What is work? What is the intent of the prohibition of work on the Sabbath? Family A does not work on Sunday, whoever is up by 10 goes to Mass, but nobody forces recalcitrant or sleepy teenagers to comply. A fast food run after Mass, with stops at Walmart and the grocery store get them set for a restful sabbath at home. Dad is watching football on the couch, sister is at the Mall with her friends, brother is in his room playing computer games, mom is making a creative memories scrapbook on the kitchen table. Supper will be pizza or leftovers, everybody snacking when they feel like it. The whole day passes and family members never say more than 10 words to each other. Monday morning mom and dad rush off to work in their offices, and kids to school, sports, clubs and after school activities to fill up another week until the next sabbath.
Family B also works hard all week, mom taking care of house, food, shopping, cleaning, new baby, chauffering, brownie meetings etc.etc. Dad works in a factory, or the post office, or some job that keeps him on his feet all day. Kids are at school etc. On Sunday they get up early to get ready for Mass. Over cereal and toast, they listen to Dad read the gospel. They get there a little early to find seats where the little kids can see. They discuss the readings and sermon in the car. They don’t stop to eat or shop, because they don’t want to force other people to work on Sunday. At home everybody helps with dinner, Dad barbeques, girls set the table, boys pick up the family room and bathrooms, mom feeds the baby. After dinner baby naps in the playpen while everybody else spends an hour outside together weeding, cutting grass, raking leaves. Working together the yard is clean and cars washed in less than an hour. TV is forbidden on Sunday so either they go for a drive, nature walk in a park, riding bikes, or just play ball out back. In bad weather, they play board games, with special rules for the little kids. Supper is sandwiches, everybody helps get clothes, books etc ready for Monday. Rosary together, Dad reads aloud from a story book or poetry, then to bed.
Who worked? who kept the sabbath?