like that, I would get up in fron of everyone, shaking my head side to side:nope: and I would leave, and say in a regular tone: “I am leaving to find a Catholic Parish, this is a joke, not a Catholic Parish.”
This joking around by these liberal priests (and Bishops who TOLERATE them) is only part of the problem, the other part, is the related Sexual abuse by the liberal priests we see on the news all the time as the news (thank God: keep reporting) mentions how that problem too was tolerated.
If any catholic wants to save their soul, they should boycott (by NOT giving to the collection, and stop attending) those types of “parishes” SACRIFICE, find a real catholic Parish, so what if you have to travel, Christ and our catholic Faith are worth it. OR, YOU COULD ATTEND THE LATIN ONLY TRIDENTINE MASS(Papal indult) or find an Opus Dei group where you can attend the masses with them.
Blessings."Fr. Doug" of St. Joseph’s in Shreveport, Louisiana, uses “Charlie,” a dummy, whom he animates with ventriloquism during Mass. He started out with hand puppets and has now graduated to a full dummy. The diocese’s own official report indicates that “there was so much laughter at church.”
Dear Fellow Sufferer,

I can relate but must admit that my parish liturgy is no where near as corrupt as yours, and so I thank you for making me realize the extent of my blessing. I confess that nausea accompanied my reading of your post. Do you perhaps live in the LA Archdiocese?
No this is in the Diocese of Richmond VA
Get thee to a Byzantine Catholic parish as soon as possible. No EMC, no altar girls, a lot of Religous art everywhere, no Communion in the Hand, no puppets.

You say you have to drive for an hour to go to a good church? How far do you drive to work each day? I have to take public transportation to get to my church, and it takes an hour. I can read during the trip.
Bobby Jim:
Didn’t you get the memo? The Sponge-Bob flip-flops are mandated for altar servers by the revised GIRM… their liturgical purpose is to remind us of the sponge soaked with bitter wine that was offered to Jesus during the Passion.

Winnie the Pooh of course loves honey, which draws our mind to the Prophet Ezekiel, echoed by St. John in Revelation, who ate the scroll that was sweet as honey on his tongue, and yet bitter in his stomach. This represents the bitterness of God’s Judgment against the Nations. It may also remind us of Samson, who ate the honey from the carcass of the Lion, and even gave some to his parents, in violation of the strict Mosaic Law. So really, your priest was preaching a tough sermon on God’s judgment and the importance of purity. You just didn’t notice it.
Okay, this made me laugh! 😃
I disagree with the rest of the things you complained about…but hand puppets are fine so long as the Priest isn’t recreating scenes from the cartoon…

…three or four hundred years ago and before many homilies were plays! This practice ended shortly before the Protestant revolution…but before then it was common practice to have a play interperting a reading as the homily…not many people are taught this because it was so discouraged during the Protestant revolution which was also the time when many books began to be published, therefore it missed its mark…but a well done puppet show sounds like an equivilant to me…
Thus do we drive 30 miles to attend Mass in a parish with a real Church, real priests and real altar boys, but sometimes the drive is too much.
I can relate… I was at attendance at a NO mass when the Priest had the congregation sing the “Barney Song” which was suppose to be funny because he was wearing purple vestments. The worst thing is that the parishioners new the words ….

Drive to more orthodox parish …
I, too, disagree with alot of your opinions. Just because a preist may use a prop during the homily or because there might happen to be more altar girls than altar boys does not mean that the church is not catholic. That’s just silly. The mass is still the mass! You can either be spiritual renewed by it, or not. It’s up to you.

It’s one thing to say “this style of worship just isn’t for me” and it’s a completely other thing to say “this is not a catholic church.” While I think you meant this as a hyperbole - be careful with your words! I perfer a mass which has more upbeat, singable, scriptural, lively, contemperary music. I think it would be interesting to have a priest use props in his homily. I don’t really care about having altar girls in addition to altar boys (ideally, this would be 50-50, but if not, I don’t really mind). However, I love catholic art and beautiful churches - but of the more modern style in particular. My favorite parish church here in Austin isn’t the downtown cathedral - it’s the more modern parish St. Albert the Great

I hold to the notion that in heaven Catholic are going to teach protestants how to sculpt and protestants are going to teach Catholics how to sing. 😛 (well, I suppose we’ll all be catholic then, huh? 😃 )

Is my style of worship uncatholic?

I absolutely believe in all the catholic doctrines 100% - I will not shift on any of them, at all. I believe that catechesis is extremely important to a parish’s life - it should be a top priority. Too many catholics these days don’t even know how awesome God is because they do not know the teachings and truth he instilled in his Church.
*I don’t really care about having altar girls in addition to altar boys (ideally, this would be 50-50, but if not, I don’t really mind *
I absolutely believe in all the catholic doctrines 100% - I will not shift on any of them, at all. I believe that catechesis is extremely important to a parish’s life - it should be a top priority. Too many catholics these days don’t even know how awesome God is because they do not know the teachings and truth he instilled in his Church

Actually Catholic doctrine has a preference for boys serving at the altar. In most cases in the US, there is no reason to have altar servettes in flip-flops except to please the feminists who feel “left out”.
Since you don’t particularly care for the way mass is said in this parish, you stated you drive the 30 minutes to the next parish. Probably some folks in that parish are driving the opposite way, you can wave to them on your drive.

Different strokes for different folks, the only reason why its such a trip to the next parish is because you apparently live in the country.

The RCC , I think, is big enough to accommodate folks with widely ranging spiritual traditions (just like Protestantism) and customs and that’s all good. Both faiths cast a wide net. I don’t think you all want to disenfranchise any large portion of the RCC membership.
Bobby Jim:
Didn’t you get the memo? The Sponge-Bob flip-flops are mandated for altar servers by the revised GIRM… their liturgical purpose is to remind us of the sponge soaked with bitter wine that was offered to Jesus during the Passion.

Winnie the Pooh of course loves honey, which draws our mind to the Prophet Ezekiel, echoed by St. John in Revelation, who ate the scroll that was sweet as honey on his tongue, and yet bitter in his stomach. This represents the bitterness of God’s Judgment against the Nations. It may also remind us of Samson, who ate the honey from the carcass of the Lion, and even gave some to his parents, in violation of the strict Mosaic Law. So really, your priest was preaching a tough sermon on God’s judgment and the importance of purity. You just didn’t notice it.
hahahahaa Bobby Jim, That has been the funniest thing by far I have read on these posts!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
The RCC , I think, is big enough to accommodate folks with widely ranging spiritual traditions (just like Protestantism) and customs and that’s all good. Both faiths cast a wide net. I don’t think you all want to disenfranchise any large portion of the RCC membership.
The Catholic Church is not here to “accomodate folks”! You want accomodating - there are plently of wishy washy religions out there who would be pleased to accomodate you!


I firmly believe that there is one God, and that in this one God there are three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; that the Son took to Himself the nature of man in the Virgin Mary’s womb, by the power of the Holy Ghost, and that in this our human nature He was crucified and died for us; that He rose again and ascended into heaven, from thence He shall come to repay the just everlasting glory and the wicked everlasting punishment. Moreover, I beleieve whatsoever else **the Catholic Church proposes to be believed, because God, Who is the Sovereign Truth, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived, has revealed all these things to His Church.


"Truth is an absolute! it is not accomadating!
I have a confession to make. I became a bit new-age-ish about 15 years ago and tried to fit in with all the new…that means “better” ???..ways of being a non-judging Christian. I actually believed going to mass was optional and I didn’t see any need for daily prayer. I was brought up before all the changes in the church and people convinced me I was just an old fuddy-duddy who needed to change “with the times”. For a couple years I no longer went to mass. Right after my mother died there was an announcement in the paper for “Catholics Coming Home”. (I think my mother in heaven put that ad in the paper:) I went out of curiosity and became hooked on the class. The reason I am writing this in this particular thread is because the church that I started to go to was very much a “Winnie the Pooh” type church. I loved the guitars, the sermons that everyone was going to heaven because hell no longer existed, the “no kneelers” pews and all the fluff!! It was great for a couple years because that is all I was ready for. … …T H E N I discovered EWTN on the net and started listening to Father Groeshel & Scott Hahn and my eyes really opened up. The Catholic church was not about hugs and laughs and pews with no kneelers but about the E U C H A R I S T!!! It was EWTN that brought me back to the orthodox Catholic church where all that matters to me now is to fervently say the prayers at mass and receive communion daily. I don’t need the fluff any more. It took time for me to reach that point and I am grateful for the Winnie the Pooh church that I attended during the time when I was coming back to the church. I consider the Winnie the Pooh churches to be the “half-way houses” for those of us who are not quite ready for the real orthodox churches.
For God’s sake people!! Stand up to this nonsense. Please :crying: with language of passionate pleading, on my knees I beg you write, phone, email, meet and explain. Let your dissaproval resound but always with respect and charity as St Paul reminds us. Remember my friends that most of what we see is don’t out of ignorance not out of malice. Challenge and clear the ignornace by gentle yet firm instruction. Instructin given in charity will always yield one good result: At the very least they cannot claim ignorance any mroe if they continue in their error. If they continue then more than probably it will be out of malice.

I know I have been caught up in the “Oh it’s terrible, it should not be happening” business for far too long. Walking away from your parish Church is not an option and should not be an option. You have a voice USE IT. Become learned in Canon Law, the Catechism and other important Church Documents. Use this wisdom of the Church to highlight error and promote orthodoxy.

We can pray to the Lord to do something about it and this is honourable, but hey folks the Lord will ask you when you meet Him, What did you do about it? What did you do to help me? When he does ask just imagine if we could not answer and bacame embarrased. I am working here very much on my own in this Parish.

I have just sent a letter to one of our Lectors who takes it upon herself to use gender inclusive language during the Liturgy of the Word. I quoted chapter and verse of Canon Law showing that the Church does not permit this action and that by persisting in it she is damaging the Mass not just in one area but in the whole. I plan to leave it at that. The seed has been cast I cannot presume onwhich of the options it has fallen!!!

St Jose Maria Escriva says "Frater qui adiuvatur a fratre quasi civitas firma" "Brother helped by brother is a fortress." Help them and then don’t worry. Instructing our brothers and sisters by pointing out where they have erred is help indeed. Do it once then pray to God the seed you sow will yield fruit. The Lord wants us to sow the seed. Some of it will fall on the path and the birds will come and eat it up. Some will fall on rocky ground and will spring up yet it will wither because of the lack of roots. Some will fall amongst thorns and the thorns will grow up and choke it. But some will fall on rich soil producing fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.
The sower must sow. That is his only concern. Leave the rest.

Church Millitant??? Rise Up. Enough is enough. enough of the giving out and moving away. If we keep moving away it will follow and eventually catch up.

Put Christ back into the centre of everything. Defend Him. Become a white Martyr if necessary. It is for Christ. RISE UP.

  • Just because a preist may use a prop during the homily or because there might happen to be more altar girls than altar boys does not mean that the church is not catholic. That’s just silly. The mass is still the mass! You can either be spiritual renewed by it, or not. It’s up to you.*
Well it can call itself whatever it wants- it is not true Catholicism and I am not “spiritually renewed” when the homily and sacrifice of the mass is turned into puppet play and circus.
Different strokes for different folks, the only reason why its such a trip to the next parish is because you apparently live in the country.

The RCC , I think, is big enough to accommodate folks with widely ranging spiritual traditions (just like Protestantism) and customs and that’s all good. Both faiths cast a wide net. I don’t think you all want to disenfranchise any large portion of the RCC membership.
I understand your point but I am really tired of Catholic dissent creating mystery grab bag Masses in the US. I travel a lot – everytime I walk into a strange Catholic Church, I always feel like I’m joining the audience at Let’s Make a Deal and we’re all waiting to find out what’s behind Door #1. An older mentor of mine laments this too and loves to tell good-old-days stories about being able to go to any Catholic Church anywhere in the world and pretty much always being assured of the consistency of McDonald’s.
Just when I think I have heard every horror story…The things my brother priests come up with is simply wretched. This is why we need to follow the GIRM and the rubrics. To any fellow priests. Please don’t ad lib like this and don’t use props. On behalf of the presbyterate I apologize for the liturgies we sometimes inflict on you.
Fast_ed75:"Fr. Doug" of St. Joseph’s in Shreveport, Louisiana, uses “Charlie,” a dummy, whom he animates with ventriloquism during Mass. He started out with hand puppets and has now graduated to a full dummy. The diocese’s own official report indicates that “there was so much laughter at church.”
HEY–look everybody…we found the church John Kerry attends…there he is on the left!!!

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