Winning back fallen away Catholics

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So your differentiating an ability to Catechize others from the ability to understand the catechizing that was done to you? Why is it you think that if you understand what you’ve been taught to the point that you’ve made a choice on how to live that you cannot impart this unto others? If you left the church you imply that its because you didn’t understand properly, if you’ve returned it must be because you now understand what you did not before because you were eventually properly catechized is this correct? It is often true that there are good and bad teachers but I wonder how a good student with a good teacher cannot themselves become good teachers.
To be expected I suppose…should we be shocked that the world is fulfilling what has been revealed by Jesus.
Is it possible that because of the increase in knowledge in these latter days accessible by more people than anytime in history is a contributing factor by shedding more light than any time in the Church’s history on the horrendous behaviors of the Roman Church’s leadership? Is the Roman Church itself promoting its own irrelevance through a perceived loss of its own moral integrity?
So your differentiating an ability to Catechize others from the ability to understand the catechizing that was done to you? Why is it you think that if you understand what you’ve been taught to the point that you’ve made a choice on how to live that you cannot impart this unto others? If you left the church you imply that its because you didn’t understand properly, if you’ve returned it must be because you now understand what you did not before because you were eventually properly catechized is this correct? It is often true that there are good and bad teachers but I wonder how a good student with a good teacher cannot themselves become good teachers.
Yes I am making that differentiation.
I can and do impart it onto others which the situation calls for it.
I left the church in my early 20’s, in the sense that I quit attending mass for a few years. During that time I obtained a college degree at a Jesuit institution, completed further research, went to confession and have been faithful for the past 30 years. Yes, my catechesis as an adult was an improvement over the teaching I received as a child.
I shared the teaching I received with my own child, so I yes I believe students can become teachers.
Dude. This is like first grade, spongebob.

An institution can be holy without the members being holy. Just like the constitution or a government can stand for justice even though politicians dont
It may be a good start if we could get all who claim to be Catholic to live the faith.
I’m not familiar with the phrase “first grade, spongebob” but its sounds like your considering my reasoning infantile. I don’t think your quite grasping the meaning behind my questions. Not that I’m grasping yours any better. The Church as described in the bible is not an institution. It is the living embodiment of those whose faith lies in Jesus’s calling and until fully purified in the end times, it is fallible. Jesus Church is not his revelations, his church is not the buildings people may assemble in to worship him, his Church is not the dogma’s handed down by fallible individuals claiming infallibility when they do. His Church is the assembled masses of anyone who honestly and wholeheartedly seeks his truth. Incidentally, institutions don’t make themselves holy. Neither are constitutions or governments able to stand for justice outside of those who have created them. The creation of those things and those who have faith in them are two quite different things though. The holiness that Jesus “instituted” is also quite different from the body of the faithful who seek his mercy.
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Has anybody else noticed that fallen away Catholics seem to be the most vehement and hateful toward the Church?
Only the fallen-away Catholics who fell away due to some bad experience are this way.

Plenty of fallen-away Catholics just got lazy or indifferent or busy or involved in a sinful lifestyle. They are the ones who will approach me in private and ask me to pray for them, or be grateful for prayers when stuff goes really wrong in their life.
So you’ve been told and I can respect your position but you still haven’t clarified- by catholic are you referring to a description or the title of a particular church such as the Roman Catholic church?
Yes, this would be a good start for anyone who claims anything. Live according to your word and let your word be how you live. I try to live according to my convictions and my conviction is that the Roman Church has gravely wounded Jesus with her behavior.
Would you agree these problems are not unique to Catholics but Protestants and other religions as well? If so, is it religion itself which is in a declining position of relevance to humanity?
To learn, discuss and reason with others. To see if my positions will sink or swim so to speak.
Greetings Janet and God bless your efforts.
It would seem your sincerely seeking God’s truth and believe you have found it. Your spiritual fortitude must be superior to mine for I cannot as yet get beyond the questionable behaviors, practices and assertions of the Roman Church to the point of understanding, agreement and communion with her. I would love to get any help in the matter from you and am perfectly willing to be the student (difficult though I may be) to your teaching should you care to undertake such an endeavor in the spirit of Christian charity.
Its my understanding these forums are mainly for Christian, specifically Catholic apologetics. So why are you here?
Maybe you’ve already stated this and I missed it, but what exactly are your issues? You mention questionable behaviors, practices and assertions?

I’m no expert, but I’ll gladly provide my perspective, or links to Catholic teaching if you could be more specific.
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Yes, this would be a good start for anyone who claims anything. Live according to your word and let your word be how you live. I try to live according to my convictions and my conviction is that the Roman Church has gravely wounded Jesus with her behavior
The Church has wounded Jesus, or a few of her many members?
I would say most people who leave a religion do so out of either (a) a bad experience or (b) laziness or a feeling that organized religion is not relevant/ important in their lives.

I don’t know if you can say religion itself is in a “declining position of relevance to humanity”. It depends on which humanity you are studying and where and what religion you are talking about. There are communities out there where a particular religion is very important to the local community and other places where religion in general is not. Also, when people are having a really terrible time or nearing death, they often all of a sudden start thinking about God again although nobody is around to record this sudden interest in a poll.

Religion is one of those things that it’s often easier to put on the back burner until an emergency shoves it back in your face.
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