Hi Brad!It is based on their stances on various issues. It has nothing to do with Cameron himself.
Which conflicting issues?
Hi Brad!It is based on their stances on various issues. It has nothing to do with Cameron himself.
Yeah, they should be in the risk pool like anyone else who chooses a high risk lifestyle.To go off on a different tangent, are the insurance companies going to start charging higher premiums for homosexuals? Smokers pay a higher premium, if they can get insurance, the overweight pay higher premiums…
Hi ChrisR246!To go off on a different tangent, are the insurance companies going to start charging higher premiums for homosexuals? Smokers pay a higher premium, if they can get insurance, the overweight pay higher premiums…
See, they need the current PC climate to advance their agenda, an agenda that will have the rest of us paying for the consequences of their lifestyle. That is why the agenda has to be shutdown right now, before Congress makes a law forcing the insurance companies to cover them.Hi ChrisR246!
Smokers and the obese take a significant amount of time to develop the diseases they are subject to. The onset of the STDs normally contracted by a homosexual are lightning quick, and not likely to give the insurance company much time to accumulate payments before they must make payments on their extremely expensive therapies. Strictly speaking, they would not be insurable at all.
Why is this theory bad? Many may choose homosexual conduct and lead a “gay” lifestyle. I cannot see this theory as incompatible with Catholic teaching? Not all passions are ordered toward the good. Some may have passions that lead them to want to choose “gay” conduct.Hi fix!
Cameron argues that homosexuality is a condition that is freely and willfully chosen. That decision, and the resulting temptations that flow from it, are therefore sinful. In order to be released from the sin, the individual must make the same choice for a heterosexual orientation at which point the temptations would cease. The individual therefore continues to make a sinful choice as long as he is subject to the temptation, even if he never acts upon it.
“Gay obituaries”? The mind boggles.The study, entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, has been published in Psychological Reports
Hi fix!Why is this theory bad? Many may choose homosexual conduct and lead a “gay” lifestyle. I cannot see this theory as incompatible with Catholic teaching? Not all passions are ordered toward the good. Some may have passions that lead them to want to choose “gay” conduct.
You concluded all that from Cameron’s words?Hi fix!
This theory is bad because it expressly contradicts the Church’s teaching that homosexuality, separate from the sexual acts, is without sin. Homosexuality is now a condition that is freely and willfully chosen with full knowledge and gravely immoral. All the conditions infallibly set by the Magisterium for a mortal sin are thus met and the condition therefore becomes a sin. To have even a fleeting homosexual temptation is a sin because the conditions under which one would be subject to the temptation are in all cases chosen.
Therefore, salvation is not available to those who have a homosexual temptation. They must choose to be rid of it in the same way they *choose *to be subject to it. Not to make this choice and to persist in the temptation is obstinacy in sin which the Church defines as a sin against the Holy Spirit.
Hi fix!You concluded all that from Cameron’s words?
Eric,Hi fix!
Cameron argues that homosexuality is a condition that is freely and willfully chosen. That decision, and the resulting temptations that flow from it, are therefore sinful. In order to be released from the sin, the individual must make the same choice for a heterosexual orientation at which point the temptations would cease. The individual therefore continues to make a sinful choice as long as he is subject to the temptation, even if he never acts upon it.
Hi ByzCath!Eric,
How does this work for you?
Homosexuality is a condition that is freely and willfully chosen but a person who has homosexual tendencies (or urges) is not a homosexual. A homosexual is one who indulges those tendencies (or urges).
Just as a person who has thought of theft is not a theive, who has thought of murder, is not a murder, who has thought of suicide, is not dead, who has thought of any number of sins yet is not guilty of any of them.
Hi ByzCath!
I have a number of problems with this. If a man who experiences same-sex attractions is only a homosexual if he acts upon it, what is he if he doesn’t? Is his sexuality somehow less disordered? Does he cease to have the mental disorder that homosexuality is argued to be? Is an active homosexual only a homosexual at the point when he engages in the illicit sexual activity and something else when he is occupied with some other activity?
Seems you then have issues with what the Church teaches on this matter.
I stand with the Church.
I think your problem is that you are trying to link together two things that do not necessarily fit together. The opinions of a doctor of psychology (who we do not even know is Catholic) and the Catholic Church which is dealing with spirituality and not psychology.
You also seem to want to define a man solely based on his sexuality.
So I guess you think everyone is denied salvation becuase we all are tempted.
Hi ByzCath!Seems you then have issues with what the Church teaches on this matter.
I stand with the Church.
I think your problem is that you are trying to link together two things that do not necessarily fit together. The opinions of a doctor of psychology (who we do not even know is Catholic) and the Catholic Church which is dealing with spirituality and not psychology.
You also seem to want to define a man solely based on his sexuality.
So I guess you think everyone is denied salvation becuase we all are tempted.
Hi seeker63!Two questions for Other Eric–
Is a man with same sex attraction a homosexual if he, say, masturbates while thinking of another man or looking at pornography or something, or only if he engages in a sexual act with another man?
I know that in Rome they’ve been working on some documents about gay priests and that gay men should not be allowed to become priests, but should men with SSA who don’t act on those feelings enter the priesthood?
Well, your conclusions do not make any sense. From what you have posted Cameron is saying many people choose to be homosexual. That is probably true in many cases. That does not mean they are denied salvation, unless they do not repent.Hi fix!
Cameron’s words and Church teaching. Yes.
Hi fix!Well, your conclusions do not make any sense. From what you have posted Cameron is saying many people choose to be homosexual. That is probably true in many cases. That does not mean they are denied salvation, unless they do not repent.
The corollary to this position is that homosexuals, as a group, are responsible for whatever sexual temptations they face as a result of their conscious, selfish decision to be a homosexual. The only way out is to make the conscious decision not to be a homosexual and it is a choice that can be made even without the aid of psychology.
So the decision to be subject to a homosexual temptation is completely within a man’s control as far as Dr. Cameron is concerned. A decision to remain in this state is a decision to choose a “tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil” and therefore must be sinful. In sum: Only if you are straight are you saved if one is going to uncritically accept the twisted positions of Dr. Cameron.