I have a personal story that I think might be offer insight.
Years ago, we lived on the other side-by-side half of our landlord’s house - he (I’ll call him Billy") lived there. We were all very friendly and we liked him, though, there was this little nagging mystery - something seemed “off”, something left a feeling of something unsaid in some conversations.
One day I was home (I had a weekday off), and I heard Billy rambling about next door and needed to ask him something so I knocked on the door. Quite unexpectedly a long-haired, effeminate young man, with an earring, answered the door, and no, our landlord wasn’t there, but I was agape in surprise because it now dawned on me what the “hidden” thing was.
I enjoyed our amicable relations with Billy, and I naively thought getting this on the table would compliment those good relations. Silly me. (“Transparency is a good thing”, I used to think, but now, life experience has taught me “not always”). And when the opportunity arose, I told him I knew the “secret”. He wanted to know if I was okay with it, which surprised me, because I didn’t consider he was any different now - still the nice guy he was, but just the mystery was answered. It was an unexpected bonus that he was so happy I was okay with it.
But three things happened that made me realize transparency is not always a bonus. The first two weren’t too serious.
The first was once we went on a bicycle ride (we both liked biking, my husband didn’t and he was always off hunting, and there was a great Frederick Olmsted park nearby with bike paths, but it was not the best neighborhood to ride alone in). Billy was telling me about guys he dated (there was an enthusiasm there, I think, that he could now be totally open) and some intimate detail came out and I suddenly got real uncomfortable. My own reaction surprised me. But it was only just a little odd and didn’t have real impact. Billy caught my dampened reaction, and I could see he felt disappointed he could not be as open as he hoped he could be. And I felt bad I disappointed him.
The second was once in a conversation he mentioned my husband and immediately did an imitation of his walk, laughing about the sashay he thought was cute. Hmm, that was awkward, a man seeing my husband that way.
(see next post for the rest of the story)