When we see a child in our society being emotionally neglected, many of us feel deeply about that child, and we act with great empathy. But when that child grows older and becomes sexually promiscuous due to his or her emotional deprivation, we value the notion of free will so greatly and act as though the now grown person is fully responsible, and simply chose to become promiscuous.
As a psychologist who studied child development and child abuse for several years, I no longer can be a believer in free will in a stricter sense. Yes, there may be situations where are truly free to choose, by in large, we are products of our environment and genetic and spiritual makeup. The above is just one example.
As a psychologist who studied child development and child abuse for several years, I no longer can be a believer in free will in a stricter sense. Yes, there may be situations where are truly free to choose, by in large, we are products of our environment and genetic and spiritual makeup. The above is just one example.