Year 2020: Priests suggesting they will be martyred within the next 20 years-should we expect it as well?

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Cardinal George believed that. If things do not change, yes, priests will be martyred.

It has happened before in many countries whenever aesthetic and/or very anti-Catholic groups take control.

IF radicals start tearing down statues of Jesus Christ & start vandalizing Churches; what will happen next is attacks on priests.

It has already started in more associated instances.
  • The priest stabbed during Mass in France
  • A priest attacked at Mass in Newark, NJ
  • Priests spit on when walking down the street on a day with “Pride Marches”
  • etc
If more & more people begin to believe that the Catholic Church is evil & that the Catholic faith is evil, then we can expect our Churches to be valialized & after the radicals do that; killing priests will come next.

Let’s pray this never happens.
Prelate and Priest are being Martyred today around the World. Is it a real possibility? Yes.
but many of you truly, sincerely believe that in a mere 20 years, which is pretty much tomorrow, your neighbours are going to report you to the FBI, and agents will show up at your house and / or church and put a bullet to your head? If you truly believe that is realistic and even likely in such a short period of time, I would flee the country now.

The fact that most of you are still going to work, making investments, planning for retirement, having kids tells me that you DON’T really believe it
I’m not saying it’s definitely going to happen (in the western world) in that space of time, but it certainly could do. I certainly wouldn’t scoff at it.

I would say for now the definition of martyrdom in the western world is losing your livelihood. Many people have lost jobs or had businesses wrecked or boycotted, because they spoke their Catholic belief out loud.

Who knows, not long from now it may even be prison time, if say, speaking out against LGBT issues becomes an official crime.

It wouldn’t surprise me if in time, we start seeing in the west, very similar things to what has gone on in communist countries.

Priests in many countries around the world have been murdered simply for being priests. Catholic clergy were being murdered on mass in Europe a few hundred years ago. Don’t ever get too comfortable and take your freedom (in that your freedom of religion) for granted.
Growing up near Mexico and Mexico is thought of being a heavily Catholic and I’d say strong Catholic country but they have definitely had problems in this area.

Not to get political but if some people get in government, there could certainly be heavy persecution.
It is highly likely. When we speak of Catholic priests and even laity being martyred we are speaking of the faithful, which is not everyone with the title “Catholic” by their name. Many folks will renounce their faith or go silent in times of persecution. True Catholics remaining will be very small in number. They will be persecuted, ridiculed, hated, etc. just as Jesus told us. These faithful are the ones who will be put in prison and then probably put to death. Everyone will be against them, every charge and judgement will come and be just in the eyes of 99% of the world. Those true to the faith will still stand firm and lay down their life for truth.

Just look at the effects of Coronavirus lockdown on the faithful. Many have not returned to mass and there are many who are not going to. They were lukewarm. When real persecution comes, and it is here and more coming for sure, more will abandon.
If they are recording audio during confessions, that is grave abuse and the pastor, if he is aware, is in deep, deep, deep serious waters…if you’re sure that the cameras are picking up the audio from confessions, the bishop MUST be notified IMMEDIATELY. That is an extremely grave abuse…
Yea, listened to his audio. I can argue either way, he is a quackadoodle, or sure, we need to do all this.

I trained and certified a good number of the people in our parish who have their Texas LTC, and carry at Mass. Would I want some of them letting rounds fly during Mass, absolutely not, they aren’t good enough shots and don’t shoot enough to be completely accurate from any real distance. But that doesn’t mean I am going to tell them not to carry into church.

My slogan for my business (have now stopped instructing) was Prepare for the worst, Pray that day never comes.

The likelihood that any of what this guy was talking about will every happen is slim to none. Have church shootings happened, yep, but percentage wise, it is very, very, very, very rare. You are much more likely to be killed by someone you are close to or know than by some stranger walking into a church and shooting up the place.

Sounds like you need to talk with your Pastor. If he has armed guys walking up and down the isles and is videoing and recording confessions or whatever else you say he is doing/allowing, it ain’t going to do you any good to try to get help here. The Priest runs his parish until the Bishop says he doesn’t.
It’s not good to become paranoid. What matters is that we live out of lives according to the Gospel and let the chips fall where they may.

More Christians on the planet than any other faith.
I agree it’s not good to be paranoid.
It’s also good to realize that the USA, or western civilization, or “western Christian culture”, none of these are the kingdom of God and they will pass away. And I think it is obvious that we are in the second half of that process at the moment.

I think too many Christians believe the 1950’s are coming back some day, and we will all relive the classic western dream that confuses full pews and prosperous lives with Christianity.
@CF_Mathews going offline myself right now, to go and pray and just be with Him.

Can you relate?
Yes, I relate! I have been doing an hour of Adoration per week with the Blue Army 2020 project and it has been wonderful. Such truths are revealed to you and we especially need discernment during this time of confusion and deception.
Religious liberty in the US could erode and further alienate Catholics, making an attack by someone with a personality disorder more likely. (I’d consider that as martyrdom, but I guess the Church decides who an official martyr is.). I don’t foresee government forces here ever engaging in such killing, but lawlessness and intolerance could set the stage for such a tragedy on an individual or mob level.
We are suppose to imitate Jesus and Jesus sufferer and died while on earth in order to spread the Gospel. It’s quite inconceivable and actually probable that we too suffer in order to live out the Gospel
It didn’t help much to receive an alert to a new video on youtube that talked openly about preparing…
Are you talking about the 13 minute video you posted in Post #25, or another video?

The one in your Post 25 need not be alarming to you. The speaker is addressing it to those few in the parish who are capable of and dedicated to defending others, like those with police or military training and others who are called to protect others. He is describing the kind of careful planning and rehearsal that well-trained police and military do. It’s their job, and the rest of us don’t need to worry about those details.
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I agree with you stpurl. Also, I believe being ridiculed because of being a Catholic or other Christian is a form of persecution. The enemy of Christ is ‘alive and well’ in the U.S. right now.
Just this month Catholic Churches have been broken into and chalices or Monstrances stolen. For what purpose, do you think?
Here’s my BS test: Figure out how many rioters, anarchists, and “activists” there are in the US.
Please don’t lump us anarchists with rioters and “activists”. That is not what we are about. Anarchy is about peaceful, voluntary relationships with others. Violence is only justified to repel violence. These people taking to the streets, burning, looting and even killing have almost nothing in common with anarchists.
Yes, but that assumes that said Archbishops will have the courage to resist the spirit of the age.
To qualify as a martyr, you must: 1. Actually be killed for being a Catholic or doing the works of the Faith, 2. Freely accept at least the possibility that someone will kill you for your faith, and 3. Have at least imperfect contrition for any mortal sins you are guilty of.
I’m guessing these priests are wrong, but only in the timing. I think it will be longer in the future than 20 years.
I believe you are overly optimistic.
I believe we will see this within the next 5 years.

Actually, I would not be surprised if we started seeing Catholic chuches burned and statues destroyed. And if clergy are nearby,…clergy killed. As a direct result of the current civil unrest.
Please don’t lump us anarchists with rioters and “activists”. That is not what we are about. Anarchy is about peaceful, voluntary relationships with others. Violence is only justified to repel violence. These people taking to the streets, burning, looting and even killing have almost nothing in common with anarchists.
Thank you. I stand corrected.
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