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I suppose it’s because you, as a catholic, should know better, whereas a protestant probably suffers from invincible ignorance. This is only a supposition and not a definitive statement, since I’m not capable of reading people’s minds.
Sure, but *unitatis redintegratio *doesn’t say that protestants are saved by their ignorance but by their churches.
… does unitatis redintegratio say outright that protestant churches are NOT a means to conversion?
Not as far as I know, but I do know that it says they are means to salvation, which is kinda spooky.
Have you ever been a non-Catholic Christian?
Yes but to become a Catholic I had to reject that non-Catholic belief.
Conversion is a process. I am doing it as a Protestant. How then if not through the Protestant Church?
Presumably the protestant church to which you belong says that it is sufficient for salvation. To become a Catholic you will need to reject that, thus it will be the church drawing you to her despite the teaching and practice of the religious organisation to which you presently belong.

Bizarrely, I have heard of Anglicans who congratulate their members who become Catholics. I believe an Anglican minister said to a convert: “I am so pleased for you, dear chap. I hope myself to die in Rome [meaning the church rather than the city].” That, surely, isn’t the church of England acting as a means of conversion but, rather, people in the church of England who have Catholic faith but are dangerously dilatory in doing anything about. Let’s hope that vicar (now probably deceased) acted in time to die in Rome.
Paul Danon:
Imagine someone parks a huge truck outside my house. I point out to the driver that parking isn’t allowed there. He asks: “By what authority do you make that claim?” and I point to a sign on a lamp-post which says so. “Aha,” he says, “but you’re not the parliament which made that law nor are you a judge nor are you a police officer. Therefore, not only do you not have any authority to tell me what the law is, but I have no duty to obey it.” Now, the truck-driver may be much bigger than me and I may think it prudent to retire indoors, but what he says doesn’t mean that it is actually lawful to park outside my house. I can point out the existence of a law without being a lawyer.
Imagine someone parks a huge truck outside your house. It is your house after all and you’ve walked past that NO PARKING sign a hundred times. Even though it’s the Lord’s Day, you don’t like the looks of this truck driver, who has shown himself to you to have no respect for the law. Now what you do is forcefully subdue this offender and take his keys. But it seems when you appear before the magistrate, you get charged with assault and battery, and grand theft. Why? Because in the fine print at the bottom of your NO PARKING sign, it says “except on Saturdays and Sundays.”

Vacants: Please read the link previously posted by “fulloftruth.”


Here is a small excerpt from a very thorough discussion of this subject:
“…when attempting to accuse the Pope of formal Heresy one must keep in mind that such a canonical conclusion (the accusation of “Heretic”) logically requires canonical terms and definitions. A heretic is not merely one who rejects anything related to the Catholic faith but one who “pertinaciously denies or doubts a truth of divine and Catholic faith” (Canon 1325 § 2). Further pertinacity must be proven and not simply supposed, since for this reason does the church often has recourse to monitions (Canon 2223 § 4) and inquiries (Canon 1939) in order to admonish those suspected of heresy.”
… the sedevacantists are open to a fruitful discussion.
I hope so. People here are very sincere and charitable.
[sedevacantists] have tended to divert from questions on authority becuase (sic) that is where the error resides.
I, for one, have been bashing away about authority all along and, in particular, what provision the church makes for the laity if people in authority go off the rails.
If, at any point in time, authority resides within the Catholic Chruch (sic) from Christ himself, they have not explained the phenomena as to how that authority is transerred to the layman, so as to render a pope invalid as a matter of personal opinion.
The pope (or bishop or priest or layman) falls into heresy through his actions, not because anyone (clergy or lay) says they have.
Any valid discernment of who is a valid Pope must occur within the person with the authority to do so.
Sure, and *cum ex apostolatus officio *is about that.
I too … anticipate further quotes from saints, chruch (sic) doctors, bishops ect. ect.
Don’t you think quotes from saints and doctors of the church count for something? What are doctors of the church for?
… there has been NO evidence presented of a Church document just before or during the Vatican II council that has rendered the current pope, John Paul II invalid.
Haven’t people presented unitatis redintegratio? I thought they had. Indeed, I know they have. That document says that, for example, the church of England is a means of salvation. This is against church teaching. John Paul II accepts Vatican II.
They claim that the Vatican II council was invalid, however there is no direct historical evidence that it in fact was invalid.
Vatican I was never closed.
The best they can do is string together various quotaions to form a conspiracy theory.
Using quotations doesn’t necessarily make a conspiracy-theory. It might just be a way of making a point. People in favour of Vatican II use quotations and suggest SVism is a conspiracy or worse!
… their sedevaticanst (sic) pope
If the SVs had a pope they’d stop being SVs. Some former SVs have gone with Mr Michael Bawden, who says he is Pope Michael. Others have gone with Rev Lucian Pulvermacher, who says he is Pius XIII.
… they claim the pope is not an authority …
We believe in the papacy but not in John Paul II’s claim to it.
… but even if that were the case, there would have to be a higher authority that could make that claim.
Happily the church has taught on what the faithful are to do if senior churchmen lose their faith. That is the authority and there’s none better.
Jesus Christ, the final authority, created a visible authority Kephas(Peter) on earth so man would not end up in division, but in unity, which can only be achieve through a final binding authority, the pope.
I quite agree. Anyone who calls himself pope (and there are a good few people around doing that just now!) yet who doesn’t teach the Catholic faith works against the unity of the church and the faith of the people. He can’t be the pope and (at the risk of going on) *cum ex apostolatus officio *tells us what to do if that sorry situation arises.

Best regards and thanks for discussing with me.
This is about whether there’s salvation outside the church.
… I was taking Paul and others to task on their interpretation of the Catechism and the Bible and Church teachings (for it seems that even Church teachings can be interpreted different ways when set in conjunction with various other views and teachings and blah blah blah…) …
Loads of popes have taught loads of times that there’s actually no salvation outside the church.

Forgive the wanton URLing but here’s geocities.com/orthopapism/eens_papal.html. I’m not sure I like the format of the list (which gives me a headache) but I reckon the content’s OK.

Can anyone interpret those teachings as meaning anything else?
Wow things move fast on here! Thanks Queen of Sheeba for that interesting info about Mario Derksen now being a “sede”!!!
Did you all know that Mel Gibson is also a sedevacantist??? And that whilst making “The Passion of the Christ” he had a Traditional Catholic priest offering the Tridentine Mass (in Latin) daily on the set?
I noticed someone brought up the need for great care being used when addressing an issue of a pope suspect of heresy. The need for “pertinacity” was noted. This is very true. In the case of the Vicar of Christ on earth, is ignorance of what the Church teaches (and has always taught) possible? Given his religious education (read his history, see what teachers he had) how is it possible that he would not know that (false) “ecumenism” and “modernism” are contrary to the Faith? His repeated “modernist” acts and teachings over decades (and I am aware that numerous bishops, priests and laity have brought these to his personal attention) indicate that pertinacity is almost unavoidable. Yet, we have no authority to make any formal declaration, so we don’t.
What we do, is acknowledge that undoubtedly “heresy” is being promulgated officially by this “authority,” and that the dogma of “Indefectibilty” clearly teaches that it is not possible for the authority of Rome to promulgate heresy, as the Church cannot err in her official teachings. So when you join the dots you find that the only logical solution is that this is not the “authority” it claims to be and he is not the Pope.
So the “suspect of heresy and apostasy thesis” is extremely convincing but technically if you are desperate and splitting hairs over the question of pertinacity there is an escape clause. HOWEVER, the Indefectibilty argument is absolutely foolproof. We can have moral certainty based on Indefectibilty that that man is not the Vicar of Christ on earth.

Mel Gibson, go on, come out of your forum-lurking and support us on this one here!..LOL
I cannot believe the amount of deflection and selective argument sedevacantists are using in your responses. They have asserted that we cannot challenge them or accuse them of being in schism because of their own interpretation of the papal documents they quote. But none of those papal documents truly support their position because they have yet to present any evidence that would support their claim that any heresy has been taught.

They say that they have quoted verbatim from Unitatis Redintegratio and then act as though we have not. Our, more complete, quotation from that document clearly showed that no heresy was taught. Yet they continue to proclaim (on their own authority) that it teaches heresy and cite Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio as if it is some sort of trump card in their favor. However their use of this latter document doesn’t work because they are using it in a way that excludes all other documents that go into greater detail on what kind of evidence is required to call a papal election into question; documents posted by them. Their interpretation of these documents makes the pope subject to us; it establishes each and every one of us as a judge over the pope. Since when do the sheep judge the shepherd? Not one shred of evidence has been presented that Vatican II or any of the popes after Pius XII has taught heresy. Every attempt has already been shown to be wrong.

They say that they are consistent for simply repeating the claims made by other sedevacantists. True, but that doesn’t help because we are just as consistent. They are consistently presenting claims that have already been refuted and we are consistently asking if you can produce any evidence that heresy has been taught.

What heresy was taught by Vatican II or John Paul II?

Sedevacantists have repeatedly asserted that Unitatis Redintegratio teaches heresy but we have already addressed their claim about this and proven that it is not the case.

Sedevacantists have repeatedly asserted that Ut Unum Sint teaches heresy but we have already addressed their claim about this and proven that it is not the case.

Sedevacantist have asserted that the Joint Declaration document between the Catholic Church and Lutherans is heretical but we have already addressed their claim about this and proven that it is not the case.

Sedevacantists have repeatedly asserted that the heresy they claim has been taught by Vatican II and the last popes justifies their assertion that the see of Peter is vacant and they quote pre-Vatican II documents in an attempt to prove that the Church herself has given them the right to make such a judgment. However, their interpretation of these documents is questionable at best because it contradicts the fact that Christ established the Church, headed by the pope, as the authority in such matters. “If he refuses to listed to the Church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a Tax Collector.”

They claim that they can make such a judgment because we have no pope, but their only support for such a claim is if the pope has fallen into heresy. They have not been able to show that John Paul II is a heretic.

Yes, this is about authority. But it is not about the authority to determine who is pope, it is about who has the authority to authentically interpret Church teaching and who has the authority to declare what is and is not heresy. Christ says it is the Church headed by the pope. Christ gave us the papacy as a gift to avoid all occasion of schism but the sedevacantists claim that he has not given us a pope in this particular instance of schism (from their view we are the schismatics following false leaders). They say that this is a period when the overwhelming majority of the Church has fallen into heresy but that Christ has not provided us with that one supreme shepherd He established in Peter and his successors, to whom we are to turn to avoid falling into heresy ourselves.

Lastly, I find the fact that the sedevacantist movement has splintered in much the same way the Protestant movement did, the fact that some sedevacantists have elected their own popes that are not accepted by others, and the fact that they are very much their own independent Churches without any common unifying authority as enough evidence to show that they are wrong. I have very strong disagreements with other Catholics about the changes that have occurred in the Church but we all agree that Vatican II was valid and that John Paul II is the true successor to Peter.

Sedevacantists are fond of quoting, “they have the churches but we have the faith.” That quote rings hollow in light of their consistent failure to produce any charge of heresy that will actually withstand closer examination.
Did you all know that Mel Gibson is also a sedevacantist???
Not true. This charge was denied by Gibson himself. His father is a bit off the edge, but Gibson is not a sedevacantist.

I also Believe Jimmy Akin weighed in on Gibson’s Catholic authenticity on Catholic Answers. I need to verify that.

This is about Mr Mel Gibson’s alleged sedevacantism.
This charge was denied by Gibson himself. His father is a bit off the edge …
Mr Hutton Gibson has written a book which, as far as I can recall, puts the sedevacantist case.
Ah, my dear “vacants,” full of judgments, accusations, heretics and heresies. You would take for yourself authority that is not yours to take. Much as Protestants feel free to interpret Scriptures to their individual tastes, you twist the words of saints and church documents and interpret them the way you like. The Bishop of Rome and the Magisterium alone can interpret infallible teachings. As with Scripture, if something in the Church’s teaching seems contradictory, it is our misunderstanding of what is being taught - the Church’s teachings, yesterday, today, and to the end of the ages, cannot contradict themselves.

What you suggest is that the Bishop of Rome and the Magisterium, the only infallible teaching authority, have all fallen into error and their positions are vacant.

Did it ever occur to you that to assert that the Roman See and the Magisterium could fall into error now implies that it could have been in error before, and so you have no idea what teachings are fallible, and what are infallible. If at any point your average “schmuck” can decide for himself what the teachings mean, we’ve never really needed a Magisterium. I don’t think you believe that.

If you want to say you don’t understand a thing, or believe something to be heresy, fine. But don’t make authoritative interpretations, and call people heretics. You have no right.

I have read every post (painfully), although many of you quite obviously have not. I have looked at your websites and references. I find that you have, through pride and misunderstanding, cut yourselves off from the living Church - the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic - whose earthly head is the Bishop of Rome, Pope John Paul II, in union with the Magisterium and the Episcopal College.

I beg you to cease with your fallible interpretations of Church teachings, and your calling people heretics. By much of your own banter, and the sources you’ve posted, you are all on the “heretic eligibility list.”

You are leading people astray by your fallible teachings, determinations, convictions, pronouncements, etc. If you could see it, you undermine your own faith by your words. Who could feel obligated to follow the Church in anything she’s ever said, if “lesser clergy and the laity” can differ from infallible Church authority…and be right. May God have mercy!
Amen to that! I think it’s sedevacatist pride and problem with autrhority that’s causing all this problems. It hurts me to read all the slanders that are attributed to our beloved JP2, who’s just fallowing our Lord Jesus Christ’s commandment to love not only our friends, but also our enmies. We cannot open the door to our brothers and sisters if we are not willing to make them feel welcome.
…JP2, who’s just fallowing our Lord Jesus Christ’s commandment to love not only our friends, but also our enmies. We cannot open the door to our brothers and sisters if we are not willing to make them feel welcome.
True love would be shown by urging them at every opportunity to convert to the one true Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

Kissing the blasphemous Koran and telling Muslims a lie: that they worship the same God as Christians, is not charity, nor are they the actions of a true Catholic, let alone a true pontiff.
Sedevacantists have repeatedly asserted that Unitatis Redintegratio teaches heresy but we have already addressed their claim about this and proven that it is not the case.
I don’t think you have. Have you? You’ve denied it but that’s not proof. Is there a numbered post you might kindly point me to? Thanks.
Vacants: Please read the link previously posted by “fulloftruth.”

However, I can share this with you about heresy and pertinacity, from a debate between Fr. Cekada and Fr. Harrison:
**4. Presumption of Pertinacity. **Fr. Harrison rejects the canonist McKenzie’s teaching that “the very commission of any act which signifies heresy… gives sufficient ground for juridical presumption of heretical depravity.” (The Delict of Heresy, CU Canon Law Studies 77 [Washington: 1932], 35.)
Fr. Harrison’s objections against this principle are: (a) A student who picks a wrong answer on Father’s multiple-choice theology tests would then become a heretic. (b) Popes daily put their signatures to and proclaim in speeches “massive quantities of words written by other people” — the idea being, I suppose, that ignorance excuses.
But McKenzie does indeed address ignorance as a mitigating circumstance: If the offender “was an ordinary American lay person, the claim would have more weight.” Fr. Harrison’s students are therefore off the hook.
But not so clerics or supposedly “ignorant” popes: “If the delinquent making this claim be a cleric, his plea for mitigation must be dismissed, either as untrue, or else as indicating ignorance which is affected, or at least crass and supine… His ecclesiastical training in the seminary, with its moral and dogmatic theology, its ecclesiastical history, not to mention its canon law, all insure that the Church’s attitude towards heresy was imparted to him.” (Ibid., 48)
McKenzie’s teaching conforms to the general principle laid down by the canonist Michels:
“‘Given an external violation of the law, criminal intent (dolus) is presumed in the external forum, until the contrary is proven.’(canon 2200.2)
“This is obvious. For in the external forum one acts based on the way things ordinarily happen and externally appear. And indeed ordinarily, each person of sound mind customarily acts reasonably and freely, fully knowing and deliberately willing whatever he really does.
Here the law rightly presumes that a violation of a law takes place deliberately and freely, and thus with criminal intent, until from concrete external circumstances the violation of the law is proven to have been undertaken without any fault (or at least grave moral fault) or out of juridical fault alone.” (De Delictis, 1:134)
Paul Danon:
I don’t think you have. Have you? You’ve denied it but that’s not proof. Is there a numbered post you might kindly point me to? Thanks.
Posts 184, 232, 247 and 421.

Post 247 was a direct response to you but you never bothered to address it.
Does it help, I wonder to identify some possible positions?
  • A pope cannot fall into heresy so we’re 100% safe with John Paul II on the throne.
  • A pope can fall into heresy but, if he does, he cannot be judged to have done so because he’s the pope.
  • If a pope falls into heresy, he cannot function as pope.
  • Anyone in ecclesiastical office who has embraced heresy does not cease to perform his office until he is publicly judged to be so, when he falls from office.
  • A person in ecclesiastical office who embraces heresy falls from that office as soon as he does so.
  • If a pope falls into heresy, he can function as pope and, even though he’s a heretic, he won’t teach anything false because his office protects him from doing so.
  • An heretical pope can function as pope and even believe heretical things, and he keeps his office unless he teaches heresy and binds the faithful to believe it.
  • Cum ex apostolatus officio’s reference to the pope is un-necessary because the church guarantees that a heretic can’t be elected pope.
  • The church’s teaching on her being the only way to salvation is harsh, in need of reform and has, indeed, been reformed in recent years.
Do people identify with some of those? I seem to discern at least some similar positions from posts.
Posts 184, 232, 247 and 421.

Post 247 was a direct response to you but you never bothered to address it.
Thank you very much. Please don’t be harsh with me. I am not harsh with you. One can fail to respond to something by mistake. It need not be that one can’t be bothered.
Paul Danon:
Thank you very much. Please don’t be harsh with me. I am not harsh with you. One can fail to respond to something by mistake. It need not be that one can’t be bothered.
You are quite right, please accept my apology for the accusation. Another post I missed in my previous message was 251.
Paul Danon:
Cum ex apostolatus officio’s reference to the pope is un-necessary because the church guarantees that a heretic can’t be elected pope.
I cannot agree with this because Cum ex apostoaltus officio specifically does reference the pope in other sections; like section 6. Therefore, we don’t have a merely passive exclusion in section 3, but rather, a deliberate one.
Joe Omlor said:
True love would be shown by urging them at every opportunity to convert to the one true Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

Kissing the blasphemous Koran and telling Muslims a lie: that they worship the same God as Christians, is not charity, nor are they the actions of a true Catholic, let alone a true pontiff.

Despite authoritative Church teachings which allow exceptions for “invincible ignorance” of the Faith, teachings which predate you and I by centuries, are you now going to judge just who fits into the exception category?

Do you think the Holy Father showing disrespect to Muslims will help the cause of Christians in Muslim countries? Do you think that perhaps cutting off dialogue with these countries will enhance efforts to promote religious freedoms and open the door for conversions?
Do you think the Holy Father showing disrespect to Muslims will help the cause of Christians in Muslim countries?
A Catholic (especially a Pope) should never be disrespectful. They should also not worship false gods!:whistle:
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