Year 2020: Priests suggesting they will be martyred within the next 20 years-should we expect it as well?

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Several of the priests in my area have publically made it known that based upon the situations of the current world, they expect that they will be probably be martyred within the next 20 years.

Is this a reasonable thing for priests to be pronouncing to us?

Should we all expect that to happen to us personally as well?

Is it a duty as a Catholic to lay down one’s life if necessary, like Christ?

Do you reasonably see this as our future going forwards from 2020?

**EDIT to add:

I would like to clarify that it is a query regarding their sentiments, without regard to the location specified, and (name removed by moderator)ut on ones take on this on a personal level as Catholics
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Too little information to answer most, but Catholics are meant to die for the faith if necessary. Die rather than deny the Eucharist is God Himself, rather than deny anything about it, in life or word, the whole faith. It is more important than us
Thinking like that can lead to persecution complexes. Trust in God and resignation during the trials in life is much better, but depending on where you live it would be good to plan ahead.
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Are these priests in China? Perhaps Pakistan? Maybe parts of Syria or Iraq?

If anywhere in the Western World, then that’s absolutely over the top. Though I have seen a lot of “the sky is falling” rhetoric in some Christian quarters for decades now.
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I think you live in a Western country (I apologize if I am mistaken). Based on that, I do think these priests are being over-the-top. What situations are they referring to? The pandemic? The anti-racism protests? China’s increasing influence? It would help if you could provide more details.

If we are persecuted, it would be our duty to die for our faith, like saints and martyrs of old. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen in the Western world. Personally as a citizen of a non-Western country I think certain criticisms of the West by Christian Westerners on some online forums are absurd and unfair. I don’t mean to be rude, but non-Christian Westerners exercising their right to criticise Christianity does not count as “persecution.”

I’m not saying this to shut you down or make you feel bad, just to put the situation into perspective. Unless you live somewhere like Pakistan or Iraq, then you’re probably not going to face martyrdom or persecution during your lifetime.

God bless.
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The sky will actually fall - one day will actually be the last day. Modern Germany was Christian, as Hitler - and his human extinction ovens - were drawing near.
1Th 5:3 When people say, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as travail comes upon a woman with child, and there will be no escape.
1Th 5:4 But you are not in darkness, brethren, for that day to surprise you like a thief.
1Th 5:5 For you are all sons of light and sons of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness.
1Th 5:6 So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.
Christians will be yes especially priests brothers and sisters… I had an irrational fear when I was younger but wasn’t a fear that I’d die because of my faith and I’d be beheaded not sure why… years obviously went on I’m older and yes it’s still in the back of my mind how vivid this imagery is. I’m scared yes but no. I think if you can get yourself out of the situation like self defense then yes do it but if it’s for example isis or an extremist group than pray and God will be near. Always hold your cross and take it with you wherever you go don’t abandon it, hide it, leave it… hold it, carry it even when it’s the hardest
I would like to clarify that it is a query regarding their sentiments, with out regard to location specifically, and (name removed by moderator)ut on ones take on this on a personaly level.

There is a lot of banter regarding defending the churches with armed parishoners as well.

Would you take a bullet for a priest?

I think I would actually.
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A year ago, would we have predicted COVID-19 and its effects on the US in particular, and around the world?

Would we have predicted a year ago the huge BLM marches? Would we have predicted so many protests, so many riots, so many ‘statues coming down’, so many ‘name changes’ and this is probably just the start?

All it takes is one event that is seen as life-threatening and you’ll have mobs out in force doing what mobs do.

We’ve already seen over the last 20 years or so escalating attacks on Christianity, including sea changes of things like marriage.

We’ve seen the rise in ‘nones’ and along with that, the rise in incivility, a total lack of understanding of ‘the other’, an inability to listen, but rather to label, demonize, and attack others. The verbal assaults have already escalated. When people disagree now, they don’t disagree over what you THINK, they despise you as a PERSON, ALL of you, because your refusal to accept ‘them’ is seen as you despising them. You are no longer a person, you’re a thing- a label, a target.

So do I think it’s entirely likely that once a priest (or any Christian who actually holds, and states, Christian doctrine) is going to be in danger of being killed for that in 20 years? Well if things continue the way they have been going, yes I do.

We’re being shown right now that this will happen, and why. The ugliness of the hate shown to those portrayed as ‘enemies’ and the quickness to slant and distort to the narrative so that those ‘scum’ don’t even have the CHANCE to be imagined as ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is plain to see.

The charges of Christianity and all its ‘evils’ have been getting louder and louder. We all say, “We’ll stand with Christ.” But will we? If we’re told often enough and loudly enough that all we ever believed was right was totally wrong, that we can’t ‘know’ the ‘real Jesus’, if we’re presented with an ‘antiChrist’, if we’re just simply scared by seeing somebody who says “I’m a Christian’ thrown into prison, his property gone, his children screaming their hatred at him, are we going to be in a hurry to share that fate?

How often have we heard right here, “If you’re told to abjure Christ or else be killed, ABJURE HIM, He’ll forgive you?” You’ll be able to salve your conscience then won’t you?

I pray this all won’t happen, but it does seem that we’re ‘on the way’. . .
Sure. I think it’s possible. After the last 6 months if you told me aliens landed at the White House and brought a nice pecan pie with them as a gift I’d just shrug my shoulders and say “figures”
Is it a duty as a Catholic to lay down one’s life if necessary, like Christ?

Simplest question on these forums in a long time.
Should we all expect that to happen to us personally as well?
In all likelihood, probably not. Ours is more of a dry martyrdom. Those who adhere to the magisterium and uphold traditional moral teachings are despised.
Is this a reasonable thing for priests to be pronouncing to us?
It’s hard to imagine a situation where priests would be hauled away and be executed. It might be more like false, trumped-up charges of sexual abuse or financial wrongdoing, concocted as revenge for their not being willing to compromise the Faith. They could be imprisoned.

The “dark side” could actually find organized religion useful, as long as it were emasculated and made to suit its own purposes.
I was just talking to my sister last night and told her, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’d gladly lay my life down for the right cause, I just haven’t seen a God driven cause out there or a cause that I know well enough such that any action I take will make it better not worse.” Then I added, that I’d learned in life the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

So, from my perspective I’m not trying to preserve my life, but in praying for wisdom I’ve learned the best approaches in reaching people and making change are very subtle so as not to incite violence from others. In terms of how these priests feel, I wouldn’t know where the sentiment is coming from. I do fear secularism and it’s growth, assuming these priests are from America, the likely victim of secularism won’t be a priest, who has Faith, but all the people whose Christianity isn’t fully formed and are the victims of its draconian policy economically and politically.
Is this a reasonable thing for priests to be pronouncing to us?

Should we all expect that to happen to us personally as well?

Is it a duty as a Catholic to lay down one’s life if necessary, like Christ?

Do you reasonably see this as our future going forwards from 2020?
In America this isn’t reasonable

No you shouldn’t expect it to happen to you.

You would need to define necessary.

No this isnt our future.
Apart from the riots, I expect modern society in developed countries to start fining or imprisioning us; probably for speaking against LGBT+ or abortion speeches.

This, I think, will be the modern form of martyrdom in these countries (if there are not riots, as I’ve said).
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It’s already happening. Just saw this on FB:

An 80-year old priest wearing his cassock & praying the DO was attacked.
I don’t mean to make light of what happened, but did they attack and beat him because he was a Catholic priest, or because he was out by himself and was an easy target? Maybe hoping to rob him and get whatever valuables he had, in this case, his phone?
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