Young daughter wants to marry a Muslim!

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I didn’t read through all the replies but just the age gap alone and the fact that you seem caught off guard alarms me.

I agree with some posters that you need to know the man. Have a long engagement perhaps. She’s an ‘adult’ yes, (using that term loosely because 19 is still a teenager to me and literally everyone here), but I don’t see how this engagement can be a good idea if he didn’t even bother meeting you at all!
Actually, the first concern is whether the man intends to marry her only under sharia, and only for a brief time.

I knew a friend of a friend who married sharia only, and then found herself sharia divorced when he went back home. The local sharia court was not interested in awarding her any damages or giving her any help, and under U.S. and state law she did not even count as common law married. Needless to say, she felt humiliated.
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Shariah permits a man to beat his wife, as it says in surah 4:34 of the Qur’an. I’m not saying that that man would do that, but he does have the option of doing it.
I dont believe the Church permits any other religious marriage… in cases where the Bishop permits a Christian to Marry a non-Christian.
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In practice, the dispensation by the bishop is pretty routine. If the priest who is going to marry them sends the paperwork in, it will be granted. It’s going to be on the priest to counsel the couple about all the issues that have been raised. If, in fact, they are issues.
I’d be shocked if the bishop entertained commentary from the parents of adult children.
You are probably right. Routine doesn’t mean wise. Annulments are routine as well.

I doubt the Bishop or the priest will have much skill at discerning the relationship. That would take using a gift of the Spirit, and boldness… and indeed suffering.

Yet what if the couple doesn’t care about the Catholic Church?
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If they don’t care about the Church, then the whole point will be moot. They won’t be meeting with a priest, much less applying for a dispensation.

If this is a real scenario (about which I’m doubtful), then the OP needs to tread carefully here so that he does not permanently damage or lose his relationship with his daughter.
Well it won’t be “moot” for the father. His daughter will be living in fornication. Which is a hardship on a loving heart!

He will still be her father and want her to be right with God.

The point is to keep his relationship with Jesus FIRST!

Help her understand the Teachings of Jesus and that he will always support the faith, while having hope that her husband turns to Jesus.
I didn’t mean it would be moot for the father – but moot for the point of dispensation.
One of the greatest “trophies” for a religion that believes that Jesus was a great prophet but Mohammed was greater is to marry a Catholic and convert them. Similarly Mormons and Jehovah’s witness target Cahtolic for the same purpose.
It is in 1000 nights and a night ( a Persian work where Christians are treated like dirt), and in many cases in the Koran where Christians are called infidels throughout. Also if your read the 40 Hadith.
Yeah. Citing a fairytale helps .
It is written in the quran that a christian woman has the right to stay a practicing christian after the marriage. The only problem is the faith of the Kids, which chooses the father.
This never works in countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran where they obviously have no such right. Fairy tale aside, reality of Christian persecution comes to the fore.
I’m the daughter of a Persian Muslim father and a Christian French/German mother. I was raised Christian, I am active in my parish, my father loves me.
Mine is not the only case.
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