Year 2020: Priests suggesting they will be martyred within the next 20 years-should we expect it as well?

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@HomeschoolDad @RepetantCatholic @(name removed by moderator) It didn’t help much to receive an alert to a new video on youtube that talked openly about preparing all the ushers to be armed and to make note of parishioners that seem off. It explained that prep should take place now, as statues and churches are going to be continuously attacked, and ushers who conceal carry or are retired or off duty, as well as the military should all be pre-planning on how to deal with attacks. I just got this video and I was shocked by the sentiment.

They talked about knowing all the doors, exits, and hiding places.

Of course, then, the parish priest would be made aware of this, no?
Some of the comments on this thread surprise me. Yes, I can see increased pressure to “conform” on issues like homosexuality… but many of you truly, sincerely believe that in a mere 20 years, which is pretty much tomorrow, your neighbours are going to report you to the FBI, and agents will show up at your house and / or church and put a bullet to your head? If you truly believe that is realistic and even likely in such a short period of time, I would flee the country now.

The fact that most of you are still going to work, making investments, planning for retirement, having kids tells me that you DON’T really believe it…
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@Margaret_Ann @AlbMagno Did you ever try and console yourself that at least we aren’t literally being fed to lions or burned alive?

It seems that the world has gone mad lately over their right to have it their way or else.

There is a near-complete loss of absolute morals or right and wrong.

Christian faith takes a stand in these absolutes, and so I see how we are now a target for people who are “sick” of not getting their way or feeling judged.

We have failed it seems in sending out true love and concern if the populace feel so hated they must lash back?

Is this relativism gone insane?
@Salibi @farronwolf @Bithynian @Mythicalbio @twf @AlbMagno @Autumnfa @(name removed by moderator)

I subscribe to this channel because they post wonderful videos on Catholic living. I already had heard about the priests saying they expect to be martyred, then I got this video.

Its only 13 minutes, please give it a listen if you can.

What on Earth are we to do?

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On really good days, when a preist has particularly given his best, I strongly feel I would die for them.

But are any of us prepared? Do we truly need to have an action plan and to fight back?
Dr. Taylor Marshall:

“First they are going to go after the statues of the saints. Then they’re going to go after the statues of Our Lady. Then they are going to go after the statues of Jesus. We already saw an activist talk about that last week. And the crosses. Then they’re going to come to the churches and attack the churches and they’re going to disrupt our worship. Our masses.

*Then after that they’re going to attack us."
This is from Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago, from sometime before 2010:

“I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history.”

So while it looks like we are in for tough times ahead, at least Cardinal George believed that we will get through this.

I do think things will continue to escalate. I am unclear about the timeline. I think good Catholics need to go off-grid and create our own communities apart from the world. We should be making those plans NOW.
Rumors of the demise of civilization have been greatly exaggerated. You’re all watching way too much TV news.

Here’s my BS test: Figure out how many rioters, anarchists, and “activists” there are in the US. Thousands perhaps? Next, figure out how many regular people there are. Millions. Who’s gonna prevail? The millions of course.

Be diligent but don’t freak out. Be at peace.
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Wise words. @CF_Mathews pointed out that maybe Catholics should live off the grid. I’m not willing to go that far, but I definitely do limit my online presence. Again as I wrote to @mary15 there is nothing I can do that’s productive to the national dialogue. The media will only broadcast extreme voices. There are reasonable people out there that are God driven of all races, but again like reasonable people who know their voice can’t be heard, there is a quiet resignation about them.

I know I and my relatives are safe, but I am frightened for the future. Now really is a time for prayer and not being part of any worldly extremism. I note, I wholeheartedly support the Black community and all communities of color, but it seems the movement is being hijacked by secularists whose original goal has been lost. This happened after Civil Rights lead by Dr, Rev. Martin Luther King, a wholly devout man whose cause was genuine and good. After that movement, there was an extremist hysteria of sex, drugs and Rock n Roll all of it evil.

So, all I can do is watch history go on, pray, and not be part of any problem.
Do you suppose that the people in Soviet Russia and communist China and in Germany in the early 1930s really thought that their kids would turn them in, their neighbors inform on them, etc?

And yet. . .they did. . .
Rumors of the demise of civilization have been greatly exaggerated. You’re all watching way too much TV news.

Here’s my BS test: Figure out how many rioters, anarchists, and “activists” there are in the US. Thousands perhaps? Next, figure out how many regular people there are. Millions. Who’s gonna prevail? The millions of course.

Be diligent but don’t freak out. Be at peace.
I wish I could agree with you. Problem is, the “activists” rioters et al have the power of both social and conventional media on their side, while the “millions” do not. One could make the case that because of our feckless politicians of whatever stripe, Twitter is largely running Congress, as political decisions seem driven more by attempts to remain on the “right side” of the social media mob, and not on the rule of law.
I don’t mean to make light of what happened, but did they attack and beat him because he was a Catholic priest, or because he was out by himself and was an easy target? Maybe hoping to rob him and get whatever valuables he had, in this case, his phone?
Pretty sure they saw an 80-year-old man walking in the early morning in a questionable neighborhood and decided he would be a good robbery target. They likely couldn’t care less if he were a priest or an atheist. As for them going to the rectory to harass him, it’s likely because he went to the police.

It’s a bad thing that happened, but he took an awful chance walking around on the streets there at some very early hour.
It depends on where the Priest is ministering. Some live in countries where corrupt governments or criminal syndicates are willing to kill any man they perceive as a threat to their power - even a man of the cloth. Some are missionaries in countries where Christianity is a minority and where some even hate it - in 1999 a missionary named Graham Staines and his two Elementary-school aged sons were murdered by radical Hindus and the Indian Supreme Court all but said they deserved to die for trying to peacefully convert others.
Priests have already been martyred in the Soviet Union and in Spain under the regime of the 1930s and in Mexico earlier in the 20th century. And it could happen in other countries in the West in the decades to come.
That is, it has already happened in various countries. It is not just a prediction, but history.
In the United States? I wouldn’t think this to be the case in the next 20 years. But in the next 50 or 60 years? I wouldn’t be sure about what will happen. Perhaps the priests who said this have encountered hate.
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Several of the priests in my area have publically made it known that based upon the situations of the current world, they expect that they will be probably be martyred within the next 20 years.

Is this a reasonable thing for priests to be pronouncing to us?

Should we all expect that to happen to us personally as well?

Is it a duty as a Catholic to lay down one’s life if necessary, like Christ?

Do you reasonably see this as our future going forwards from 2020?

** EDIT to add :

I would like to clarify that it is a query regarding their sentiments, without regard to the location specified, and (name removed by moderator)ut on ones take on this on a personal level as Catholics
That is nothing the Church teaches. I would ignore it.
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