Would you marry the same spouse again?

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Yup. I would indeed! It will be 34 years this November since we were married. Time sure flies!
YES, absolutly. I only wish he were Catholic, but then I guess he wouldn’t be the same person. He is supportive of my faith (three kids in four years) so just pray for his conversion.

And I am in the same boat as kp1 because my husband is in the army and he leaves for a week here and there sometimes a month justwhen I am at my wits end with him and then when he comes back I cou;dn’t imagine being without him.

SOmeone asked if we were on our honeymoon when we were on a cruise. Oh yea, I was seven months pregnant with our second child. Good Lord!!
My first thought would be absolutely not because he wasn’t Catholic or religious in any way and left me with 2 children, ages 4 and 6.
...but then, I wouldn't have my daughters.
I absolutely would. I’ve never met a kinder, gentler man in my life. He’s very supportive and protective. And he puts up with me when I’m moody. (which of course isn’t too often 😉 ) I struggle to picture what life would be like without him. I love him very much. ❤️ 🙂
I would jump at the chance of marrying my spouse again. I just wish we had met earlier so we could have married at a younger age!

Yes I would in second. Despite our personality differences, we work together well & have wonderful children and I’m so thankful God brought him into my life.

Get this… when I felt God calling me to the Catholic Church my husband ( a fallen away Catholic himself) was so NOT pleased. I told him I had to be faithful to God but if he wanted to stay at our old church, I would support his decision. Two weeks ago he (on his own) decided to go to confession after being away more than 20 years. He decided OUR family worships together. How can I not love that man?
carol marie,

Testimonies like yours always remind me of the following scripture passages:

1Corintians 7:14-16
“For the unbelieving husband is consecrated through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is consecrated through her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is they are holy…Wife, how do you know whether you will save your husband? Husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife?”

God’s grace is a wondrous and powerful thing that He uses in the gentlest and most loving ways. Your loving patience meant a great deal to your husband.

My first husband left me with two children for a lady he worked with, and they married eight short months after our divorce. I was devastated. :crying:

I determined I would Never marry again, and decided I couldn’t fall in love for that matter. Six years later I met HIM…And I loved him really quickly, and I introduced him to my babies, and he fell for them quickly, and we married and now we have another baby…the most miraculous thing about him is that

He loves all OUR children EQUALLY…I can’t tell any difference between the way he treats his Bio-kid VS. Step. He can teach me a thing or two about love…he is truely my role model.
I would marry the same spouse again but I hope I would be a better wife. Our marriage had problems at times because I didn’'t communicate my feelings. I always tried to accept things even when I was unhappy. Then my husband had trouble understanding my unhappiness. I believe we would have had a better marriage had I been more truthfull with him and myself.
And more appreciative of him.

In 2001, my husband was in a serious accident and by God’s mercy he lived. Since then my husband and I are truely happily married. I believe it is because I am much more truthfull with my feelings and also appreciate him more.

However, the biggest difference is God is now a daily part of both of our lives. In the past God was in my life but not in my husbands. I had trouble accepting this, even though in the beginning of our marriage I pretended to be okay with it, over time it became a big issue.
Yep. Sometimes you don’t know whether you want to kiss them or kill them, but you need one with stamina to go the whole course of life with you. It gets better and better as you go along. :rotfl:
Absolutely! I married right out of high school and we have remained best friends. Sometimes we stop to reflect on how we have lived more years together than we lived with our parents. I cannot imagine being married to anyone else. :love:
Yes, I would! And we are expecting our first child!

It have been tough at times, but anything worth while is never easy. If it were, we would never truly cherish it.

**Depends when you ask me… **

Today is a good day so I’d be happy to give him another go.

There was a day a few weeks ago though where I’d have had to think about a while.

**Overall? Oh I bet I’d probably keep him. Afterall, I could’ve done worse, but I don’t know if I coud’ve done much better!:whacky: **
Next Monday, it will 25 yrs to the same spouse and we are renewing our vows at the morning mass. I praise and thank God daily for the gift of my loving mate.I only wish the same partner for my sons.
I’m encouraged by all the yes responses! Unfortunately I’m either in the probably not or not camp. (I realize now that I should have only dated Catholics.)

Having said that though, I couldn’t imagine my life without my kids. My marriage isn’t very good, however, and I keep praying that it will improve and my husband will experience a conversion. I have faith that God has a plan for me, although the closer I come to God the more it pushes my husband away. Unfortunately, like some others here it’s a cross I must bear.
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