Yet Another Study Confirms Gay Life Expectancy 20 Years Shorter

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Yet Another Study Confirms Gay Life Expectancy 20 Years Shorter

WASHINGTON, DC, June 6, 2005 ( – A new study which analyzed tens of thousands of gay obituaries and compared them with AIDS deaths data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has shown that the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public. The study, entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, has been published in Psychological Reports (2005;96:693-697).

In an interview with, Dr. Paul Cameron, the President of the Family Research Institute and the scientist who headed the study, indicated that he was not at all surprised by the findings. Rather he said that it only served as further confirmation for what had long been known and other studies have already shown.

One such study was conducted in Vancouver British Columbia and published in 1997 in the International Journal of Epidemiology (Vol. 26, 657-61:…). It almost exactly mirrors the findings of Cameron’s research.

That is a startling number - 20 years is a lot of life. Look at the investment we put into stopping people from smoking, which may knock off 5 or 6 years of life. But if you are going to knock off 20 years, that’s normal and ok.
Did they bother to include straight people who have HIV/AIDS, because I’m sure that thier life expectancy is greatly reduced as well. This study is greatly biased, no matter how much they say it’s not. Yes, the findings may be correct, in that all persons with HIV/AIDS have a shorter life expectancy, but there are plenty of straight people who have it too. Were there any non-infected homosexuals studied? Probably not, becuase there would be no difference from the general population.
buffalo said:
Yet Another Study Confirms Gay Life Expectancy 20 Years Shorter

WASHINGTON, DC, June 6, 2005 ( – A new study which analyzed tens of thousands of gay obituaries and compared them with AIDS deaths data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has shown that the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public. The study, entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, has been published in Psychological Reports (2005;96:693-697).

In an interview with, Dr. Paul Cameron, the President of the Family Research Institute and the scientist who headed the study, indicated that he was not at all surprised by the findings. Rather he said that it only served as further confirmation for what had long been known and other studies have already shown.

One such study was conducted in Vancouver British Columbia and published in 1997 in the International Journal of Epidemiology (Vol. 26, 657-61:…). It almost exactly mirrors the findings of Cameron’s research.


Hi buffalo!

Yes, Dr. Paul Cameron is quite an intertesting fellow. Not only does he believe that homosexuality reduces life expectancy to one’s mid forties, but he also believes (with his own research to back it up) that homosexuality is a choice. This meants that the third prong for mortal sin has been met and that the Catholic Church is exactly wrong. The matter is grave, it is known to be grave and yet the person makes a free and willful decision to be subject to the temptation. By the Church’s own logic, salvation is therefore dependant upon a heterosexual orientation.
Other Eric:
Hi buffalo!

Yes, Dr. Paul Cameron is quite an intertesting fellow. Not only does he believe that homosexuality reduces life expectancy to one’s mid forties, but he also believes (with his own research to back it up) that homosexuality is a choice. This meants that the third prong for mortal sin has been met and that the Catholic Church is exactly wrong. The matter is grave, it is known to be grave and yet the person makes a free and willful decision to be subject to the temptation. By the Church’s own logic, salvation is therefore dependant upon a heterosexual orientation.
Ummm, no salvation is not dependant upon a heterosexual orientation.

Salvation is dependant upon ones actions. A heterosexual who engages in sex out side of marriage, that is not living Chastity according to their station in life, is guilty of commiting a mortal sin, same as a homosexual, except the homosexual has two mortal sins (sex outside of the bonds of marriage and homosexual behavior).

Having homosexual tendencies is not sinful, it is acting up those feelings that is sinful.
Did they bother to include straight people who have HIV/AIDS, because I’m sure that thier life expectancy is greatly reduced as well. This study is greatly biased, no matter how much they say it’s not. Yes, the findings may be correct, in that all persons with HIV/AIDS have a shorter life expectancy, but there are plenty of straight people who have it too. Were there any non-infected homosexuals studied? Probably not, becuase there would be no difference from the general population.
From the article:

The Vancouver study was conducted by a team of pro-gay researchers, who, upon finding that pro-family advocates were using the results of their research as confirmation for their beliefs about the risks of the homosexual lifestyle, issued a statement trying to curb this unintended after-effect.

Now how does a straight person acquire aids? How about a chaste person and non-drug user? Get the point?
Now how does a straight person acquire aids? How about a chaste person and non-drug user? Get the point?
I am just going to answer this question.

Through working in the healthcare field and being exposed to HIV. Though a blood transfusion. Though a married partner who exhibits or has exhibited dangerous behaviors.

Just because one has contracted HIV/AIDS does not mean that the person is automaticly guilt of some moral sin. To assume so is very wrong.
Other Eric:
Hi buffalo!

Yes, Dr. Paul Cameron is quite an intertesting fellow. Not only does he believe that homosexuality reduces life expectancy to one’s mid forties, but he also believes (with his own research to back it up) that homosexuality is a choice. This meants that the third prong for mortal sin has been met and that the Catholic Church is exactly wrong. The matter is grave, it is known to be grave and yet the person makes a free and willful decision to be subject to the temptation. By the Church’s own logic, salvation is therefore dependant upon a heterosexual orientation.
This is way off. The acting upon the inclination is a free choice… A choice that is sinful. Salvation is dependent on repentance and the continuuing promise to try to live by God’s laws by overcoming the temptation. This is the same with every sinner.
I am just going to answer this question.

Through working in the healt care field and being exposed to HIV. Though a blood transfusion. Though a married partner who exhibits or has exhibited dangerous behaviors.

Just because one has contracted HIV/AIDS does not mean that the person is automaticly guilt of some moral sin. To assume so is very wrong.
Never will I assume that someone with AIDS has committted a sin. But the facts point out that the majority of AIDS has been acquired though homosexual relations at some point.

The success in Uganda shows that the Catholic way of chastity and abstinence is a way to virtually eliminate the threat.
IMHO Any personal actions that shorten life expectancy is against pro-life teaching. Now that being said we can include any of our personal life decisions in this (eating wrong, sunbathing, speeding etc). No one makes good decisions all the time. Please note I said " personal life decisions" as opposed to things not under our control.

Even if there is genetic loading for obesity, high bloodpressure, lung cancer from smoking etc., it is still our own personal decisions that can deside if it controls us and/or shortens our God Given life span or not.

Other genetic loadings are not in our personal ability to control and these are the ones that research money, time and effort should be spent on. For we as Christians are responsible for the use of our time, money and efforts and should use this wisely.
Never will I assume that someone with AIDS has committted a sin. But the facts point out that the majority of AIDS has been acquired though homosexual relations at some point.

The success in Uganda shows that the Catholic way of chastity and abstinence is a way to virtually eliminate the threat.
No argument here, I was just supplying an answer to the question you asked.
This is way off. The acting upon the inclination is a free choice… A choice that is sinful. Salvation is dependent on repentance and the continuuing promise to try to live by God’s laws by overcoming the temptation. This is the same with every sinner.
Hi buffalo!

It may be way off, but Dr. Cameron does not believe so. He believes that the temptation itself is a choice, not merely the decision to act upon it. The third prong necessary for mortal sin is thus engaged and the very temptation is itself a sin.

This is a rather simple formulation and I believe it calls Dr. Cameron’s judgement into question on matters such as these. I note that the good doctor has been expelled from the APA and that this is a consequence that every member of NARTH has been able to avoid.
Other Eric:
It may be way off, but Dr. Cameron does not believe so. He believes that the temptation itself is a choice, not merely the decision to act upon it. The third prong necessary for mortal sin is thus engaged and the very temptation is itself a sin.
Well Dr Cameron is not the Church so it really doesn’t matter what he says on this as to defining a sin.

The Church is the only competent authority to judge such matters.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Chastity and homosexuality

Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

**2358 **The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

141 Cf. Gen 191-29; Rom 124-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10.
142 CDF, Persona humana 8.
Other Eric:
Hi buffalo!

It may be way off, but Dr. Cameron does not believe so. He believes that the temptation itself is a choice, not merely the decision to act upon it. The third prong necessary for mortal sin is thus engaged and the very temptation is itself a sin.

This is a rather simple formulation and I believe it calls Dr. Cameron’s judgement into question on matters such as these. I note that the good doctor has been expelled from the APA and that this is a consequence that every member of NARTH has been able to avoid.
How can a temptation be a choice?
Other Eric:
Hi buffalo!

It may be way off, but Dr. Cameron does not believe so. He believes that the temptation itself is a choice, not merely the decision to act upon it. The third prong necessary for mortal sin is thus engaged and the very temptation is itself a sin.

This is a rather simple formulation and I believe it calls Dr. Cameron’s judgement into question on matters such as these. I note that the good doctor has been expelled from the APA and that this is a consequence that every member of NARTH has been able to avoid.
What is your point? That homosexual actions are sinful or are not or something else?
Well Dr Cameron is not the Church so it really doesn’t matter what he says on this as to defining a sin.

The Church is the only competent authority to judge such matters.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Chastity and homosexuality

Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

**2358 **The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

141 Cf. Gen 191-29; Rom 124-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10.
142 CDF, Persona humana 8.
Hi ByzCath!

Well, Dr. Cameron may not have the authority of the Magisterium, but if he is right and homosexuality is a choice, then the three conditions for mortal sin have been met. Those conditions are part of the infallible Tradition of the Church. While the Catechism itself is not an infallible document, I note that its final English version specifically edited out from the section you quote the idea that the homosexual condition was not chosen.
What is your point? That homosexual actions are sinful or are not or something else?
Hi Brad!

I’m just taking the evidence presented and the logic provided by the Church to arrive at what I believe the ultimate reality of the homosexual condition must be for a faithful Catholic.
Other Eric:
Hi ByzCath!

Well, Dr. Cameron may not have the authority of the Magisterium, but if he is right and homosexuality is a choice, then the three conditions for mortal sin have been met. Those conditions are part of the infallible Tradition of the Church. While the Catechism itself is not an infallible document, I note that its final English version specifically edited out from the section you quote the idea that the homosexual condition was not chosen.
You seem to want to raise the opinion of this Doctor above the consistent teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Church has consistently taught that it is the homosexual acts, not the tendency, that is sinful. By this consistent teaching, it is Infallible.

I am having trouble with your focusing on the opinion of one Doctor over what the Church Teaches in this matter.

By your logic here, no one is capable of salvation as you seem to think that temptation = choice = sin. So when ever anyone is tempted, which we all are, then we are all guilty of sin.
You seem to want to raise the opinion of this Doctor above the consistent teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Church has consistently taught that it is the homosexual acts, not the tendency, that is sinful. By this consistent teaching, it is Infallible.

I am having trouble with your focusing on the opinion of one Doctor over what the Church Teaches in this matter.

By your logic here, no one is capable of salvation as you seem to think that temptation = choice = sin. So when ever anyone is tempted, which we all are, then we are all guilty of sin.
Hi ByzCath!

I certainly am not raising the opinion of Dr. Cameron over the authority of the Church’s teaching. Rather, I think the man is a charlatan and for a Catholic to accept any argument he makes without serious questioning can lead to some very problematic issues.
Other Eric:
Hi ByzCath!

I certainly am not raising the opinion of Dr. Cameron over the authority of the Church’s teaching. Rather, I think the man is a charlatan and for a Catholic to accept any argument he makes without serious questioning can lead to some very problematic issues.
A charlatan because he is not part of the APA that said homosexuality was a mental disorder, then said it wasn’t a disorder, and now the 2 original people in the APA that had said it wasn’t a mental disorder say it is curable???

Sounds like portions of the APA are charlatan.
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