I think your propition is poorly thought out, and would have the opposite effect than the one you intend.
With a single exception, all the morally offensive shows that you list are not cable shows, so cutting the cable would have no effect on the broadcasters (the vast majority of which do not receive payment from the cable providers). Cutting the cable would, though, take away ETWN and other religious programming, first from my home and eventually from the everyone’s home.
My cable box and my PVR silently report every show I watch to the people who crunch numbers. If a significant number of conservative Christians were cut the cable, what the providers will see is a drop in viewership for these wholesome channels. If the wholesome channels no longer bring in customers, why would the providers continue to carry them? They’d be better served by cutting EWTN and other and replacing them with “The Gay Channel”.
I was very specifically talking about* basic cable*, not the extra cable channels. I belong to Dish network. We have already taken all the cable channels off (HBO, showtime, cinamax, etc.) We get a few good channels but not woth $60 per month. I’m talking about NBC, CBS, FOX. We pay for those too, and those are the channels I would like to see change so that I don’t have to pay for total smut. Basic cable (local channels, news channels, Discover History. Families should be able to have basic channels without worrying about the commercials for “Naughty Nurses” while watching CNN.
Which channels are included in Basic Cable depends on the carrier. We have a sattelite connection through Dish Network. We block out alot of channels. I want people to have the freedom to purchase special cable channels with questionable content if they wish, but the BASIC channels are what I am having a problem with.
You misundererstood what I was proposing, that we have already cancelled our special cable movie channel packages years ago (HBO, cinamax, Movie channel etc.) I am concerned with the *BASIC *package. We have it purely for News, EWTN, various learning channels, Pay Per View, and the occasional movie or sitcom that we find entertaining. Our family ends up also paying for all the sitcoms that we can’t stand or that I feel morally obligated not to pay for.
I am posing the question whether my family could actually give up or BASIC cable connection (as in having no tv connection) and watch DVDs that we either rent, purchase or borrow, and get our news online. I can’t watch the news with my kids in the room anyway, so I end up finding most of my news online. I am also wondering if any other families have considered or would consider doing the same thing.
I would rather give EWTN 20 bucks per month, or purchase the programming I especially like from their website, and budget the rest of my $60- $70 on DVD rental or purchase. The only programming I feel obligated to fund is EWTN. I would rather sacrifice the other smut and give them more money than they would get from me through my cable subscription.
I know several families who already do this, mainly because of the high cost of cable (they don’t pay for local channels either) they simply rent the movies, documentaries or sitcom seasons they want to see.
Don’t you have to pay for basic, local channels? I do.