Year 2020: Priests suggesting they will be martyred within the next 20 years-should we expect it as well?

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I would like to clarify that it is a query regarding their sentiments, without regard to the location specified, and (name removed by moderator)ut on ones take on this on a personal level as Catholics
Well, the location is certainly relevant. I don’t know why you would think it isn’t.

Catholics are being martyred today in some places.

If you are in the US, Canada, Europe— then i think whoever said this is being dramatic and no, I don’t think that Catholics are on the road to martyrdom in the US.
There is a lot of banter regarding defending the churches with armed parishoners as well.
If these priests or people are Internet personalities, you need to stop visiting their sites or listening to their podcasts.
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It didn’t help much to receive an alert to a new video on youtube that talked openly about preparing all the ushers to be armed and to make note of parishioners that seem off. It explained that prep should take place now, as statues and churches are going to be continuously attacked, and ushers who conceal carry or are retired or off duty, as well as the military should all be pre-planning on how to deal with attacks. I just got this video and I was shocked by the sentiment.
You need to get off the alert list of whackadoodle video producers.
Several of the priests in my area have publically made it known that based upon the situations of the current world, they expect that they will be probably be martyred within the next 20 years.

Is this a reasonable thing for priests to be pronouncing to us?

Should we all expect that to happen to us personally as well?

Is it a duty as a Catholic to lay down one’s life if necessary, like Christ?

Do you reasonably see this as our future going forwards from 2020?

**EDIT to add:

I would like to clarify that it is a query regarding their sentiments, without regard to the location specified, and (name removed by moderator)ut on ones take on this on a personal level as Catholics
Catholicism should not conform itself to this increasingly insane world. Western civilization is going to a very dark place and there’s no turning back. The world that generally acknowledged virtue is quickly disappearing.

We (western culture) have a generation that does not know history.
We’ve killed millions of human beings in the name of sexual deification.
We refuse to acknowledge the difference between a man and woman, which is such a basic observational thing that, to not acknowledge it is the definition of insanity.
We have deconstructed the search for absolute truth in the name of absolute tolerance.

Has anyone noticed the rivers of blood and the pieces of human beings going into the garbage? You have to be blind not to notice. And you have to be naive not to appreciate the trajectory of such a warped culture.
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I’m guessing these priests are wrong, but only in the timing. I think it will be longer in the future than 20 years. But if nothing changes, I would say it’s inevitable at some point in the future. Wasn’t it Cardinal George who said he would die in bed; his successor would die in prison and the next one would die a martyr’s death?
I would like to clarify that it is a query regarding their sentiments, without regard to the location specified, and (name removed by moderator)ut on ones take on this on a personal level as Catholics
Well, the location is certainly relevant. I don’t know why you would think it isn’t.

Catholics are being martyred today in some places.

If you are in the US, Canada, Europe— then i think whoever said this is being dramatic and no, I don’t think that Catholics are on the road to martyrdom in the US.
Not tomorrow, no.
I think the 20 years is a good guess.
Settle down!

Trust in God and live life.
On a global scale
The world is as it always has been, some good some bad. Covid 19 is a pandemic just like several others have been.

Through history people have rioted and protested and torn the establishment down.
Muggers, thieves and those out for blood sports are as has always been.
Those who have more to lose will feel change and loss more acutely with living standards.

Every Catholic should take heed of the last Beatitude taught by Jesus.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Gospel of Matthew

Christianity was built on the blood of the martyrs.

God is with us forever
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The responses on this post give some additional insight into some of the members thought process, although it leads to confusion on my part.

Yes, in some countries Priests and some Catholics/christians have been martyred. Generally where there is either lawlessness, communism, or oligarchies.

If one believes that in countries where there are real democracies or republics in the next 20, 50 or 60 years Priests and Catholics will be killed in large numbers and nothing will be done about it, you have already given up hope.

If people are willing to vote for candidates that lack character (I mean real character) and will simply follow along with the group and not stand up on their own and speak out for what is right were are certainly doomed. But I won’t be part of that group leading us down that path.

Bad things have happened in western civilization over the past centuries, and for the most part it has self corrected because people were willing to make tough decisions and do what is right. However, people used to think for themselves. Today many people simply listen to what comes across on the internet or tv and blindly follow. If that continues, again, we may well be doomed. But I will not be a part of that either.
@Montrose @Tis_Bearself @(name removed by moderator) @twf @RolandThompsonGunnern @CF_Mathews @farronwolf @AlbMagno @Mrchatsworth

For what its worth, the sentiments expressed by two priests were in real life at a local parish.

Yes, it seems overly dramatic, but it’s pretty terrifying when there are real, actual ushers who are armed at every door because there are. We were made aware of this.

The video expresses what is going on at many parishes who are fearing being attacked and want to defend the parish and priests.

It’s so unnerving, I often go to other parishes to worship to avoid the armed ushers who surround us during mass, even walking up and down the aisles looking down, along the lengths of the pews. How could anyone focus?

It terribly disturbs my peace with God to have this happening.
I’m not expecting mass martyrdom in USA and agree with 1ke about avoiding the YouTube whackadoodles.

But on the off chance somebody wants to kill me in 20 years or even 20 minutes for being Catholic, and there was no good way to escape or fight them off, I’d probably just ask God to give me strength and then channel ol’ Humphrey Bogart.

Seriously, haven’t we read enough about the modern martyrs of the Cristero War, the Spanish civil war, WWII, Communist regimes, terrorists in South America, and even that sister who got beaten to death in a park in Italy by teen Satanists, that we should know how it’s done if we should have to do it?
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I go off and find my little sanctuaries and be with God and He with me…and that is often not at the parish at all…

ita like having to find a hiding place
see the post above this one on Casablanca, where I express what is actually happening in real life at my parish. I sincerely do not want to go there any more. It makes me sick to my stomach.
Unfortunately, Mary, since we don’t know where you live or what the situation is there, we can’t comment on it. I’ve never heard a priest at church here in USA express these sentiments about USA in my entire life. As others have said, we realize it’s different other places, but I don’t fear for my life as a Catholic here. And your average priest here would try to calm his parishioners’ anxiety, not add to it by making dire predictions.

It was well known in the 70s and 80s that if you wanted to work in the missions of Central or South America, as many young people and priests and religious did then, you might well be killed, and quite a few were. Some of those who were killed are getting beatified now. But if you stayed in US you’d likely be safe unless maybe you were working in a high -crime neighborhood or ministering to criminals.
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It’s not good to become paranoid. What matters is that we live out of lives according to the Gospel and let the chips fall where they may.

More Christians on the planet than any other faith.
It’s so unnerving, I often go to other parishes to worship to avoid the armed ushers who surround us during mass, even walking up and down the aisles looking down, along the lengths of the pews. How could anyone focus?
I would find that deeply disturbing. I highly suspect that the Holy Father would also have very choice words…
It’s so unnerving, I often go to other parishes to worship to avoid the armed ushers who surround us during mass, even walking up and down the aisles looking down, along the lengths of the pews. How could anyone focus?
What country do you live in? Or if in the US what state do you live in?
@twf thank you for your kind support. I do appreciate your acknowledgment of the real situation, as well as the very concept of a security sweep during the mass.

No respect or reverence for the real presence, just all-around security sweeps and checks, as well as not participating in the worship, but standing outside in the narthex, staring at everyone.

Today, I just now realized the large room with 2 security cameras, is where we are now giving confession, instead of the confessional.

The office staff said they are always on and they are saved.

They record both audio and visual.

I totally trusted my priest, went in, did my confession, and a couple of days later, realized what just happened.

The office staff have little monitors in each staff room, and they monitor all the cameras all day long, as well as buzz people in as the doors are always locked, long before the pandemic.

I am so creeped out now, as I have to wonder if anyone else was monitoring my confession?
We were surrounded on Easter Sunday morning as I was told by my friends in the KOC that there was a mass shooting in another country that morning.

This does not occur at any other parish I attend.
As we are the global Catholic church, Im not comfortable saying where I live at all.

Please, listen to the short video above by Sensus Fidelium and that will totally explain the freakish behavior of what I have to endure.
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