Would pro-choicers favor abortion of 2-year olds?

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Sorry if the title is weird. I had to get the gist across in a short space.

What I mean is this: Just pretend that human development was set up in such a way that women didn’t give birth until their baby was 2 years old (instead of 9 months).

That is, in this hypothetical world, the 2 year old in the womb would look much like the 2 year old actually does, outside the womb, in our current biological reality.

Would a pro-choicer still advocate for abortion of a 2 year old in the womb? Why or why not?
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Of course they wouldn’t advocate for it. Bambi Factor would kick in. Too cute to abort.

Their whole pro-choice argument is based on “it’s just a clump of cells”. The more it looks like an actual baby, the squickier most people will become.
Really depends on the Pro-Choicer. Some are pro-choice who truly don’t believe the science that life begins at conception, but rather they believe life begins once the lungs are fully developed & the person is able to breathe on their own. Others are pro-choice and KNOW life begins at conception, but believe that life to be of less value than someone else who’s older. So many scales of belief of when life begins in the Pro-Choice circle. Yes, probably some of them would be on board with and would defend an abortion on a 2 yr old whether a pre or post birth abortion.
We already have people advocating for sedation of a born (9 month old) person, and calmly sitting around to decide whether to kill said person, or resusitate. Given a longer, fuller gestation, I can see that also happening.

Once you devalue (objectify) human life, anything is possible on that front.

Whether that would actually happen, given your scenario is simply opinion, though.
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There are 1.2 billion Catholics, so I can’t survey every Catholic and what he or she believes.

I’m sure there is a Catholic out there who believes that aliens are on the moon. And I’m sure that there is a Catholic out there who believes something against church teaching, like Jesus is only a man.

But the Catholic Church values all human life and would never promote killing an innocent human being – whether 2 years old or 2 months old in the womb.
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I know you are just using the standard language but we really need to stop calling them “pro choice”. They are pro baby murder.

I say without a doubt they would. The people running this show are truly sick, evil people. I’m not talking about the desperate young lady who thinks abortion is her only option. I’m talking about the advocates and the people pushing these agendas. They share the same ideological strain as the people who use genocide as population control and getting rid of “undesirables.” They have already accomplished making abortion legal up until the time of birth. That is cut and dry no questions asked murder. What difference would another year make?
I know you are just using the standard language but we really need to stop calling them “pro choice”. They are pro baby murder.

I say without a doubt they would. The people running this show are truly sick, evil people.
Actually there are a lot of people who would never have an abortion themself and wouldn’t want their family member having one either, but who don’t feel they can “impose their beliefs on others” who might choose differently.

I felt kind of like that until the last few years when I got tired of weasel words. It doesn’t make me a “truly sick, evil person” that I thought the issue through, though. I wasn’t out marching in pro-choice rallies or working at the abortion clinic while I was pondering this.

Calling people “pro-baby-murder” when they have a genuine question about rights and other people’s beliefs/ choices does not help your cause. it just makes you sound weird and extreme.
I wasn’t out marching in pro-choice rallies or working at the abortion clinic while I was pondering this.
Then you weren’t the person running the show therefore not the person to whom I was referring. I think I made that very clear. I even gave an example as a qualifier.
Calling people “pro-baby-murder” when they have a genuine question about rights and other people’s beliefs/ choices does not help your cause. it just makes you sound weird and extreme.
I cannot believe I am on a Catholic forum talking to other Catholics and I am the one being called weird and extreme for saying abortion is murder.

If I “believe” that my neighbor would be better off dead then do I have the “choice” to kill him? Language is important. It is currently being controlled by the pro abortion side.
You didn’t say “abortion is murder”.

You basically said all “pro choicers” are “pro-baby-murder” and went on to call them “sick and evil”. If you meant to only include a fraction of people favoring abortion in that group, that didn’t come across.

There are people in this world whose thinking may be wrong and confused and thus sinful. It does not necessarily make them sick and evil. It makes them wrong, confused, and sinful. Some of them may be sick and some of them may even be evil, but demonizing huge groups of people, like I said, does not help your cause, and it makes you look extreme. If you’re fine with that, then fine.
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I think pro-abortion/pro-choice advocates seem really inconsistent and a bit mixed up regarding their rationale for the justification of abortion. Their rationales range from a human is not a living human until it can breathe for itself, to it is a living human but not a person until it is self-aware, and more. The first rationale is unscientific, the latter rationale is very sinister.

Is a new-born baby ‘self-aware’? When does a human become ‘self-aware’? 1 month after birth, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year? Is legal abortion an end in itself, or is it a point from which to push even further? Justify abortion on the grounds of ‘personhood’ and ‘self-awareness’ and the door can open to justify infanticide and killing of the very elderly and mentally infirm.
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Kind of an obtuse angle here. How many pro-choicers have been aborted? Why are they superior to the next generation?

As an aside, comedian Steven Wright jokes that:
“I dreamed that all the babies prevented by the pill showed up. They were mad.”
The people running this show are truly sick, evil people. I’m not talking about the desperate young lady who thinks abortion is her only option. I’m talking about the advocates and the people pushing these agendas.
I truly don’t know how I can make that more clear but I’ll try. The people writing and passing laws that allow for the murder of a nine month old baby at birth are sick and evil. Do you really think I would lump anyone with questions and doubts into the category of evil?
You didn’t say “abortion is murder”.
abortion legal up until the time of birth. That is cut and dry no questions asked murder
Yes, well if you want to play word games and parse out a sentence for the sake of whatever argument you’re trying to make, I’m out. Bye now, you can have whatever last words you want, as I will not be reading them.
Yes, well if you want to play word games and parse out a sentence for the sake of whatever argument you’re trying to make, I’m out. Bye now, you can have whatever last words you want, as I will not be reading them.
Since I know for a fact you are reading this, you are the one playing word games. I used a complete sentence and not just a one liner so that is word games? I made myself very clear multiple times but you want to stick with your assessment to justify your personal attack that I am “extreme and weird” for opposing abortion. What a sad reality that I even have to debate this on a Catholic forum :cry:
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When you allow something you can change it’s the same as doing it yourself. The problems of abortion can be solved faster by dealing with poverty which effects more people.

Complicated isn’t it? Try to avoid calling dad next time if you please.
And then there are pro-choicers who believe in more than one religious argument regarding when life begins and even how life is defined. For example, the Jewish belief is that the soul of the unborn baby enters upon their taking their first breath, at the moment of birth, as when Gd instilled the breath of life in Adam according to Genesis. Here life is defined as incorporating both body and soul. Nonetheless, abortion on demand is not favored across the several streams of Judaism, and should never be done frivolously as a first resort. There are other nuances concerning the personhood, rather than life, of the unborn baby as well. And other religious beliefs apart from Judaism have their own convictions. So, as I see it, the decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy is intertwined with the freedom to abide by one’s religious or moral convictions, for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
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I think it depends on the person. There are people out there who are in favor of putting people down, just like they to do dogs. Those nutjobs who said a nine-month old could be labeled an undesirable and be aborted probably do believe they could abort a 2-year old.
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