Hi Brad!A charlatan because he is not part of the APA that said homosexuality was a mental disorder, then said it wasn’t a disorder, and now the 2 original people in the APA that had said it wasn’t a mental disorder say it is curable???
Sounds like portions of the APA are charlatan.
And congress is falling all over itself about …steriods? This is a healthcare crisis! The leading cause of HIV/AIDS death is homosexual sex and drug needle use. If we can have a “war of drugs”, maybe we should…a’hem.the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public.
A rebuttal to the accusation that Dr. Cameron was dropped from the American Psychological Association (APA)Hi Brad!
Those two original people, Dr. Nicolosi and Dr. Soccarides enjoy the full privileges of membership in their respective fields even though they maintain homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured. Dr. Cameron does not. Dr. Cameron was not expelled due to his opinions, but rather due to the poor quality of his research.
fix said:A rebuttal to the accusation that Dr. Cameron was dropped from the American Psychological Association (APA)
I was responding to the charge about Cameron with opposing information.Hi fix!
Then it is true. The homosexual chooses to be tempted as he is and therefore seeks salvation in vain as long as he is subject to it.
Hi fix!I was responding to the charge about Cameron with opposing information.
Scientific studies may be debated, but the APA is hardly an unbiased scientific group to be trusted in all areas.Hi fix!
But if Cameron is to be accepted without question, then my scenario is engaged.
Again, how can a temptation be chosen?Hi fix!
Then it is true. The homosexual chooses to be tempted as he is and therefore seeks salvation in vain as long as he is subject to it.
Perhaps you can quote his work so we can read it and discuss it?Hi buffalo!
It may be way off, but Dr. Cameron does not believe so. He believes that the temptation itself is a choice, not merely the decision to act upon it.
Hi fix!Perhaps you can quote his work so we can read it and discuss it?
In FRI’s analysis, most of those who engage in homosexuality adopt these sexual activities and rebellious attitudes as a result of three kinds of experiences:
*]direct recruitment to homosexuality by seduction or molestation (particularly of the underage);
*]indirect recruitment via cultural institutions (e.g., the schools, media, churches) preaching that ‘‘homosexuality is another way to fulfillment and personal satisfaction;’’ and
*] being around homosexuals as friends, acquaintances, or family members.
Hi fix!Perhaps you can quote his work so we can read it and discuss it?
In FRI’s analysis, most of those who engage in homosexuality adopt these sexual activities and rebellious attitudes as a result of three kinds of experiences:
*]direct recruitment to homosexuality by seduction or molestation (particularly of the underage);
*]indirect recruitment via cultural institutions (e.g., the schools, media, churches) preaching that ‘‘homosexuality is another way to fulfillment and personal satisfaction;’’ and
*]being around homosexuals as friends, acquaintances, or family members.
The quote from Cameron does not seem that unreasonable, in fact, it seems logical.Hi fix!
How about this? In the article I previously linked to in which Dr. Cameron criticizes Dr. James Dobson and the research of NARTH, and contends that homosexuality is nothing more than a conscious choice he says:
if homosexuality is a choice, freely made by the individual just as the choice of picking up a cigarette, then it is a sin. Because of the grave nature of homosexuality, the condition itself is sinful, contrary to whatever the Catechism may say.
Hi ByzCath!Eric seems to be unable to see that one does not choose to be tempted but that one chooses to accept and respond to a temptation.
All in an attempt to discredit a doctor whose opinion I guess he disagrees with.
I would also note that Fix supplied a link refuting Eric’s claim that the same doctor was expelled from the APA while Eric has not supplied any proof that the doctor was expelled or why he was expelled (if he was at all).
So how does this absolve the APA from schizophrenia?Hi Brad!
Those two original people, Dr. Nicolosi and Dr. Soccarides enjoy the full privileges of membership in their respective fields even though they maintain homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured. Dr. Cameron does not. Dr. Cameron was not expelled due to his opinions, but rather due to the poor quality of his research.
Hi fix!The quote from Cameron does not seem that unreasonable, in fact, it seems logical.
The CCC says homosexual actions are sinful and the condition itself is a moral disorder, but not sinful.
I cannot follow your thoughts on this matter.
Hi Brad!So how does this absolve the APA from schizophrenia?
It is based on their stances on various issues. It has nothing to do with Cameron himself.Hi Brad!
In order to posit institutional schizophrenia, you would have to show that the reason he was expelled was for his opinions and not his research methods, at which point you would have a case.