I am convinced that God created us just for each other. No one else could stand me! LOL We are both very quirky and have strong opinions, likes/dislikes, etc. For example…
Our first date was a group date. His best friend grilled me in the car and asked me a whole bunch of questions like - “Do you like Tide or All? Pepsi or Coke? Inland or coast? Ford or Honda? Cotton or acrylic? Plaid or paisley? Snuggle or Downy? Crest or Colgate? Showers or baths? Best Foods or Miracle Whip? Heinz or Hunt’s? …”
His friends in the back were laughing at my answers, and my poor future husband was blushing deeper and deeper red the more questions I answered. I didn’t know what in the heck was going on, but I just went with it. I later learned that what was funny was that we matched on every answer, and his friends could not believe what they were hearing.
We have been through a lot of tough times together, but he is an amazing person. I wouldn’t want to go through life with anyone but him. He is my soul mate and my love. He is an amazing father and incredibly faithful Catholic man. I praise God for him every day. I think that if you marry your best friend, you have a really good chance at a great marriage. You just have to be willing to swallow your pride, serve them above yourself, and pray hard for humility and bite your tongue! If you both do that for each other - what a beautiful thing.
I am convinced that God created us just for each other. No one else could stand me! LOL We are both very quirky and have strong opinions, likes/dislikes, etc. For example…
Our first date was a group date. His best friend grilled me in the car and asked me a whole bunch of questions like - “Do you like Tide or All? Pepsi or Coke? Inland or coast? Ford or Honda? Cotton or acrylic? Plaid or paisley? Snuggle or Downy? Crest or Colgate? Showers or baths? Best Foods or Miracle Whip? Heinz or Hunt’s? …”
His friends in the back were laughing at my answers, and my poor future husband was blushing deeper and deeper red the more questions I answered. I didn’t know what in the heck was going on, but I just went with it. I later learned that what was funny was that we matched on every answer, and his friends could not believe what they were hearing.
We have been through a lot of tough times together, but he is an amazing person. I wouldn’t want to go through life with anyone but him. He is my soul mate and my love. He is an amazing father and incredibly faithful Catholic man. I praise God for him every day. I think that if you marry your best friend, you have a really good chance at a great marriage. You just have to be willing to swallow your pride, serve them above yourself, and pray hard for humility and bite your tongue! If you both do that for each other - what a beautiful thing.