The problem is that many knowledgeable persons as has been stated have come to similar conclusions as those so called half truths and assumed flat out lies. The Catholic Church’s leadership has itself also propagandized half truths into full truths, obfuscated investigations into impropriety, and embraced questionable practices having nothing to do with Gods saving graces. The Church cherry picks its viewpoints with the best of them. To give one example, the assertion and promotion of the early Christian churches unified agreement of Christian doctrine and universal leadership. This just doesn’t agree with the historical records we have. Its a fantasy, an after thought promoted by the Roman Church to politically maneuver itself into a position of superiority over the other Church’s. So where does this leave us? The Roman Churches propaganda machine points out falsities and half truths from outside itself while creating elaborate excuses for or ignoring altogether the “worlds” accusations against it. The Roman Church’s history is rife with behaviors indistinguishable from “worldly” practices and the blanket excuse for the continued moral high ground is that you somehow separate The Roman Church from the failures of some of its members who are imperfect creatures yet somehow are still able to impart perfect interpretation of divine revelation and tradition which itself is indistinguishable from the excuses of myriads of other self described purveyors of religious revelatory truth.