Other Eric:
The quotes in your last post of Cameron’s words in no way contradict Church teaching.
You are assigning a position to the man that he has not said he maintians. It is all your inferences that lead you to assert your position, not Cameron’s words.Hi fix!
Cameron is not saying that homosexuality is chosen in most cases. He’s saying that the very nature of homosexuality requires it to be definitively chosen in every case. He’s saying that this fact invalidates NARTH’s psychological model.
The corollary to this position is that homosexuals, as a group, are responsible for whatever sexual temptations they face as a result of their conscious, selfish decision to be a homosexual. The only way out is to make the conscious decision not to be a homosexual and it is a choice that can be made even without the aid of psychology.
So the decision to be subject to a homosexual temptation is completely within a man’s control as far as Dr. Cameron is concerned. A decision to remain in this state is a decision to choose a “tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil” and therefore must be sinful. In sum: Only if you are straight are you saved if one is going to uncritically accept the twisted positions of Dr. Cameron.
The quotes in your last post of Cameron’s words in no way contradict Church teaching.