I am an almost 60 year old Hispanic woman who wore head coverings throughout my youth and into my mid-20s. I still have mantillas that belonged to my mom. About 6 years ago I started wearing a mantilla again.
What caused me to return to wearing the veil? The immediate trigger was seeing an elderly woman wearing a veil. But more importantly, it was a very strong desire triggered by a conversion (my gazillionith!) to a greater love for the Eucharist and joining a group of women whose charism is prayer, sacrifice and reparation for priests. We only meet once a year–and then only about two dozen of us–for a retreat; and within that number, a small handful wear veils.
The deeper I plunge into the Catholic faith, the more I am consumed by a humility that I never knew through my cradle-Catholic, pre-Vatican-II, 12-years-in-Catholic-school existence. The veil certainly adds to the humility, especially at first when I got stares. However, the only comments I received were along the lines of nostalgia: “I remember wearing one of those a long time ago” “My mom used to wear a veil”
I am very blessed with a husband who loves the veil and thinks I look great when I wear it. When I attend Mass at my adult children’s parishes, I get reactions from Catholics who see the veil as a breath of fresh air amidst the staleness of banal homilies, circus liturgies and atrocious music.
I have had only one very negative experience though–a request by a priest at a different parish not to wear the veil at Mass. I protested indignantly to my pastor and he reminded me of the humility I was so assiduously trying to make part of my life. So in obedience I do not wear the veil in that situation.
Lately I have taken to wearing scarves & hats as well. I did a recent count and women wearing veils have grown from 2 to about 10, ranging in age from 7 to 70. And of course, wearing veils generally means wearing dresses/skirts - though I do wear my veil with dressy slacks/pants suits.
By the way, my greatest hesitation came with the decision to wear head coverings every time I attend Mass - that’s because I am also a lector and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. I figured that since people see me in the pew with the veil, it would really be hypocritical for me not to wear it in during the public ministries.
I also direct a sacramental prep program and have taught religious education. So the veil is a very visible sign to the young people with whom I work.
Yes, it did take time to feel comfortable and to find the best way to secure the veil. But at some point it was not about me, how I look and what others will say. As so many times in my life of faith, it became a matter of what will glorify God, edify others, and help my spiritual growth.
Trust me, you
will grow in humility!!