Would you be more upset with your teenager if you caught them smoking or cheating?

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Well, my mother, a pediatrician, would not be happy with me if I took up smoking. However, she would be infinitely more pissed if I got caught cheating. My parents have always raised me to be honest, put in the work at school, and I have the grades to prove it. And if I don’t know it, and get a bad grade, my mom always tells me that it is fine as long as I gave it my best effort and I find an honest way to keep my class grade where it should be.

I would not be too happy with either, but the smoking can stop, but cheating is a lowering of one’s integrity. That is, they are stealing answers and lying saying that they are responislbe for the inofmation. I could handle dealing with the addiciton, but falsity from cheating would drive me mad!
Over the years I’ve lived with smokers and I’ve lived with cheaters.
I’d take the smokers any day.
Tom of Assisi:
smoking is a nice habit…cheating is lieing and is immoral. Cheaters go to hell. If I caught my tenager smoking, I’d ask if I could bum a light off him.

The government tells us we can hate smokers (and vote to tax them unfairly), so the little people among us who listen closly to what the government tells us always obey and hate smokers…even more than liers…wow…some people have very clean brains.
If you need help quitting, please contact the American Cancer Society. They have wonderful programs to help you quit. Their number is 800-227-2345. Please quit now, as your life depends on it. I watched my uncle die of emphysema, and it was a horrible death. He spent hours choking and suffocating, and trying to catch his breath. It was heartbreaking to watch, and we prayed to God to make it stop. Please quit while you still can.
The real question is, “Is is better to die or cheat?” Smoking kills not only the smoker, but the people breathing their second hand smoke.
Smoking is not inherently immoral. Cheating is.
Wouldn’t killing yourself and possibly others by smoking be iherently immoral?
Wouldn’t killing yourself and possibly others by smoking be iherently immoral?
yes, so therefore, you think that since smoking hurts others, it is worse because cheating only hurts the individual? But, cheaters can bget others into trouble too especailly if they cheat on the bar exam or the exam from med school, making them a terrible hazard in the professional world.
You can teach your child how cheating is a sin, how it harms them (guilty feelings, not getting the education they need, etc.) and you have a good chance of getting through to them. You need to find out why they were cheating and help them find ways to avoid ever being in that position again.

But, I heard a theory once that it takes as little as four cigarettes in three days to develop a craving for nicotine - and smoking can turn into addiction very fast.

Nicotine is more addictive than cocaine - you hear it all the time from people that quitting cigarettes was harder to beat than alcohol or whatever drug they beat.

I’m a smoker. I hate it, I hate the smell, I hate the cough, I hate the breathlessness - and I’ve tried every way of quitting that has ever come along. Cold turkey, nicotine gum and patches, hypnosis, accupuncture, aversion therapy… you name it. I keep trying to quit and it’s so miserable that I always end up going back to smoking.

Cheating is only a character flaw if it’s not corrected and a parent does have the influence to help the child correct it.

But, once cigarettes get their hooks into them, your influence will be much less than with the cheating situation. They will lie, hide their smoking, steal cigarettes or steal money to buy them if necessary. It’s a terrible addiction - much worse for body and soul than a single instance of cheating on a test.

Would you be more upset with your teenager if you caught them smoking a cigarrette or cheating on a test? You must pick one of two answers. Most would say neither (so would I, I wouldn’t be happy about either option), but the point is to say which people think is the worse of two undesirable behaviors.

After you answer, you might want to read this article:

I agree with the author’s opinion.
Dear Jay74:

I would be very upset at either my friend. I have to say though that cheating is the dishonest one, where smoking is just experimentation.

Regardless Jay74, I urge you today to be the man of God in which God called you to be, and the Father in which your son needs. Just the fact that you posed such a question tells me you are awesome and so desire to be a Christian Dad. You are doing such the right thing brother, know it! For do not ever forget how much your kids are counting on you, just like all of us parents, to show them the way, admist this sick culture we live in.

God Bless You Jay-----

Your Friend and fellow parent~~~:D
Wouldn’t killing yourself … be iherently immoral?
Eating fast food is now inherently evil…just in case anybody was wondering. 😉

And I agree with an earlier post: I know smokers and I know cheaters, and I’ll take the smokers every time.

Eating fast food is now inherently evil…just in case anybody was wondering. 😉

And I agree with an earlier post: I know smokers and I know cheaters, and I’ll take the smokers every time.

Hopefully you are enjoying their company right now as much as you can, because they may be dead soon. Each cigarette shaves 7 minutes off of your life. If you take the smokers every time, at least you won’t have to put up with them for long.
yes, so therefore, you think that since smoking hurts others, it is worse because cheating only hurts the individual? But, cheaters can bget others into trouble too especailly if they cheat on the bar exam or the exam from med school, making them a terrible hazard in the professional world.
I’m not talking about getting others into trouble, I’m talking about killing someone with second hand smoke. There is a big difference. I find it astounding that some people just don’t get it that cigarettes are little murderers. And the people from RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris are laughing all the way to the bank while your loved ones are crying all the way to the cemetery.
I’m not talking about getting others into trouble, I’m talking about killing someone with second hand smoke. There is a big difference. I find it astounding that some people just don’t get it that cigarettes are little murderers. And the people from RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris are laughing all the way to the bank while your loved ones are crying all the way to the cemetery.
I do get it. My grandma almost died from cigs, and now has chronic lung problems. My uncle smokes like a steam engine, and I wish for his family’s sake that he wouldn’t (I’m sure they could afford a nicer house). I have heard more than the average child about the bad effects of smoking. I have seen medical reports and such (courtesy of my mother, who drilled it into me). And yes, I despise RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris. However, when I look at smoking vs. cheating, I still hold that cheating is worse. Why? Because I can’t trust a cheater. With those of my relatives who smoke, I see them light up, I know what they are doing. They always have enough respect for others to go smoke where nobody else is. They don’t stab me in the back.

Cheaters, on the other hand, are a different story. They have no issue betraying trust, lying, and doing a number of other things. As a fairly intense student, I have come to despise cheaters because their actions mean that they get out of work that I did honestly. So, yes, both are bad, but in my book, cheating is worse.

And don’t forget, smoking may have an initial choice, but it becomes an addiction. The smoker is not in control, and thus not making the choice to smoke (yes, I know you can quit, but it’s tough, don’t flame me for saying that smoking is not a choice) while cheating is. Every time somebody sneaks a look at someone else’s test, that is a decision that they made. Big difference in my book.

Tom wrote:
There is NO evidence at all that second-hand smoke is in any way dangerous: liberal myth everyone. Fornication is good and smoking is bad:

I agree Tom…and am amazed at how our values have been turned upside down through outright propaganda.

Just read last year in one of those advice column type things, read how a mother was so upset that her daughter was moving in with a man, not because of the fornication (no problem there) she was upset because the guy smoked. So it would have been ok to live with him… if he didn’t smoke.

Hitler detested smoking and his campaign in Germany against it parallels the campaign in this country.

Warn people of health dangers…yes!. Phony research about secondhand smoke and other propaganda…no.

People used to understand that the moral and spiritual sins affected your soul and were much more important than bad physical habits which affect your body.

“Sodomy…ok. Smoking…no.” Have we gone mad?
Smoking is absolutely a choice. Especially before you light up the first time, and I believe the other poster who said it takes 4 cigarettes in 3 days to become addicted. Smoking is definately a choice. I would hate to have to explain to God that I chose to kill myself with cigarettes. Hey—If I can quit, anyone can.
Cheating is a character flaw for sure, one to be found out, understood and addressed. Taught and reinforced with why god believes it to be wrong helps better understand. Morally it is wrong, to wrong anyone else. If we choose to smoke, we are harming ourselves healthwise. The more in the room, the more the dammage. But the worst is a purposefull direct hurting of another by cheating.
People used to understand that the moral and spiritual sins affected your soul and were much more important than bad physical habits which affect your body.
Sick ain’t it?
Satan must be dancing in delight.
And don’t forget, smoking may have an initial choice, but it becomes an addiction. The smoker is not in control, and thus not making the choice to smoke (yes, I know you can quit, but it’s tough, don’t flame me for saying that smoking is not a choice) while cheating is. Every time somebody sneaks a look at someone else’s test, that is a decision that they made. Big difference in my book.

I realize that it is an addiction, but so is chronic dishonselty. I knowthat you stated that cheating was worse. I completely agree beasue I too am a student who tries here best to do well and is irritated when people take advanage of hteir situation in order to achieve good grades. I feel that the addiction of smoking is a lot easier to overcome because it is a physial, not personality addiciton. It can be fixed, however one’s identity of being a notorius cheater sticks, and nothing can be done to counteract or cussion the disgust felt be most. This is a change or a compromise of character. This can almost never be reversed in the minds of all, unlike the stopage of an addiciton like smoking. Both are personal decisions, but the cheating affects teh reputation of many more (all family members, friends, etc) and causes a deeper hurt that is harder to heal.
What is actually immoral about smoking? sure it’s addictive, unhealthy, and addictions are wrong, but people can get addicted to many things…how is, specifically, smoking a ciggarette a sin? I don’t accept this PC gargbage that things like smoking are wrong on some moral level because they are unhealthy, even mildly unhealthy, it seems like christians are all to keen to accept this sort of thing, to create sins that would not have been regarded as sin 40 years ago. Obviousely cheating on a test is far more seriouse, cause it’s lying, it’s dishonesty.
What is actually immoral about smoking? sure it’s addictive, unhealthy, and addictions are wrong, but people can get addicted to many things…how is, specifically, smoking a ciggarette a sin? I don’t accept this PC gargbage that things like smoking are wrong on some moral level because they are unhealthy, even mildly unhealthy, it seems like christians are all to keen to accept this sort of thing, to create sins that would not have been regarded as sin 40 years ago. Obviousely cheating on a test is far more seriouse, cause it’s lying, it’s dishonesty.
Smoking is a serious sin because you are abusing your body, essentially committing suicide. God gave you one body and you have an obligation to take care of it. I don’t understand what you mean by PC garbage. Smoking kills, it is a known fact, and being Politically Correct has nothing to do with it. I totally disagree that cheating is more serious. Killing yourself or someone else is the most offensive sin to God in my humble opinion.
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