I have no idea who this man is, so why should I listen to him?
Well, she does appear to be levitating.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
So you think this is demonic?
Jimmy Akin addresses this idea:No, it was agreed upon around 330 AD-ish. And as shepherds aren’t out in the dead of winter anywhere, it’s unlikely December is correct.
That seems reliable, authoritative, and infallible… (sigh)
There are far more opinions on the subject than one person’s. It’s a fairly interesting debate.Jimmy Akin addresses this idea:
Do sheep prove that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th? – Jimmy Akin
Its origins, as we know it, are in a Gaelic/Celtic harvest festival. It didn’t start out as Christian.Halloween’s origins are purely Christian. All Souls Day Eve. That’s it. Now, it’s been corrupted by noon Christian influences. But it’s origin is not pagan.
I’m not bothering either, because…who is this dude, again? And why/how is he an authority?You don’t have to listen to him; the reply wasn’t directed towards you.
There’s a link here to a website about Christian Yoga by Fr. Jean-Marie Déchanet …I converted to Catholicism 4 years ago. It has been the best 4 years of my life! However, I have a dilemma. I was diagnosed, treated, and am now in remission from ovarian cancer. I need some sort of gentle exercise. I used to do yoga and enjoyed the relaxing effects along with the stretching and flexibility I gained. I do understand that yoga postures are paying homage to certain gods and therefore we cannot participate. I have no problem with that. I do need something else, though.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you!