Ah, my dear “vacants,” full of judgments, accusations, heretics and heresies. You would take for yourself authority that is not yours to take. Much as Protestants feel free to interpret Scriptures to their individual tastes, you twist the words of saints and church documents and interpret them the way you like. The Bishop of Rome and the Magisterium alone can interpret infallible teachings. As with Scripture, if something in the Church’s teaching seems contradictory, it is our misunderstanding of what is being taught - the Church’s teachings, yesterday, today, and to the end of the ages, cannot contradict themselves.
What you suggest is that the Bishop of Rome and the Magisterium, the only infallible teaching authority, have all fallen into error and their positions are vacant.
Did it ever occur to you that to assert that the Roman See and the Magisterium could fall into error now implies that it could have been in error before, and so you have no idea what teachings are fallible, and what are infallible. If at any point your average “schmuck” can decide for himself what the teachings mean, we’ve never really needed a Magisterium. I don’t think you believe that.
If you want to say you don’t understand a thing, or believe something to be heresy, fine. But don’t make authoritative interpretations, and call people heretics. You have no right.
I have read every post (painfully), although many of you quite obviously have not. I have looked at your websites and references. I find that you have, through pride and misunderstanding, cut yourselves off from the living Church - the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic - whose earthly head is the Bishop of Rome, Pope John Paul II, in union with the Magisterium and the Episcopal College.
I beg you to cease with your fallible interpretations of Church teachings, and your calling people heretics. By much of your own banter, and the sources you’ve posted, you are all on the “heretic eligibility list.”
You are leading people astray by your fallible teachings, determinations, convictions, pronouncements, etc. If you could see it, you undermine your own faith by your words. Who could feel obligated to follow the Church in anything she’s ever said, if “lesser clergy and the laity” can differ from infallible Church authority…and be right. May God have mercy!